I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 91 Calling Dad Is Exposed! Netizens All Over The World Are Crazy! ! [It’S Only Two Days To A


What the f * ck are you looking at! "

"Did I tell you to stop?"

The young capital representatives were still immersed in Lin Fei's PUA, unable to extricate themselves!

However, Lin Fei found Morgan Tosi squatting in the corner and staring at him with hatred!

Lin Fei was so angry that he raised his foot and wanted to kick this bastard to death!

"Don't ~ ~ Don't hit me … I'll sing. … Hua ~ Ah!

Ya ya ya ~ It's my old daddy! …

(Bring your own intonation) "

Lin Fei snorted coldly and turned around to face the group of capital representatives again.

In fact, Lin Fei was also very flustered!

After saying so much, what if he didn't touch any of the capital representatives!

Then it would be really easy for him to not be able to walk out of the Judicial Court this time!

However, Lin Fei also had the confidence!

There was once a great person who said!

Capital imperialism was a paper tiger!

They were more afraid of death than anyone else!

Lin Fei had grasped the capital's key point the entire time!

He bet that they wanted to leave a way out for themselves!

Capital was unscrupulous in the face of profit!

Capital was even more afraid of death!

What they cared about was not the American country.

Instead, they cared about whether the power they held could be passed down forever!

The American country was gone!

They could still form dog sauce, pig sauce, and rat sauce!


Lin Fei did not believe that this group of capital families who were really hiding behind the scenes were all so arrogant!

There were always a few who had the capital to be crafty!

On the surface, they could cater to the capital world's sanctions on rabbits.

In private!

But they would lend a helping hand to the rabbit and get a favor to keep for other uses in the future!

As the overlord of the American state, Lin Fei openly kissed the rabbit!

Although it would anger those anti-rabbit super capital crocodiles!

But at the same time!

Lin Fei would also attract the attention of those capital families who planned to leave a way out!

Let Lin Fei come forward to bear the backlash of kissing the rabbit!

They secretly supported Lin Fei and the rabbit to get a favor, which was 100% to the capital families!

What reason did the capital families have not to do so?

As expected!

The Vice President of the Freemasons, Prince Alexander, was the first to speak and break the silence.

"Governor Lin's words are very unpleasant!

But …

"But thinking about it carefully, it's not unreasonable!"

As the Vice President of the Freemasons and the Prince of the royal family!

The Alexander family was the third of Xiamen with the longest inheritance.

This old man's face was bigger than the average person!

At the very least, the representatives of the new generation of capitalists had to be polite to Alexander!

"Our Alexander Family has been passed down to this day, and we have seen the replacement of many dynasties and changes in history!"

"No powerful dynasty can dominate the world forever!"

"But the rabbit in the east, no matter what kind of blow it receives, will never yield!"

"That's why the Rabbit officials have always emphasized that their country isn't trying to dominate, but to revive!"

"The capital has existed for hundreds of years, and it has developed the habit of arrogance!"

"This is not good!"

Prince Alexander's words were clearly more powerful than Lin Fei's.

This group of young capitalists obediently listened to the old man's lecture!

"But Lin Fei, you brat …"

"Don't be an alarmist here!

You must remember this! "

"Up until now, capital still has the final say in this world!"

"Rabbits may revive in a few decades, but they may also die out in a hundred years!"

"Nothing is absolute!"

The old man's words were filled with dominance!

This made the group of capitalists who had been beaten into a pulp by Lin FeiPUA reinvigorate!

That's right!

We are the overlords of the world!

Why is it that in Lin Fei's mouth, we have become the weaker party!

Lin Fei listened to the old Prince's words!

He couldn't help but admire this old fellow!

Hitting both sides with a big board, he really did things flawlessly!

But obviously!

Alexander could speak up at this time!

It was enough to prove that this old fellow was the two-faced opportunist that Lin Fei was looking for!

Lin Fei even suspected that!

This old man would not be affected by his PUA's reverse values at all.

On the contrary, he was pushing the boat with the current!

He said these words through Lin Fei's mouth.

This way, he and his family would not be ostracized in the capitalist world, and at the same time, he would do Lin Fei a favor.

Such a big favor!

It was not so easy to return it!


Do you have anything else to add? "Alexander looked at the stunned Williams!

"No … No!"

The spokesperson of the financier was squatting in the corner and singing that the Chinese were his father!

What else did Williams have to say!

If he continued to speak!

With Lin Fei's personality!

He was probably not the only one who was squatting in the corner and singing about the Chinese father!


"Since that's the case!"

"Everyone, let's start voting!"

With Prince Alexander's words, the other young capital representatives were also relieved!


It was finally over!

This public prosecution had completely refreshed the values of this group of pampered young masters and young ladies!

They passed Lin Fei's words!

