I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 66 The Benefits Of Lin Fei Are About To Go Against The Sky! Florida Does Not Support Idlers!

Then Lin Fei's existence was indeed a risk!

Although there was no direct evidence to prove that Lin Fei had any connection with the rabbit government.

But a major decision like the trade war!

Even the slightest bit of danger could not be ignored.

The president was swayed by Williams' words!

He looked at the other senior officials around him and said.

"Speaker Williams' words are not without reason. What does everyone think?

Should we continue to support Lin Fei in the mid-term elections? "


A pin drop could be heard!

No one at the scene spoke. The senior officials of Party B wished that Lin Fei could be expelled from the Hundred Palaces as soon as possible.

And the big shots of Party A were worried that Lin Fei would affect the trade war.

"Since no one has any objections, then when Lin Fei comes back, transfer him away from the security consultant and arrange for him to work in other states!"

The president did not completely listen to Williams' words.

He directly removed Lin Fei from his position.

After all, Lin Fei's carbon emissions destruction was a deal with Party A.

Now, Lin Fei had succeeded.

Instead, they betrayed Lin Fei. Then, who would dare to help Party A in the future?


"Then let Lin Fei go to Florida!"

Williams was indignant.

He was obviously not satisfied with the president's arrangement for Lin Fei.

But he had no choice.

Lin Fei was different from the past!

If it were not for the national strategy of the trade war, he would not be able to move Lin Fei.

It was also good to transfer Lin Fei to other states.

At the very least, he would be far away from the center of power in America.

The mid-term elections!

Lin Fei wanted to join Congress? Dream on!

And the reason why Lin Fei was sent to Florida was very simple.

Florida did not raise idle people, and the Darwin Award did not award living people.

The natives of America in this state were all f * cking weirdos!

There were tens of millions of international weirdos in America, and half of them were from Florida!

For example, there was a guy from Florida who sneaked into his neighbor's house in the middle of the night!

He did not steal, rob, or harm anyone. He just wanted to shave someone else's cat. In the end, he was beaten up and sent to prison after being found out!

Another example was a guy from Florida who climbed over the wall in the middle of the night to play with his friend in prison. In the end, he was locked up and fined after being found out.

Another example was a man from Florida who was unhappy with his neighbor and took the initiative to fight with him.

When he learned that his neighbor was allergic to peanuts, he smeared peanut butter on his hands in advance.

In the end, the peanut butter didn't work. Not only did the neighbor not have an allergic reaction, but he was also knocked to the ground.

The more the man thought about it, the angrier he became. So, he took the peanut butter to a testing agency for testing. The results showed that there was no trace of peanuts in the peanut butter. The man was so angry that he sued the manufacturer and finally received a compensation of 200,000 yuan.

The above was still acceptable!

What was even weirder was …

There was a guy from Florida who was arrested after the police found thousands of illegal photos on his computer.

The old man kept shouting that he was wronged. The photos were all made by cats. The police didn't believe his nonsense at first.

However, as the investigation deepened, they found that during the period when the photos were downloaded, his brother had sufficient alibis.

The cat's footprints were also extracted from the keyboard and mouse. Through the surveillance camera at home, they could even see the entire scene of the cat making illegal photos.

In the end, his brother was acquitted, but his cat was arrested for spreading cat porn.

In the Buddha State!

It doesn't matter if you're a human or a ghost. You can be broke, but you can't be broke!

This directly caused the entire Buddha State's AB faction to be unable to control them.

This state's votes were the most difficult to settle in history!

F * ck!

This group of old men didn't look at the candidate's level when they voted. It was all based on the candidate's performance!

The only one who could control the Buddha State for so many years!

It was the previous nation's founding!

This guy was considered an idol-level politician in the Buddha State!

As for the others!

It was all nonsense!

It was precisely because of this ecological environment.

Therefore, the entire Buddha State's political factions were complicated and chaotic.

There was even a town in the Buddha State whose mayor was a dog!

That's right!

The residents of this town chose a dog to be their mayor.

It had been passed down for several generations.

Now, that person had been mayor for nine years and had yet to abdicate.

It was such a weird place.

Lin Fei was there. No matter how awesome he was, what could he do?

He could even participate in the mid-term elections and join Congress!

Dream on!

Unless he could control this group of Buddha State weirdos and become the governor of Buddha State.

He could only have a chance to enter Congress if he directly participated in the Senate election as the governor.

However, this was impossible!

In the entire history of America, there had never been a Chinese senator.

And there had never been a senator as young as Lin Fei!

Not to mention a senator!

In the entire history of America, there had only been one Chinese governor.

In America!

There were many Chinese businessmen!

There were many celebrities!

There were even more rich people.

But when it came to America's politics.

The Chinese were far from worth mentioning.

If Lin Fei could be the governor of Buddha State, then he could be the president of America!

"Mr. President, it's not good to transfer Lin Fei to Buddha State!

The Chief Judge of the Alliance, Ryan, spoke!

He had tried his best to persuade Lin Fei to destroy carbon emissions at the Freemasons' banquet.

