I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 84: The Thoroughly Rising Eagle Sauce Overlord! Baigong Capitol Hill Surrendered【1216】

"Mr. President!"

"Do you think that I don't know that you're hiding behind the Capitol Hill?!"

Hearing Lin Fei's words!

The expressions of the president and the group of A-faction big shots from the Hundred Palace changed!

Not good!

Lin Fei was about to ascend to the position of the overlord of America!

Was he going to start his revenge?


This was the latest progress in the removal of the governor in Florida!

Everyone knew that Lin Fei's ascension to the top was close at hand!

The Hundred Palace could restrain Deputy Governor Lin, who was the underground emperor of Florida!

However, the Hundred Palace had to be cautious when facing Lin Fei, who had truly become the overlord of a state!

The difference between the two was too great!

"Mr. Lin Fei, what are you talking about!

The Hundred Palace also has its difficulties! "

The president's tone softened!

Now was the critical moment in the battle against the rabbit!

And they were facing the upcoming mid-term elections!

The Hundred Palace had to stabilize the rise of this new overlord of America!



Hehe! "Lin Fei's voice was filled with mockery.

"It seems that I, Lin Fei, am insensible and can't understand the president's difficulties?"

Lin Fei did not choose to deal with Williams like he did with Williams.

He wanted to fall out with the president of the Hundred Palace!

Although Lin Fei knew that the Florida judicial transition was a trap set by the rabbit boss.

The Hundred Palace was also the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, he could not offend the officials and the Capitol Hill at the same time!

Even if he rose to become the overlord of Florida!


In a capitalistic country like America where class differences were obvious!


Then he would have the treatment of an overlord!

As expected!

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the president and the big shots of the Hundred Palace A faction clearly understood what Lin Fei meant.

In the past, you tricked me because I didn't have enough status!

Now, I'm going to be the overlord!

The Hundred Palace will give me the treatment of Lin Fei's overlord!


Governor Lin Fei!

You are the most outstanding governor of America. Your contributions to Florida are obvious to all! "

The president's address of Lin Fei changed from Mr. Lin Fei to Governor Lin Fei!

Don't underestimate a title!

"297" represented Lin Fei's overlord status and received the recognition of the top big shots of the Hundred Palace!

"Don't worry!

This kind of thing will never happen again! "

"We can also understand Governor Lin Fei's difficulties!"

"Like this!"

"In order to congratulate Governor Lin Fei for successfully dethroning George, the Hundred Palaces will establish two institutions of higher learning in Florida!

Furthermore, the Office of the President will directly allocate funds to support Buddha State's finances! "


The president also added, "The mining rights of the two oil mines in Florida will be transferred to the Florida government!"

Establishing institutions of higher learning!

It was equivalent to a reserve of talents!

Financial appropriation!

In ancient times, it was equivalent to bestowing the title of a border official!

Especially the mining rights of the last mine!

Rather than saying that it was transferred to the Florida State Government, it was better to say that it was directly given to Lin Fei's private property!

An oil mine!

This was liquid gold that was commonly used all over the world!

Many people thought that Damao was the world's largest crude oil base!

But in reality!

The amount of oil stored in America's territory was ranked in the top three in the world!


America's territory was an oil mine, and it was controlled by all sorts of big shots. They didn't know how to mine at all.

How could it be more convenient to mine mine than to rob someone else's mine?

There was an even more important point!

America had bound US dollars and oil together, forming the joy of oil!

Controlling oil was equivalent to controlling the world's currency in disguise!

The value of the two oil mines given to Lin Fei by Hundred Palace was equivalent to two banknote printing factories!

This thing!

This was the f * cking treatment that an overlord should have!


How much could he earn?

With an oil mine that was bound to the currency, as long as the mine didn't dry up, Lin Fei's wealth would never dry up!


In the eyes of an overlord, it was just a piece of scrap paper!



This was the capital that allowed an overlord to stand at the top of the pyramid!

"Thank you for your praise, Mr. President!

I, Lin Fei, am ashamed to accept it! "

Lin Fei took advantage of the situation to get off the donkey!

The benefits this time were richer than he had imagined!

Even Lin Fei was a little puzzled. Why was Hundred Palace willing to spend so much capital?!

That's a mine, ah!

How could Hundred Palace be willing to give it to him?

"Governor Lin Fei is the youngest and most promising governor in America!

He deserves all of this! "

The president was polite with his words!

However, he was cursing Lin Fei in his heart. F * ck!

This kid's face changed really quickly!

However, this time, the super-standard appeasement of Lin Fei was naturally not only because Lin Fei had become an overlord.

There was also the problem of Lin Fei's attitude!

"Governor Lin Fei, since the matter has been arranged!"

"Don't interfere in this judicial overreach!"

"We will arrange for the rabbit's technology boss to be tried in other states!"

"This is a national strategy!"

After appeasing Lin Fei, the president revealed his true purpose.

That was an economic war against the rabbit!

Lin Fei could not interfere!

Through this incident, Hundred Palace could now be sure.

Lin Fei's identity was not a problem, but the act of kissing the rabbit was serious.