They felt the crisis!


Some people were even more certain of the rise of the blockade rabbit because of this!

Some people hesitated. As Lin Fei said, when a man achieves the Dao, his chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven!

In the eyes of this group of young capital representatives!

There was no concept of the so-called country!

From the moment they were born, they stood at the top of the world's pyramid!

Even the high-level politicians of various countries!

They were just tools for their families to control the world!

Then they!

How could they be patriotic!

What concept did the country have?

The Great Goose Chief Judge carried a box!

He took the initiative to collect the votes of the capital representatives!

Secret voting!

This was the tradition of capital!

Except for war!

When there was a disagreement between the top capitals, it would be resolved in this way!

The side with more votes represented the stronger side!

Naturally, they would win!

Watch carefully!

This meant that they were stronger!

It wasn't the minority obeying the majority!

They didn't talk about how much capital they had, they talked about how weak they were!

“ Lin Fei!

I support you! "

The little princess of the Rothschild family, Ai 'er, finally found a chance to speak to her idol!

The other capital representatives voted by secret ballot!

They were afraid that others would know their choice!

But when it came to the little princess, Ai 'er openly voted for Lin Fei.

This scene!

It made Williams's expression extremely ugly on the stage!

Even JPMorgan Chase's representative, Morgan Toussaint, who was squatting in the corner and singing, looked even more pained than before!

If JPMorgan Chase was the top capital giant on Wall Street!

Then the Rothschild family!

It was the most mysterious in the world!

The most powerful!

The most terrifying!

The most suffocating capital family!


This family controlled an organization — the United States Federal Reserve!

Many people in the world knew!

The world's recognized currency was Dao Le!

But many people might not know!

America's currency printing!

It wasn't public!

It was private!

And behind this private enterprise that was responsible for printing the world's common currency.

It was the Rothschild family!

From a different perspective!

JPMorgan Chase controlled the top capital on Wall Street, harvesting wealth everywhere!

The Rockefeller family bound Dao Le with oil, forming the hegemony of Dao Le!

And when these two clans were added together!

They weren't as powerful as the Rothschild family!

Because all the Dao Le in the world!

They printed it themselves!

No matter how much wealth they harvested, how much oil they bound!

Could it be faster than printing with paper?


Ai 'er's statement not only made the son of a big shot like Toussaint!

It also made the other capital representatives have some other thoughts in their hearts.

Lin Fei's face was full of question marks.

I don't know this woman?

What the hell?

Royal Princess Elizabeth looked at the excited Ai 'er and then looked at Lin Fei on the stage.

She bit her lip!

She jumped out of her uncle's arms!

"I also support Lin Fei!"

After that!

She even looked at Ai 'er provocatively!

The two little princesses stared at each other like that!

The other capital representatives' scalps went numb!

The little princess of the John Bull Royal Family also supported Lin Fei?

What the hell was going on?

The Rothschild family might want to get closer to Rabbit.

But was there a need for the John Bull Royal Family?

They were not hidden assets!

If they wanted to ask Rabbit for a favor, they could do it in minutes!

There was no need to go through Lin Fei, right?

"It's over!"

Williams fell to the ground!

The John Bull Royal Family!

The Rothschild family!

The two world's heavyweight capital representatives had expressed their stance!

Then did he still have any hope of winning?

Why did these two representatives support Lin Fei?

That's right!

Why did these two women support me?

Don't say that Williams didn't know!

Lin Fei was also confused.

But he saw Prince Alexander staring at him with a meaningful smile.

Lin Fei suddenly had a terrifying guess!

F * ck!

It couldn't be the royal princess that this old man said he was going to set me up on a blind date!

It was this woman, right?

So Prince Alexander didn't bring Princess John Bull to attend the public prosecution today!

Was it a blind date?

Except for this possibility!

Lin Fei couldn't think of any reason for this delicate royal princess to publicly support him!

At the same time!

The world's Internet was also in an uproar!

Because there were screams coming out of the court room!

And that faintly discernible music!

It was posted on the Internet by a mysterious person!

As soon as this video was posted, it instantly rushed to the global trending list!

Including a certain sound in Rabbit's native language!

This news also skyrocketed to the top of the trending list with overwhelming popularity!

There was no other reason!

Because the angle of this video came from the sky above the court room!

It was speculated by professionals!

It was very likely to be a drone!

But according to the clarity of the video, ordinary drones didn't have this pixel at all!

And the probability of military drones was very low!

After all, this was the capital of Canada!

Furthermore, they had sent out a large number of soldiers to protect them!

How could there be a military drone that could capture such a scene?

There was only one possibility left!


That was right!

Someone had used a satellite to record this video and then posted it on the Internet!

Satellites all over the world!

And there was a country with such clarity!

He could count them with five fingers!