He had even told Lin Fei the core of carbon emissions.

So speaking of which …

He could be considered responsible.

Moreover, in a capitalistic country like America, one had to have a home before the country.

The home here was not the home of ordinary people.

It was the family!

If there was anything that could be more important than national strategy …

It was definitely the family interests of a large capitalistic family.

Why was Williams so angry?

This was not because the speaker had a strong sense of patriotism.

In the end, it was because his family head had been messed with by Lin Fei. The loss was too serious.

And the family behind Ryan …

Their main direction was industrial processing and production!

It could be said that Lin Fei's actions were beneficial to his family!

In addition, they were both Freemasons and felt guilty towards Lin Fei.

That was why Chief Judge Ryan pleaded for Lin Fei.


What do you mean! "

Williams glared at Clayon. He was about to explode from anger!

This was the trouble of Lin Fei joining the Freemasons.

They were both upper-class celebrities.

Even if you wanted to mess with him, you would be obstructed by others.

"William, it's too arbitrary to say that Lin Fei is involved with Rabbit without any evidence!"

As he spoke, Ryan looked at the President.

"Mr. President, I suggest that we wait for Lin Fei to come back and let him explain himself.

"And even if Lin Fei is transferred away, he should decide where to go!"

"Otherwise, it would be disappointing to transfer him away!"

The two high-level big shots each had their own opinions.

The President was also in a difficult position.

In the end, the President slammed the table.


Stop arguing! "

"The trade war has entered the final stage of preparation!"

"State affairs are more important!"

"There's no need to give Lin Fei a chance to explain. I've decided to transfer Lin Fei away from the officials."

"As for where to go, we'll wait for Lin Fei to come back and choose for himself!"

With the President's decision!

Williams and Ryan did not say anything else.

On the other side!

Lin Fei had already returned to his own manor.

This trip.

Lin Fei had gained too much!

Not only did he severely harm Williams and his family, but he also completely destroyed the environmental protection girl and unified the world's environmental protection organization!

Now, Lin Fei was on the Internet.

He was the only spokesperson for environmental protection!

His crazy fans were even more fanatical than the environmental protection girl!

The video of him scolding Ou Meng's representatives at the environmental protection conference was even more popular.

For many consecutive days!

Lin Fei's fans had exceeded 17 million and were approaching the 20 million mark!


Riding on Lin Fei's popularity.

Lin Fei's businesses were also developing rapidly!

Olivia used the investment bank that the Freemasons had given to Lin Fei to gain a foothold on Wall Street.

The businesses that the other Freemasons had given to Lin Fei!

They had also been completely developed into economic industries!

The private island in the Maldives had been turned into a tourist destination.

When they heard that the boss behind it was Lin Fei.

The reservation for this small island had been scheduled for ten years later!

Among them, Rabbit alone accounted for 67% of the tourists!

Not only that.

The tens of thousands of acres of farms that the Prince of the Royal Family had given to Lin Fei had become the supplier of the world's chain supermarkets.

The sales channels were distributed all over the world.

Especially the East Asian region!

As long as Lin Fei's name was mentioned, it was equivalent to a customs clearance document!

The East Asian countries led by Rabbit!

It was a green light all the way!

All kinds of taxes and fees were waived.

Olivier had calculated it before!

The average profit per kilogram of fresh milk in Lin Fei's farms was eight times that of the world's fresh milk!

And these tens of thousands of acres of farms.

The daily milk production was more than 500,000 tons!

And that was not including other agricultural by-products!

Lin Fei's current earning speed could no longer be described as earning a lot of money every day.

The speed of his businesses earning money was faster than printing money!

Not only that!

When Lin Fei was still abroad.

The top producers of Hollywood went to Lin Fei's manor in advance to make an appointment and invited Lin Fei to participate in the recording of the show.

There were even top companies that wanted Lin Fei to act as a guest star!

Jianqiao, Niu Tendon, Harvard, these world-class famous schools.

They all sent Lin Fei invitations!

Honorary professor!

Guest professor!

There were too many titles to count.

Even the Nobel Prize selection committee had sent Lin Fei an invitation to be nominated!

Being nominated and being nominated were not the same concept.

Being nominated was much simpler!

As long as one applied, many people could be nominated!

But being nominated was equivalent to entering the finals!

Those who could enter were all world-class celebrities.

This was the strength of the upper-class celebrities!

As long as you were strong enough, all avenues would be opened to you.

Of course!

All the gains above added together could not compare to the benefits that Rabbit had given Lin Fei.

Before Lin Fei left.

Rabbit's representative had once sent someone to contact Lin Fei.

After Lin Fei's situation was reported to the higher-ups.

Rabbit specially designed a detailed development strategy according to Lin Fei's situation!

Whether it was the development of the economic industry, the development of the political career, or the development of the upper-class identity.

They all had extremely professional top-notch teams.

They helped Lin Fei design.

In the economic industry!

As the nouveau riche rabbit, whose GDP was second only to America's, it set up all kinds of preferential policies for Lin Fei.