If it was before, Hundred Palace was willing to cooperate with Capitol Hill to remove Lin Fei from his position and control him.

Now, Lin Fei had become an overlord.

The only way was to not let Lin Fei be a citizen.

It was the best arrangement for the Hundred Palace to let him be a border official in the Buddha Prefecture.

"A national strategy!

I can stay out of it! "

Lin Fei's calm voice came from the other side of the phone.

To get Lin Fei's attitude.

The big shots of Hundred Palace's A faction heaved a sigh of relief. That's great!

However, Lin Fei followed up with another sentence.

"But I want the rabbit's technology boss!"


The atmosphere that had eased up instantly froze!

Lin Fei had taken the benefits, but he wanted to turn hostile. This made the big shots of Hundred Palace's faces turn extremely ugly!

"Governor Lin Fei!

What did you say? "

The president's words also turned cold.

This was a matter of principles and bottom line!!!

"I said, I, Lin Fei, want the rabbit's technology boss!"

"I can stay out of the national strategy, but that old dog Williams set a trap for me with the rabbit's technology boss!"


I want it! "


The sudden reason stunned the Hundred Palace's big shots!

After all this time, this kid was still talking about the Capitol Hill's framing!

The Hundred Palace's big shots' tensed nerves relaxed.

As long as Lin Fei was not against the American economic war against the rabbit, it was fine.

However, the president was obviously not stupid!

He softened his tone and said, "Governor Lin Fei, this problem is also very difficult for Hundred Palace!

But … "

"But if you must do this, I suggest that you communicate with the Capitol Hill about this matter!"

"Now, the rabbit's technology boss is in the hands of the Capitol Hill."

The president was going with the flow.

He threw the hot potato, Lin Fei, directly to the Capitol Hill.

An overlord of Florida!

A speaker of the Capitol Hill!

The two of them could go ahead and fight. The fiercer the fight, the better!


"Thank you, Mr. President, for your support!"

At this moment, the percentage of Governor George's recall had reached 79.65%!!

In the Capitol Hill conference room!

Williams led a group of members of the Capitol Hill's B faction.

Their expressions were uglier than eating feces!

Hundred Palace had already restored Lin Fei's position as deputy governor. This also meant that Hundred Palace and Lin Fei, the new overlord, had reached a compromise!

"Mr. Speaker Williams!

Our plan this time has failed! "

"According to Hundred Palace's news, not only has Lin Fei been restored to his official position, but he has also obtained the mining rights of two oil mines in Florida!"

"Lin Fei, he … I'm afraid his position is unshakable!"

"The Internet is now saying that America's newest political family of the 21st century is about to appear!"

A political family!

This was a very iconic watershed at the top of America's pyramid!

Because of the election system!

America had been established for so many years, and there had been too many high-ranking officials.

And not all of these officials could stand at the top of the pyramid forever.

Just like the advice of the Freemasons' K class vice president, Alexander, to the Freemasons.


It was temporary!

And if they wanted to enjoy power forever!

They needed the so-called family inheritance!

In ancient times, there was also a saying that wealth could not last more than three generations!

There were many elites who had limitless prospects!

But it was hard to find a family that could last for a hundred years!

And if they wanted to establish a political family!

The biggest prerequisite was the first head of the family.

They had to become a true overlord level powerhouse!

"Speaker Williams, Lin Fei is too young!

He's only in his twenties this year! "

"Now, he's about to become the overlord of Florida!"

"He can develop for at least a few decades in the future!"

"Even if you don't think for yourself, you have to think for the future of your family!

The members of Capitol Hill tried to persuade Williams.

'What the f * ck!

'Why make an enemy out of a new overlord who is about to rise?

'What's more terrifying is that this overlord is still so young.

'You, Williams, are also an overlord boss!

'But how old are you?

'Lin Fei can outlast you!

'You're dead!

'Your family's younger generation might not be able to become an overlord and go against Lin Fei.

'This reason!

'Destroyed Williams' last line of defense!

'That's right!

'As the speaker of the Capitol Hill, I'm not afraid of Lin Fei, the overlord of Buddha!

'But what about my family's younger generation?

What about my nephews? '

After a long silence, Lu!

Williams summoned his secretary with difficulty.

"Contact Lin Fei!

I want to speak to him! "

Seeing that Williams finally agreed, the other members of the Capitol Hill heaved a sigh of relief!

'They finally convinced this stubborn speaker!

'It's really irrational to go against a young and new overlord like Lin Fei.

'Even if these politicians have been at the top of the pyramid for so many years!

'They've never met an opponent like Lin Fei.

'Ability, wit, and foresight aside!

'How ruthless!'

'The scariest thing is that being young can actually become a politician's trump card.

'It's f * cking unbelievable.'


I'm Lin Fei! "

The young and energetic voice resounded throughout the Capitol Hill conference room.

"I'm Williams!"

The voice of this big boss of the Capitol Hill was hoarse and lifeless.


"Gong … … Congratulations, Lin Fei!" Williams' voice was trembling!

