I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 87: The Real Capital Boss Appears! Live Games That The World Cannot Touch! 【1516】

"I'm very young!"

"But America … is also very young!"

The blood flowing in Lin Fei's body!

It was the ancient civilization that had been passed down for thousands of years!

Although Lin Fei was young!

But Lin Fei's ancestors had given Lin Fei endless wisdom that had been passed down for thousands of years!

Who did Williams think he was?

Even if his ancestors' ancestral graves were included, would the things left for him be enough to write a book?

If Williams used other means to fight Lin Fei head-on!

Even if Lin Fei was backed by Florida!

He had the protection of public opinion!

As a new overlord!

Lin Fei did not have the confidence to win!

But he never thought that this old guy would actually compete with Lin Fei in terms of values!

What a coincidence!

Lin Fei had read the "Tao Te Ching" in his previous life!

The officials of Florida could not win against Lin Fei!

They had no choice but to obey!

In Florida!

Lin Fei's words had absolute authority!

When Williams received Lin Fei's challenge, he smiled proudly.

He knew it!

Lin Fei, this young man, was arrogant and unruly. He would definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Alright then!

Let this little brat fall in the land of capital!

At the same time!

The officials of Canada also made an announcement!

They announced to the public that they would be conducting a public prosecution against Rabbit's technology boss!

The results of the public prosecution!

They would decide whether to transfer Rabbit's technology boss to America through the judicial system.

This news!

It was like a nuclear bomb in the world!

It set off a huge wave!

Ordinary people did not understand what was going on. They thought that Canada finally looked like a country!

But the officials of the various countries were very clear.

This was the final battle between Lin Fei, the new overlord, and Williams, the old overlord!

It was the rise of a new overlord!

It was the glory of the old overlord!

All the answers!

After this public prosecution, it would be a foregone conclusion!

The officials of the various East Asian countries requested Canada to publicize this public prosecution!

Rabbit even requested Canada to invite ambassadors to participate.

But all of this!

They were all rejected!

Even the officials of the various countries in Ou Meng who requested to send ambassadors to participate were also rejected!

In other words!

Canada would become the arena of the new and old overlords of America!

The officials of the world!

No one was qualified to be the referee of this duel!

Then the real referee would be …

A super luxurious private manor that wasn't even marked on the map of the New York State!


You will represent the Rockefeller Family and participate in this prosecution! "


Father! "

A handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes calmly accepted the mission!

John is awesome!

The royal family!

"Prince Alexander, Lin Fei is the new member of the Freemasonry that you blessed back then, right?"

"Then this time, you will represent our royal family to go to Big Goose!"

"Oh, right!

Bring Y'lisabet along and let her see if she has any affinity with Lin Fei! "


A certain super large private island!


We're going to Canada! "


You represent our Morgan family! "

"I don't want Lin Fei to win!"

Huasheng State!


That kid named Lin Fei is your idol, right? "

"Then let's invite Big Goose this time!"

"You can go and take a look on behalf of the Rothschild Family!"

In the hidden world of capital!

Countless capital crocodiles, legendary corporations, and ancient families!

In a place where no one could see, he had received an invitation!

Even the countries in the world could not participate in this lawsuit!

But these capital crocodiles.

They only needed to send a representative!

They could become the referee for the battle between the old and new leading roles of America!

On the other side!

Williams immediately paid a visit to Canada as a member of America's Capitol Hill!

On the list of his entourage!

Lin Fei's name was on it!

The big shots of capital, government officials, and even the countries in the world.

They were all clear!

The two protagonists of this big show!

They appeared!

In fact!

Williams' entourage, other than Lin Fei, an American official.

There was no one else!

A speaker of Capitol Hill and a governor of Florida!

Two generals visiting Big Goose without an army?

Even an ordinary person could tell that something was wrong!

What's going on?

Why would Williams and Lin Fei visit Big Goose together at this time?!

I have a feeling that the Big Goose officials are hiding something!

My uncle used to be a diplomat. It's completely unreasonable for there to be only two people on a visit of this level!

That's right!

And they didn't say what they were going to do?

Could it be a one-on-one fight?

Then Mr. Lin Fei must beat this old dog to death!

That's why!

Could it be that they're going to participate in the prosecution of Big Goose against Rabbit Tech?

-Could it be that ….

A showdown?


That's probably it!

Are there any Big Goose netizens? Please keep an eye on the situation!

I'm in Big Goose!

And I'm working at the airport!

Let me tell you!

The protagonists are here!

The netizens' imaginations are scary!

As they talked about it one after another!

The news of Lin Fei and Williams' visit to Big Goose!

Almost all of it was speculated on the Internet!

There were even Big Goose netizens who took photos of the two of them getting off the plane!

For a moment!

Countless netizens' attention was focused on Big Goose.

But as the netizens paid attention to it!