It could successfully ensure that Lin Fei established his own industry.

And in the political career.

Rabbit's top-notch team did not recommend Lin Fei to participate in the House of Representatives election.

Looking at the entire America.

The House of Representatives' authority.

But in real life.

Right in front of the higher-ups.

The authority of the House of Representatives could be ignored!


Rabbit's top team helped Lin Fei design a curve to save the country.

That is …

Enter the state government and run for governor!

According to America's system!

Other than the Hundred Palaces, Capitol Hill, the Federal Supreme Court, and the Four Corners, these top leaders of the pyramid.

The highest official position was that of a senator.

They were equivalent to the feudal officials of ancient times.

Every state had two senators, and the entire Eagle had a total of 100 senators!

Below the Senator.

It was the governor!

Back then, the famous tough guy star Arnold had been elected as the governor of California.

Compared to the House of Representatives elections on Capitol Hill.

The difficulty of becoming a governor was not that high.

That was because the election of the governor was decided by each state!

Lin Fei was a Chinese!

Even if he was very popular, had a huge number of fanatical fans, and was the spokesperson of environmental protection all over the world.

However, in America, the support rate for the Chinese had always been very low.

Furthermore, not all Eagle Sauce people were environmentalists. Many of them even hated that group of extreme environmentalists.

Therefore, instead of participating in the election of the House of Representatives, it was easier for Lin Fei to participate in the election of the governor.

Obtaining the support of all the people of America and the people of a state in America.

The difficulty was obvious.

As for the state government!

After analysis, Rabbit's top professional team recommended three candidates for Lin Fei!

The first was Texas!

This state could be said to be the most famous unfilial son of America.

Their ancestors almost succeeded in splitting up the family!

Now, as long as they were not satisfied, they would shout that they wanted to split up.

Therefore, the people of this state had the lowest sense of belonging to America.

Of course!

Texas did not like America, and they would not like Lin Fei!

Overall, Texas was more closed and did not like outsiders. Moreover, it was extremely chaotic.

Why was the saw murderer from Texas?

It was actually to say that the people of Texas were valiant!

The second state was California!

This state was actually the most suitable for Lin Fei!

Because in America, California was also known as the Virgin State, the Sunshine State!

This state had the most environmental organizations and Virgin Mary people.

More than 70% of the Virgin Mary people in America were probably born here.

Lin Fei also had the most fans in California.


California had the biggest problem!

They were the people who belonged to America the most.

They thought that America was the lighthouse of the world, and they wanted to shine their light on the world.

Therefore, Lin Fei came here.

The problem he faced was also smaller than Texas.

The last recommendation!

Even Rabbit's representative was very hesitant when he told Lin Fei!

Because he was a little embarrassed to say it.

It was only after Lin Fei urged him for a long time that Rabbit's representative reluctantly told Lin Fei.

That was the state that America could not control the most — Florida!

The reason why Rabbit's top team recommended Florida!

There was only one reason.

If there was a miracle in America, it could only happen in Florida.

In this state!

Even a dog could be elected as the mayor.

It was not strange to choose a Chinese as the governor.

Lin Fei was also very speechless with this reason.

Other than these three states, the other states were firmly controlled by America's A and B.

Moreover, there were political families that had been around for many years.

For example, the president who was re-elected a few years ago was born in Massachusetts.

And this state!

It was also their family's headquarters.

If Lin Fei went to this state, let alone elected governor.

He would probably be ostracized even if he was a clerk.

In the end!

Even though Lin Fei had already returned to the manor.

He had not thought about which state to go to!

The main reason was that he could not think of any reason to leave Hundred Palace!

If he did not want to be a security consultant and suddenly applied to leave Hundred Palace, it would not make sense!

Just as Lin Fei was in a dilemma.

Hundred Palace's staff came to Lin Fei's manor and invited Lin Fei to Hundred Palace to meet the president.

Along the way!

Lin Fei was still thinking about how to explain to the president when he entered the president's office.

He saw the Speaker of Capitol Hill, Alliance Chief Judge Ryan, Hundred Palace's chief of staff, and even the General of the Quadrangle gathered together.

Something big happened on the 11th? "

Lin Fei frowned. He felt that something had happened!

Especially Williams!

Looking at Lin Fei's expression, it was 80% mockery and 20% sarcasm. He looked like a villain who had succeeded.

"Could it be that my relationship with Rabbit has been exposed?"

Thinking of this, Lin Fei's expression darkened.

"Consultant Lin, you've worked hard this time!"

The president of Hundred Palace did not want to speak directly. After all, he was the one who asked Lin Fei to go to the environmental protection conference.

Lin Fei's face darkened and he did not say anything. He sat there and waited.

The group of big shots looked at each other and did not know what to say for a moment.

Especially the General of the Quadrangle. Lin Fei's actions had no interest in the Quadrangle.

They did not support transferring Lin Fei away. They even said that Lin Fei should join the Quadrangle.

Of course!

This suggestion was directly rejected by the president!

"Don't you all want to be good people?"


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