He never dreamed that one day, he would talk to Lin Fei as an equal.


Congratulate me?

Congratulate me for what? "

"Congratulate me for removing your brother-in-law?"

Lin Fei's tone was mocking, obviously very dissatisfied with Williams.

The other members of the Capitol Hill felt their scalps go numb when they heard that!

'F * ck!'

'The most infuriating thing about this young overlord, Lin Fei, is that he's vengeful for the slightest grievance …'

'Playing games with him, regardless of whether you lose or lose …


'You'll definitely lose face!'

"You … …"

Williams was so angry that he frowned.

But when he thought of Lin Fei's status as an overlord on equal footing with him …

This overlord of the Capitol Hill tolerated it!

“ Lin Fei!

'You've successfully advanced!

You and I are on equal footing now! "

"I apologize to you on behalf of the Capitol Hill!"

"I hope you understand!"

From Williams's point of view, this was the first time he had seen such a thing.

'His's words of course!

He had indeed lost, but as a fellow overlord, he had not lost!

"I will immediately arrange for Capitol Hill to issue an announcement to cancel Florida's transition to the same law!"

"And announce to the public that this matter has nothing to do with you, completely clearing your name from public opinion!"

"As for the rabbits, we will also make an announcement!"

"Capitol Hill, we respect your recognition of your blood and your motherland!"

Williams's said a lot. "

The core meaning of this was a single sentence.

Now that you're an overlord, I'm not fighting anymore!

'' '' we's, we 'Lin, we', we 'Lin's, we's

'Lin'? "

'' Of 'Lin's Lin's tone

'Lin Lin' Lin Lin Lin Lin 'Lin Lin Lin' to him's

” Lin Fei!

The entire American political scene knows that you're a vengeful person who never loses out! "

"This time, Capitol Hill was in the wrong first!"

"Don't worry!

Of course, we won't compensate you! "

As he spoke, Williams called his secretary over and took out a document.

"I have ten House of Representatives seats for the mid-term election!"

"I'll allocate all of them to the Florida State for this mid-term election!"

"And the Texas base that I've mentioned before!"

"Our family owns three towns in Texas, 60% of the Texas livestock industry and 40% of the Texas energy industry!"

"These industries will be transferred to you!"

"I hope we'll stop here!"

Williams stated his terms for the peace negotiation.

Ten House of Representatives seats!

The Texas base!

In the eyes of outsiders, this was definitely a huge gift!

Especially these ten House of Representatives seats.

Lin Fei was the new overlord, but he didn't have the support of his family. His sphere of influence could only be limited to the Florida State.

If he wanted to establish a family.

He couldn't rely on just one person!

Lin Fei wanted to establish his own influence. Other than the connections of interests, the best way was to control more positions.

And these ten House of Representatives seats!

It could definitely bring Lin Fei's influence to a higher level.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Fei heard Williams's conditions.

There was no response.

Instead, he fell into a rare silence.

This made the Capitol Hill members present puzzled.

What was the meaning of this!

Lin Fei didn't respond?

It took him a full five minutes!

Williams's forehead was already sweating!

He asked again.

“ Lin Fei?

Do you agree?! "


At this moment, Lin Fei gave a reply that made the entire Capitol Hill explode!


I'll stab you next door! "

"Old dog!

Do you think I'm playing house with you?

Do you think I'll make a move just because you say so?


"You even f * cking gave me ten House of Representatives seats!"

"Old fart, I'm afraid you're old and blind!

I want to elect a House of Representatives seat. Is it your turn to give it to me? "

"Give me the Texas base!"

"You call that scrap metal of your family a base?"

Lin Fei completely didn't leave Williams any face!

This wasn't a live broadcast!

This was their private communication!

How could there be an overlord-level big shot that would curse at each other in private!

Especially Williams, this big shot of Capitol Hill, was stunned by Lin Fei's words?

It shouldn't be!

Why would it be like this?

As for Lin Fei!

Did he need Williams's help in the mid-term elections?

What a joke!

There were many people in Capitol Hill who had interests with him!

Did he need Williams's charity to get a few seats in the mid-term elections?

As for the Texas base, it was even more of a joke!

With the geographical location of Texas and Florida!

Including the relationship between the Texas governor and Lin Fei!

If Williams didn't give up those assets, Lin Fei wouldn't let it go either.

Of course!

None of this was the reason why Lin Fei rejected Williams's invitation to a truce.

The real reason was!

Since Lin Fei joined the Hundred Palace, Williams, that old dog, had taken the initiative to attack him countless times!

And Lin Fei!

It was always a passive counterattack!

A defensive counterattack!

In the past, Lin Fei couldn't do anything. The difference in status between him and Williams was too big.

But now!


It was time for Lin Fei to take the initiative in the true sense of the word!


At the moment when Williams attacked the rabbit technology big shot!

It was destined that Lin Fei and this big shot of Capitol Hill were!

They would fight to the death!

No one!

To be able to hurt Lin Fei's compatriots under Lin Fei's nose!

"Reporting to Governor Lin!"

"Recall of Governor George, 80.01%."

"Recall successful!"

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