Following the order given by the character played by Su Yihuan, the monster called”Bag Dragon” suddenly exerted its strength, lifted up the python, and rushed to the edge of the venue like a heavily armored chariot.

Finally, it crashed hard into the wall of the arena.

With a loud bang, the entire arena ground trembled, and the small stones on the surface were splashed by the impact.

“It looks painful.”

Looking at Abo’s grimacing face, Liu Shishi swallowed and muttered softly.

But now, no one was in the mood to answer her.

“Venom shock!”

The Arbok, who had just fallen to the ground, heard the master’s order and immediately straightened his neck, opened his fangs and spit out a deep purple, highly corrosive venom.

The stones on the ground that had just fallen were instantly dissolved.

What a strong corrosive power!


Su Yihuan remained calm as always, calmly giving orders to his partner.

The marsupial dragon crossed its arms in front of its body, and a light green translucent protective shield overflowed from its body, blocking the venom from outside.


Jia Jingwen’s cold command without any emotion sounded.

Arbok’s thick long tail hit the ground fiercely.

Boom – a huge sound came out, the ground split, and the protruding rocks hit the marsupial dragon one after another.

“What kind of drama is this? Commanding monsters to fight? I’ve never seen it before!”

Tang Yan, who is a queen in the drama and a naive and innocent person outside the drama, was confused.


Tang Yan was not the only one who was dumbfounded.

Millions of viewers in front of the computer were dumbfounded at this moment.

They had never seen anything like this!

But it didn’t stop them, especially those middle school boys aged 5 to 25, from thinking that Damn was so handsome!

The battle that took place in the trailer was not played in full.

Instead, it was played in a slideshow-like accelerated format.

When Su Yihan and Jia Jingwen commanded their respective Pokémons to unleash all kinds of special moves.

Su Yihan’s Bacchus, Charizard, Dragonite… Jia Jingwen’s Arbok, Haunter, and Gengar presented a hearty battle.

Although the whole process took less than five minutes, countless people watched it and exclaimed.

Damn, it’s so handsome!

In the end, Jia Jingwen’s Gengar fell under Su Yihan’s Dragonite.

“The winner of the first Quartz Conference is — Oki!!!”

It was at this moment that the commentator finally called out the name of the character played by Su Yihuan.

The scene changed, accompanied by the cheers of tens of thousands of people in the audience and the sky full of streamers.

The character named”Da Mu” played by Su Yihuan, with the support of a group of elf partners such as Tasmania and Charizard, stepped onto the podium and raised the big trophy.

In the less than five minutes of preview time, the atmosphere has been rendered to the extreme.

Especially seeing this”Da Mu” holding the trophy accompanied by his own elf.

Countless middle school boys just felt their blood boiling!

Staying at home, Su Yihuan, who was holding the beautiful girl Jia Jingwen, showed a satisfied smile.

Although he also thought about playing pretentious roles such as Yulongdu and Dandi.

But the champions of the water are changing, and Dr. Da Mu is iron.

What’s more, what if there are few pretentious scenes?

I can add more scenes, after all, Dr. Da Mu was also a champion when he was young!

At this time, the style of the painting changed and entered the black curtain.

Countless audiences who were immersed in the passionate atmosphere just now were stunned.

Then the narration wrote——”Thirty years later, countless viewers and many people in the industry are confused.

What? What’s going on?

It’s already been thirty years?

“Xiaozhi! Get up quickly!”

Accompanied by the shout of Bai… oh no, Aunt Huazi played by Liu Tao.

Zhao Jinmai, who cut his hair short and looked no different from a little boy at first glance, was wearing pajamas and a head of messy hair. He rushed out of the room quickly and ran out of the house without even having time to eat breakfast.

Then, Xiaozhi, played by Zhao Jinmai, ran on a field path surrounded by green grass.

Bobo flew over his head, and Scythers harvested the grass with their owner in the field, passing by Xiaozhi’s feet.

Various details brightened the eyes of the viewers.

Zhao Jinmai’s narration also sounded at this time.:

“My name is Xiaozhi, I am 10 years old, and I dream of becoming a new trainer of Pokémon Master. Today is the day I receive my initial Pokémon.……”

As he introduced himself, Xiaozhi had already run to Professor Oak’s laboratory on the hillside.

When he arrived, new trainers holding red and white Poké Balls, who had obviously obtained their own Pokémon, came out of the laboratory one after another.

“I have to hurry up.”

Just as Xiaozhi was about to enter the house, a mocking and provocative voice came:

“How can you be late on such an important day? Xiaozhi, as your competitor, I feel ashamed for you.”

“Xiaomao! ?”

Xiaozhi looked up and saw a boy with a mocking and sly smile on his face. It was Xiaozhi’s nemesis, Xiaomao, played by Wu Lei.

After mocking Xiaozhi, Xiaomao sat in the passenger seat of a luxury sports car surrounded by a group of beautiful cheerleaders and drove away.

Well, I don’t know why a 10-year-old child in the original book could drive a car. Anyway, Su Yihuan changed it here and changed it to a big sister driving.

After Xiaozhi rushed into the research institute, the gray-haired old Dr. Oak, played by Su Yihuan, said helplessly:

“The elves have already been taken away by others, so you should wait for the next batch, Xiaozhi.”

When seeing Professor Oak played by Su Yihan, countless viewers were confused.

How could the handsome guy who was still the only one in the arena and dominated the competition suddenly become an old man?

“No, no! I can’t fall behind Xiaomao!”

Xiaozhi shook his head desperately.

“Uh… there is another one… but……”

Professor Oak rubbed his head, but before he could finish, Xiaozhi couldn’t wait to say:

“I want that one!”

Helplessly, Professor Oak could only take out the Poké Ball from the instrument and slowly open it, saying:

“There is something wrong with this remaining elf.”

Bang~ there was a crisp sound, and white light fell.


The white light scattered, and what appeared in front of the audience was a cute yellow mouse.

“So cute!”

The three beauties of the Chinese Paladin, and even Liu Yifei, who is preparing to shoot a movie, are all so cute.

Straight men like Lao Hu said they still prefer Charizard and Bacchus.

How handsome!

Just as the audience was waiting for the further reaction of the yellow-skinned mouse, the screen went black again.

A line of big words appeared.——

【《”Pokémon: Kanto” will be released on July 1st, so stay tuned!】

“Damn! You’re a dog who cuts off the chapter!”

For a moment, countless viewers across the country cursed.

Are you kidding me?

If the foreigners next door saw this, they would think I looked down on you!

PS:Please give me some food and book reviews.

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