One of the most likely candidates is Eagle Sauce.

Mao, rabbit!


When netizens all over the world carefully observed the video and identified the voice inside.

He decisively eliminated America!

Furthermore, all of their suspicious gazes were directed at the rabbit!


According to the deciphering of the netizens!

Your faintly discernible lyrics have been translated!

It should be …


It's my father! "

F * ck!

This caused all the netizens around the world to lose their composure!

If I remember correctly, Mr. Lin Fei is the only Chinese here, right?

It can't be! It can't be!

This court was filled with the young masters and young ladies of the top-notch aristocratic families that one would not normally be able to see!

— — Did I hear wrongly?!

Wasn't this singing too weird?

There were also screams!

— — Could it be that they're fighting inside?

— Impossible!

What are you thinking!

Do you think the people inside are hooligans like you?

Even fighting?

— — Exactly!

Based on the clues provided by the netizens!

— — The people in the court can no longer be described as rich or noble!

— — Known to all, there's Princess John Bull, the young master of JPMorgan Chase!

— — The youngest young master of the Rockefeller Financial Group!

— — It's said that the Illuminati and the Skull and Bones Society have representatives participating, not sure if it's true or not!

— — Not to mention the identities of these people, just look at the level of the security guards outside!


The security guards are at the level of the president of the United States!

— — The periphery is full of special forces with real guns and live ammunition!

Even the f * cking T90 tanks were deployed!

— — With this lineup, you're telling me there's violence inside?

— — Could it be that this song was deliberately photoshopped by someone?

— — It must be the rabbit!

Listening to the lyrics, this is also done!

— — That's too obvious!

Would the rabbit do such a thing?

Of course, the rabbit wouldn't do such a thing!

When this video was released, the governments of various countries were far more concerned than ordinary netizens!

Because the governments of various countries understood!

This was a game between Lin Fei and Williams!

It was also a game that would determine the state of the world!

Was the rabbit Technology Boss safe?!

It all depended on the outcome of this game.

As for the rabbit Technology Boss, it involved the economic and technological war between the two superpowers of the world, the United States and the rabbit!

It could be said that!

Even the Hezhou government!

They were very interested in the contents of the court.

And when the video was released!

When the public opinion on the Internet was only on the rabbit's side.

The rabbit immediately called for a high-level press conference!

At the conference!

The rabbit spokesperson clarified that the video was definitely not shot by the rabbit!

Then, the United States, the rabbit!

They all expressed their opinions!

The source of the video was unknown!

Accompanied by the mutual denial between the superpowers, the matter became even more confusing!


After a short period of confusion!

Another shocking piece of information was released!

According to the professional big shots' speculation!

The scream at the beginning of the video was very likely to be the young master of JPMorgan Chase — Morgan (yes, good) Tosey!

Because someone had collected the sound materials of the top nobles in the Judicial Court on the Internet.

Then, they did a frame-by-frame comparison with the voice in the video!

In the end, the match between the young master of JPMorgan Chase and the voice in the video reached 78%!

Taking into account the interference of the video …

It was basically 100%!!!

— — What the f * ck!

JPMorgan Chase, I've only learned about it in history!

— It can't be true, right?!

— The young master of the Morgan family is screaming. The content of the song is Chinese!

Is it my father??

— And Mr. Lin Fei is the only Chinese person in the Judicial Court!

— So …

Netizens all over the world thought of an extremely inconceivable idea!

But there were no other possible scenes!

Based on Mr. Lin Fei's temper, it might not be fake if he dared to make a move!

— But!

That's the young master of JPMorgan Chase!

Do you know what his identity is?

What identity?

Mr. Lin Fei is the governor of Florida!

— Ignorant!

Never been to school?

Never heard of JPMorgan Chase in history textbooks?

— This is a super financial group that has saved America from economic crises many times in the history of America!

— The top capitalist on Wall Street!

— It's said that the current Capitol Hill and even the Palace of the President of the Hundred Palaces have to give face to their family!

— Yes!

I'm a fan of Mr. Lin Fei, but to be honest, in front of this young master, Mr. Lin Fei is really nothing!

— What if it's true?

— How many people in the world don't know about Mr. Lin Fei's temper?!

— It's because of him!

He's not even afraid of being sanctioned by the government!

He even scolded the representatives of the world at the environmental protection conference!

— The young master of JPMorgan Chase is nothing!

— Haha!

What the hell?

If it's true!

Mr. Lin Fei can answer for the rest of his life!

If you provoke JPMorgan Chase, even the president will not be able to bear the consequences!

The Internet was completely in chaos!

As more and more people knew about JPMorgan Chase's strength and background.

The netizens were more and more suspicious that something might happen to Lin Fei!

Even the governments of various countries were hesitating!

Could it be that Lin Fei …

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