I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 89 Lin Fei's Suggestion! Reverse Output Values! Capital Predators Are Stunned! 【Seek Fu

The corners of Lin Fei's mouth curled up into a slight smile.

"I suggest that we remove the technological blockade on Rabbit, introduce Rabbit culture, and maintain a harmonious and friendly relationship with Rabbit!"


Lin Fei had not finished speaking!

A young man in the front row below the stage slammed the table and stood up!

The young man's expression was extremely gloomy!

He looked at Lin Fei with an extremely vicious gaze.

"You're Lin Fei?

"An insignificant person dares to be impudent here!

"I'll give you a chance!

"Apologize to everyone here!"

"Otherwise …"

The young man did not finish his sentence.

However, the capital representatives who knew the young man's identity had already guessed what he meant.

On the stage, Williams saw the young man open his mouth!

His face was full of smiles!

He pointed at Lin Fei and scolded!

"Little brat, you still say you're not a US spy!

"Remove the technological blockade on Rabbit!

You even want us to f * cking introduce Rabbit culture!

"Do you take everyone here for fools?"

"Maintain a close relationship with Rabbit!


Is Rabbit worthy?

Is Chinese Chinese worthy? "

Williams was a staunch anti-rabbit person.

Coupled with Lin Fei's suggestion, it was too outrageous!

It was not even outrageous. It was f * cking arrogant!

In front of the world's top capital representatives!

He suggested that the capital be friends with Rabbit!

Even a three-year-old child would not be able to say something so outrageous!

The other capital representatives also looked displeased!

Even the Freemasonry's Vice President Alexander, who had personally baptized Lin Fei and introduced him to a potential partner!

They were all frowning!

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly tensed up.

And Lin Fei!

He turned to look at the young man who had threatened him!

JPMorgan Chase's spokesperson: Morgan Tosi!

America's top capital hidden in the dark, the super big shot of Huaxia's "0770" street!

The toughest capital representative against Rabbit!

He had once supported Solos in harvesting the entire East Asian stock market!

It caused the stock market of East Asian countries to crash!

A huge amount of national assets flowed to Wall Street!

In the end, Rabbit's Hong Kong suffered a setback and was slapped in the face.

At the same time!

JPMorgan Chase was also the sponsor behind Williams on Capitol Hill!

As JPMorgan Chase's representative!

He said that Lin Fei was an insignificant person!

There was indeed no problem!

It didn't matter if it was the overlord of Eagle Sauce or the big boss of Eagle Sauce!

In the eyes of Wall Street tycoons like JPMorgan Chase, there was no difference!

Even if it was the president of America!

If they couldn't protect the interests of Wall Street, they wouldn't have a good ending!

“ Lin Fei!!

What do you mean by that!

You still have a chance to explain! "

Vice President Alexander of the Freemasons spoke!

He seemed to be questioning Lin Fei.

In fact, he was giving Lin Fei a chance!

This Level K Vice President of the Freemasonry knew very well that JPMorgan's representative was never joking!

Lin Fei squinted at Morgan Tosi!


Of course we have to explain! "

"I know this suggestion is unpleasant, but it's from the bottom of my heart!"

"Translate this suggestion into Chinese!"

"Learn from the barbarians and subdue the barbarians!"

"Back then, when Rabbit was bullied and the country was in danger, he chose the path to save the country!"

"Learn the industrial culture of the West, improve ourselves, and resist the invasion of the West!"

"The result is obvious!!"

"Rabbit did it!"


With Lin Fei's explanation, would the group of wealthy capital representatives under the stage be given to Gao Lan?

What happened?!

From what you said!

Lin Fei's suggestion became a good strategy to save the capital crisis?



Bullsh * t!

You're bullsh * tting! "

Williams was about to go crazy with anger!

It was useless for him to capture Rabbit and restrict Rabbit's development!

Lin Fei, you f * cking made the capital compromise with Rabbit!

Instead, it became a way to save lives?

Was there any law?

Was there any law?

Was there any f * cking justice?

"Rabbit is nothing!

Their technology came from our capital world! "

"Now you're telling us to learn from Rabbit?"

"Don't forget, Rabbit used to be a poor country that begged for our grace!"

"They relied on our charity to complete their industrialization!"

"Even now, America is still the most powerful country in the world!"

Williams's spittle flew everywhere.

"Rabbit used to be very poor!

But have you forgotten what I said just now? "

"Rabbit used to be poor, but ruled this world for 5,000 years!"

"You old b * stard, you're evil!"

"They relied on your charity to complete their industrialization?

Then why don't you block them!

Why don't you continue to give them charity? "

"Since your technology is so awesome, why don't you capture other technology moguls?"

"America is indeed the most powerful country now!

What about 10 years later?

What about 20 years later?

What about 30 years later, 50 years later, 300 years later? "

A single sentence!

Williams was stumped by the question!

Why did the capital world want to deal with Rabbit?!

