The next day, the crew of”Love Announcement” gathered at the filming location in Taiwan.

While others were chatting with each other, Liu Yifei took out her phone and secretly looked through the comments online.

【Did you guys read today’s entertainment news? Oh my god, Su Yihuan is so arrogant】

【I thought Zhou Jielun, who challenged the Golden Melody Awards at his concert, was invincible, but I didn’t expect someone to be more courageous than him.】

【You are too arrogant. Do you understand that the higher you stand, the harder you fall?】

【Oh, the person above, so you won’t watch the Pokémon update tonight?】

【Who said that? You can curse or watch, but it’s not the same thing.】


Coincidentally, Su Yihan, who had already returned to the mainland, also saw this comment. It instantly reminded him of a saying that was widely circulated among Pokémon fans in his previous life – remember to buy it after you curse.

It was talking about the disgusting operation of GF squeezing toothpaste every year.

Damn, he was really disgusted when he played the Pearl and Diamond replica.

He would never do such a disgusting thing.

You know, the first game he planned was based on the standard of”Zhu Zi”.

Li Yang, the owner of the children’s channel, was dumbfounded when he saw the relevant news.

Don’t mess around with the king bomb start!

You know,”Pokémon: Kanto” is now a ratings guarantee for the children’s channel.

He attaches no less importance to this drama than Su Yihan.


It was almost 6pm.

Li Yang was sitting in the screening room backstage, feeling very uncomfortable.

He secretly prayed that the trouble Su Yihuan had caused would not affect the ratings.

Finally, the time on the top right corner of the screen reached 18:00:00.

The third episode officially started!

After the opening song ended, the screen immediately showed the end of the previous episode, when Xiaozhi and Pikachu were confronting the green caterpillar.

“”Pikachu, use electric shock!”

Facing the green caterpillar, which is almost at the bottom of the food chain in the spirit world.

Even for the current Pikachu, an electric shock is enough to make it see stars.

“Go! Poké Ball!”The

Poké Ball landed on the Caterpillar’s head, and after it bounced off, it emitted a red light that was different from the previous white light.

After sucking the Caterpillar into it, it fell to the ground and”buzzed” three times.

Finally, with a”boom”, it returned to calm.

“”Yeah! I caught my first Pokémon! Yeah yeah yeah! Yeah yeah yeah!”

Xiaozhi picked up the Poké Ball that had fallen to the ground and jumped and shouted.

【The first Pokémon I captured was a bug… It’s quite suitable for beginners, right?】

【It’s easier than I thought. After all, in the first episode, Xiaozhi tried to capture Pidgeot and Spearow but got beaten so badly that he still didn’t succeed.】

【I think it should be because of the difference in strength, the weaker Pokémon is naturally easier to capture.]

Children in thousands of households waiting in front of the TV were enthusiastically discussing the first Pokémon that Xiaozhi captured, Caterpillar.

“Director, the ratings are still around 11%.”

The assistant reported


Li Yang heaved a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if the ratings dropped, he wanted to go and ask Su Yihan and Jia Jingwen to hype up a couple.

But there was a reason why Su Yihan dared to be so frank.

On the one hand, it was because he was confident enough to stop pretending, and now he was going to show his cards.

On the other hand, we have not yet entered the Internet age, and many families do not have computers installed. As for the messy things in the entertainment industry, it is often impossible to get first-hand information.

Not to mention the island of Taiwan across the sea.

In fact, many artists who are considered to be both virtuous and talented have a lot of black history.

It’s just that information was not well developed in the past, so it was not exposed.

Not to mention that more than half of the Pokémon audience is underage, and people don’t care at all.

As long as Su Yihan doesn’t come up with disgusting things like the Divine Beast Man and the Dog Hao.

The vast majority of the audience doesn’t care about things outside the show.


The main film continues.

After successfully catching the elf, Xiaozhi released the caterpillar, hoping to have a good exchange of feelings with it.

Xiaoxia, who hates insects, asked Xiaozhi to take the caterpillar away from her.

Xiaozhi was not convinced, claiming that if he liked elves, he should like all types, and asked Xiaoxia,”Didn’t your mother teach you not to be picky about food when you were a child?”

Many parents who watched the show with their children smiled knowingly after hearing this.

Although Su Yihan has a lot of gossip, his values are still quite positive.


Just as the two were arguing, another elf’s call attracted their attention.

Xiaozhi turned his head and almost drooled.

“Wow! This is the Bulbasaur that I dreamed of getting!!”

【It appeared! Garlic turtle!】

【In the opening theme, I remember the three little ones appeared after they grew up, right? When Bulbasaur evolved, I remember it became a giant toad with flowers on its back.】

【What are you waiting for? Get started! Pikachu! Go!

If the impact of Xiaozhi’s taming Caterpillar just now was relatively bland, then this time the atmosphere was fully aroused.

After all, through the official”spoiler” of the opening song, everyone knows what the Big Three will look like when they”grow up”.

Although only Charizard has shown a fighting posture through Oak, played by Su Yihan.

But judging from the appearance of Bulbasaur and Blastoise, they don’t look like they are easy to mess with!

From now on, screenwriter Su, who hated to change the original plot the most in his previous life, has officially started his road of change.

There is no way, without Bulbasaur, are you going to hit Xiaogang with your head?!

PS:Attached is a picture of the TV series version of Bulbasaur…

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