More scalp-numbing information was exposed on the Internet.

F * ck!

Guess who I saw?

Princess Elizabeth!

She actually came to Big Goose!

Oh my god!

I work at a stock company!

I heard that the young master of the Rockefeller Financial Group also came yesterday!


F * ck!

Isn't this the legendary financial group behind the oil company?

Sh * t!

The five-star InterContinental Hotel where I work has been booked by one person!

It's said that he's the young master of JPMorgan Chase!


Do you know that all the top international hotels in Vancouver, the capital of Big Goose, are full?

No way!


Where did so many rich people come from!


It's not full at all!

It's a big shot who has arrived!

The hotels have been cleared!

Big shot?


All the international hotels?

In just a few days, they monopolized all the top hotels in Big Goose!

How many big shots have gone to Big Goose?

Oh my god!

My scalp is numb!

It's as if the world is about to change!

So many legendary top big shots have appeared!

Something big must have happened!

The netizens' premonition was accurate!

When the representatives of these top capitalists appeared in Big Goose at the same time …

Even the officials of Big Goose!

They were all very cautious.

The sparsely populated Big Goose was decorated with lanterns and colored banners in the capital of Vancouver, which was rare.

The main roads of all places!

All of them were cleaned up!

Moreover, the security of Vancouver had obviously increased by more than one level.

There were twice as many police officers patrolling the roads as usual.

Especially near the top hotels!

Well-equipped special police officers could be seen almost everywhere!

There were even a lot of security guards in suits with bright eyes and white earphones on their ears.

This unusual atmosphere!

Even the ordinary people living in Big Goose!

They could all feel that the situation was unusual.


It was the day of the prosecution of Rabbit Technology!

On this day!

For the first time, netizens all over the world saw what was called ostentation!

At the entrance of almost all the top hotels.

Rows of armored horses appeared to clear the way.

Behind the armored horses!

Followed by rows of black security vehicles!

And in the middle of the motorcade that was nearly a hundred meters long, there were all kinds of luxury cars that ordinary people had never seen in their lives!

Mercedes-Benz, BMW?

Lamborghini, Ferrari?

Koenigsegg Alfa?


None of them!

None of these luxury cars were brands that ordinary people had seen before.

Even the models!

They had never appeared on the market before!

A motorcade of this level, even if you saw it once, would probably be remembered for a long time.

And on the day of Rabbit Tech's prosecution!

Dozens of convoys of this level appeared in Canada.

It was also thanks to Canada's vast land and sparse population.

If it was a smaller country!

It probably wouldn't be able to handle so many high-end convoys appearing at the same time.

In the end!

These convoys were just as the netizens had expected!

They all rushed to the Supreme Court of Justice where Canada's down payment was!

"The Rockefeller family!

Mr. Rockefeller Oss has arrived!! "

In the Supreme Court of Justice!

The Supreme Court of Canada was acting as a doorman at this time!

Every time a capital representative entered the door.

He would call out the other party's name to show respect!

This was the privilege of the big shots standing at the top of the pyramid!

If capital had no class!

Then capital was meaningless!

"JPMorgan Chase Corporation!

Miss Morgan Tosi has arrived!! "

"Princess John Bull of the Royal Family!

Miss Elizabeth has arrived!! "

"Rothschild family!

Miss Rothschild-Al has arrived!! "

"Hilton Group!

Miss Hilton Paris has arrived! "

"Wall Street Flower (AJED) Flag Bank!

Mr. Sanford Weir has arrived!! "

"Freemasonry Vice President!

Mr. Alexander has arrived!!! "

"Illuminati representative!

Mr. Adam Reeves has arrived!! "

"Kenny family representative!

Mr. Kenny Dior has arrived! "

The list continued!

One after another, capital big shots that were enough to shock the world!

They appeared one by one!

Even the traditional American political family, the Kenny family, had sent a representative!

Lin Fei couldn't help but show shock!

He looked at Williams who was sitting across from him!

At this time, Williams was smiling proudly!

That's right!

These top capital crocodiles were all invited by him!

It wasn't that he had so much face!

It was a capital crusade!

This group of capital crocodiles were the real decision-makers!

What official!

What public opinion!

It couldn't compare to a single word from this group of people present!


They controlled more than 99% of the wealth and resources in the capital world!

The so-called two-eighty law on the Internet!

80% of the ordinary people and 20% of the rich!

It was a complete lie!

The ratio between ordinary people and top capitalists was 20: 8?

What a joke!

The top of the pyramid of capital could not accommodate so many footprints!

"Representative of the Skull and Bones Society!

Count Dracula has arrived! "

Another heavyweight boss had appeared on the scene!

Skull and Bones Order!

It was rumored that it was a super organization comparable to the Fairbright Society!

Count Dracula!

This name was practically a household name!