It was very simple!

Rabbit was about to surpass America in the near future and become the world's largest economy!

This was unacceptable to the capital world!

"You clearly know that Rabbit is about to surpass America, yet you're f * cking posturing here!"

"Why do you suggest that we accept Rabbit's culture?"

"Isn't it so that you short-sighted and arrogant people can learn how to make your family glorious forever?!

Lin Fei's words were clearly scolding all the capital representatives in the audience!

"All the capital representatives are clamoring to raise their family's status and pass down their family's glory!"

"Why don't you learn from Rabbit, who has been passed down for 5,000 years?!"

"Instead, you're making a clown go against Rabbit in Congress!"

"And the result?"

"Are you hindering Rabbit's development?

Are you making America stronger again? "

Lin Fei's words were sharp and every word was a gem!

He was stabbing at the lungs of these capital representatives!

The capital representatives in the audience felt like they had been PUAs by Lin Fei!

But they had to admit that Lin Fei was speaking the truth!

Their families had been established for less than a hundred years!

Everyone hoped that their family could be passed down for generations, but no one had the confidence to do so!

Rabbit, on the other hand, had been passed down for 5,000 years!

It was indeed a very good learning target!


The arrogance of capital made this group of capital representatives look down on Rabbit from the bottom of their hearts!

After all, they could make a fortune!

They relied on bullying Rabbit back then to make a huge fortune!


What a glib tongue! "

"From what you're saying, should we compromise with Rabbit now and hand over the world to Rabbit?"

The young representative from JPMorgan Chase.

His expression did not look too good.

He felt that his self-esteem had been mocked by Lin Fei!

"I'm saying that you're ignorant!

I want you to learn Rabbit's culture!

Build a close relationship with Rabbit! "

"Why does it sound like we're handing over the world to Rabbit?"


If you don't give in, Rabbit won't be able to develop? "

Lin Fei did not dare to be too direct with this group of capital representatives.

He wanted to directly make this group of capital representatives and Rabbit submit!

The key was that it was impossible!


Lin Fei was now going from shallow to deep. In reverse, he was teaching this group of capital values.

First, he pointed out the dilemma facing capital!

Then, he slowly guided them to learn Rabbit's culture.

Rabbit had played this trick thousands of years ago!

Once you learn Rabbit's culture, you won't be far from submitting to Rabbit!

Lin Fei was not worried that this group of capital representatives would discover his PUA behavior!

Anyway, everything he said was the truth!

Lin Fei's words were unpleasant, but they were true!

It's also our capital's arrogance. It's time to rein it in!

I remember my family's elders saying that the best way to deal with your opponent is to understand him!

Learn from your opponent!

Defeat your opponent!

We all understand the logic!

Why do I find it unacceptable when it comes to Rabbit?

We've been arrogant for too long!

That's why our capital keeps hitting a wall when dealing with Rabbit!

Lin Fei's words are telling us to give up on our hypocritical pride!

We've wronged him!

Lin Fei is indeed a Chinese. His style is very similar to Rabbit's. Even his words are facts and reasons, and then they make people understand!

Learn from the foreigners to control the foreigners!

Let go of your pride and let capital shine again!

It's really interesting!

The capital representatives here were generally younger.

They were considered the new generation of successors groomed by the big shots of capital.

Their thinking was obviously more active than the older generation of financial group politicians.

Some of the capital representatives.

They had already started to consider the problem according to Lin Fei's train of thought!

Many people even started to imagine the meaning behind Lin Fei's unpleasant suggestion!

And the more they imagined it!

The more they realized it made sense!

They were all born in Rome. Their inherent nobility made them extremely arrogant!

Now, Rabbit was getting stronger and stronger!

Yet, they still arrogantly thought that Rabbit was the cowardly and easily bullied image from a hundred years ago!

This was very wrong!


We can appropriately adopt Lin Fei's suggestion! "


I think we can give it a try! "

"I didn't expect Lin Fei, a Chinese, to be so thoughtful!"

"He's too smart!

If he had said that to me directly, I definitely wouldn't have listened. But he deliberately provoked us first before expressing his opinion. This method is really memorable!

Some of the capital representatives in the audience were discussing!

Lin Fei was laughing like crazy in his heart when he heard this.

Continue to imagine!

This is the effect I want!

On the other side!

When Williams saw the capital representatives, they actually started to follow Lin Fei's suggestion!

Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead!

Why is it like this!

Lin Fei is right!

Was he wrong?

Restricting rabbits had always been the value of traditional capital!

Why was it no longer useful here???

However, Williams didn't know how to refute Lin Fei!

She could only look at her sugar daddy for help!

The representative of JPMorgan Chase, Moses!

JPMorgan Chase and Rabbit had an irreconcilable hatred.

He was also the biggest anti-rabbit pusher among the Wall Street capitalists.

Williams believed that the representative of the Morgan family would definitely not support Lin Fei.

As expected!

Morgan Tuosi found that Lin Fei's words had actually gained the approval of some of the capital representatives.

His expression became even more unsightly!

He was not here to listen to Lin FeiPUA!

The elders of the clan had decreed that they did not like Lin Fei!

His mission!

It was to make Lin Fei completely abandoned by the capital.


Yes! "

As the representative of the top capital crocodile.

Morgan Toussaint clearly had more authority than Williams.

He stood up and stopped the discussion.

“ Lin Fei!

Cut the crap! "

"It's not your turn to preach about the arrogance of capital!"

"If we open up the technology blockade on Rabbit now, Rabbit will dominate the world in a short time!"

"When that time comes!"

"Who can control Rabbit?"

"Don't forget!

Now Rabbit's military strength is infinitely close to America's! "

"With two aircraft carriers in the water, the first island chain has completely lost its role!"

"Even if it's the second island chain, America has no confidence in winning!"

"When Rabbit rises, do we have to retreat to the third island chain?"

Morgan Tuosi was the representative of the Wall Street giants.

His logical thinking was also agile!

He raised Lin Fei's hidden problem!

That was to not control Rabbit!

Rabbit would have the ability to immediately threaten the operation of the capital world!

This was no longer a problem of the continuation of the capital family!

It was a problem of whether the capital family could survive!

As expected!

The other capital representatives also instantly broke through the logical framework that Lin Fei had created for them!

Their faces were filled with worry!

Morgan Tosi continued when he saw this.

"As for Rabbit culture, hehe!"

"Why is Rabbit culture so powerful?

Is it because of the lowly Chinese bloodline in your body? "

Morgan Tuosi didn't hide his discrimination against Lin Fei.

"Don't forget!"

"The world's largest religion believes in God!"

"The world's greatest work is the 'Bible'!"

"Ou Meng also gave birth to Alexander the Great, such a peerless genius!"

"We are the descendants of noble nobles!"

"Is there a need to learn the culture of a lowly race?"

"What do they have to offer?


A treaty to compensate?

Colonial history? "

Morgan Tuosi's words were mixed with a strong sense of mockery.

The arrogance in his bones!

Lin Fei could feel it from a few meters away.

The other capital representatives also nodded subconsciously.

The culture that Morgan Tuosi mentioned was the culture that they had learned since they were young.

In fact!

This group of new capital representatives looked down on Rabbit culture, and it had a lot to do with this.

In their eyes!

Rabbit was either losing money or ceding land!

Or being colonized!

More importantly!

Let Rabbit cede land!


People who colonized!

It was their clan's senior!

How could these juniors respect the rabbit culture?

Lin Fei listened to Morgan Tuosi's words, and the anger in his eyes could no longer be suppressed!

But this kid's identity was not simple!

Lin Fei resisted the urge to make a move!

He had to obtain the recognition of the capital representatives on the scene in terms of values.

He did not need all of it!

As long as he obtained a part of it, it would be considered a success.

Otherwise, Lin Fei would really be removed from the world of capital!

Not to mention the Technology 2.2 big shot who saved Rabbit!

"While talking about Rabbit breaking through this island and that chain after it becomes strong!"

"While insulting Rabbit culture!"

"I'd like to ask Mr. Tuosi, are you worried about something?

Do you live on the island or on the chain? "

"Rabbit has an aircraft carrier, but has Rabbit's aircraft carrier ever wandered around the waters of other countries?"

"When Rabbit rises, you are afraid that he will beat you up!"

"But Rabbit has been the world's overlord for 5,000 years. Who has it bullied?"

"Have you seen any invading race build the Great Wall?"

"You don't know about the distant history, but you should know about the recent history, right?"

"Has Rabbit ever fought? Who was it that took detergent and went around the world to" seek justice "?"

"Even if it was at their doorstep!"

"Other than teaching Rabbit a lesson, has Rabbit been stealing cloth oil?"

"When have Rabbit ever cared about other people's business?"

"You are thousands of miles away from Rabbit. What are you worried about?"

Lin Fei countered Morgan Tuosi with iron-like facts.


Lin Fei faced this arrogant guy with a mocking smile.

"Bragging about religion, bragging about the Bible!

Even Alexander the Great! "

"Have you forgotten that Alexander the Great's country was called Macedonia!"

"And now Macedonia has changed its name to Macedonia!

The entire country has less than 800,000 people! "


"Your so-called religion, your so-called God!

Forget about fooling ordinary people! "

"How dare you brag about cultural confidence here!"

"Let me tell you a piece of historical knowledge!"

"The first unified emperor in Rabbit history!

Called Qin Shi Huang!


"And Qin Shi Huang!

He was 30 years older than the God you speak of! "

"What does that mean?"

"When your God was on the cross, Rabbit's first emperor had already swept across the world!

He established the first feudal unified dynasty in human history! "

"You are bragging to me …"

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