Lin Fei looked up!

Count Dracula's face was as white as a vampire's.

He didn't know that this brother was deliberately imitating his famous ancestor!

Or was it that their entire family had this problem?

Count Dracula seemed to have sensed Lin Fei's gaze and raised his pale face.

It was a pair of extremely terrifying eyes!

Even Lin Fei could feel a dark aura emanating from him.

It was said that the Skull and Bones Order believed in Satan!

Many of the cults that upper-class celebrities participated in had traces of the Skull and Bones Association.

The most famous one was Brother Tom from Hao Lai Wu!

It was said that Brother Tom was a member of the Skull and Bones Association.

"F * ck!"

"In the capital world, there are all kinds of f * cking bulls and horses!"

It was also Lin Fei's first time seeing so many legendary big shots. Consortiums!

When the last big shot representative entered the venue.

The Chief Judge personally closed the door.

This public prosecution!

Except for the capital representatives invited by Williams!

There were only three people present: Williams, Lin Fei, and the Chief Judge!

Even Rabbit, the technology big shot, was not present.

And after the door was closed.

The entire Judicial Court was surrounded by layers of security.


There were even special forces stationed to defend!

"Honorable Speaker Williams!

Governor Lin Fei! "

"The two of you can begin!"

The Chief Judge was like a tool, in charge of presiding over the process of this public prosecution.


Williams Orsala!

The direct heir of the Williams family! "

"Thank you for coming to the training hall!"

Williams stood up very politely!

He bowed to the group of capital representatives below the stage.

Even if it was to meet the president in the Hundred Palaces!

Lin Fei had never seen Williams so polite!

Even in his politeness, there was a hint of … humility?

“ Lin Fei!”

"Today, there are all the capital representatives present!"

"In front of all the representatives!"

"I hope you can make the right judgment!"

Williams' words were filled with meaning!

"Don't compare!

If you have something to say, say it!

If you have something to say, say it! "

Lin Fei's face was pulled down!

He didn't like this group of capital representatives to begin with!

A group of dignitaries who relied on robbing and exploiting ordinary people to survive!

What was there to pretend to be!

However, Lin Fei's simple and crude attitude!

It instantly attracted a wave of malicious gazes from below the stage!

Only the vice president of the Freemasonry!

Prince John shook his head helplessly.

This kid!

His temper was still the same as before!

Princess Elizabeth, who was beside him, was so disgusted that her face almost overflowed from the screen.

Was this the boyfriend that uncle introduced to her?

Barbaric and rude!

He didn't have the temperament of a noble at all.

The only good thing about him was that … he was handsome?

On the other hand, the representative of the Rothschild family, Ai 'er!

She looked at Lin Fei with admiration.

“ Lin Fei!

You … "

Williams didn't expect Lin Fei to be so rude and presumptuous in front of so many capital representatives!

He wanted to scold Lin Fei!

But when he saw Lin Fei's eyes that were filled with brutality!

He swallowed the rest of his words back into his stomach.

Damn it!

This kid was like a hothead, and he was ruthless. He didn't want to experience the death threat at the Freemasonry ceremony again.


Williams didn't hold back and directly started today's theme!

"Representatives of the capital!"

"In today's world, our capital is currently the only opponent!

It's the Rabbit from the East! "

"This country only took thirty years to do it!"

"It completed the industrial development that took hundreds of years for our capital world to complete, and it has a complete industrial system!"


The Rabbit's economy has already advanced to the second in the world!

It has exceeded 80% of the total amount of America! "

"According to the estimation of the Hundred Palace staff!"

"At most, in another twenty years!

The Rabbit will completely surpass America!

It will become the world's largest economy! "

"When that time comes, we will be powerless to stop the Rabbit's expansion!"

"As the foundation of our capital, America's Sauce, will also fall apart!

Williams's words weren't alarmist!!

Lin Fei's base was Florida!

But in the eyes of these top capitalists, America was the foundation of capital!

This superpower was the foundation of the capitalists' plundering of the world!

Many capital representatives below the stage had already nodded in agreement with Williams's words.


"Our Capitol Hill and the Hundred Palace think that we should immediately target the Rabbit and initiate sanctions!"

"And capturing the Rabbit's technology big shots!

That's our first step! "

"At present, the Rabbit's top-notch technology is still inferior to America's!"

"Capturing the Rabbit's technology big shots will restrict the Rabbit's high-tech development and ensure that our technology is ahead!"

"And through technological coercion!

We can restrict the Rabbit's economic development! "

"Use the technological barrier to make the Rabbit compromise with us!"

"Our ultimate goal!

It's to cut off the Rabbit's development, like a chicken in a basin, sign an agreement and stop its development! "

At this point!

Williams looked at Lin Fei fiercely.

Lin Fei's expression tensed!

He knew!

Williams was going to attack.

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