Chapter 374, Arranging Matters

  Jun was very surprised when he heard this.

  In these days, which man doesn’t want to have three wives and four concubines, and have many children. The more children he has, the more capable he is.

   There are very few people who don't want Han Qiaosheng as much as Heng Yi.


  She was silent for a moment, "He loves you."

   "For us women, giving birth is like walking through the gates of hell, and if you are not careful, you will die twice."

   "You already have several children, and it's okay if he decides not to have one."

  Han Qiao looked at the playful father and son, with gentle eyes and brows, "I want to give him another child, preferably a daughter."

  If someone like Heng Yi had a daughter, he would love her to the bone.

   "Then you tell him, you are still young, you should give birth early when you are young, and when you are old, you have more than enough energy."

  Han Qiao fully agrees with this sentence.

   "The moon cake is here."

   The fresh meat mooncakes that have just been released are so fragrant that the mouth waters.

  The children ate while blowing, the air was so hot that they were reluctant to spit it out.

  The family sits together, the children chase and play, and the moon is round and bright in the sky.

  Heng Yi took Han Qiao's hand.

   Coincidentally looked at him with squinted eyes and a slight smile.

  Ayao and He Cheng were not sent to their sister's place after all, but slept next to their parents.

  Heng Yi and Han Qiao didn't do anything unsuitable for children, so they just cuddled and chatted.

  Heng Yi quickly fell asleep.

  Han Qiao gently rubbed his head.

  Know that it is not easy for him, and understand his difficulty.

  The next day, Han Qiao told Li Mi and Han Chi that after twenty-two, he would take Ayao to Sanzhou Town.


  This surprised Li Mi, Han Chi and the others.

   "Those children outside the city, stay here for the time being, and take them over there when everything is ready, Chi, you need to worry about the city."


  Han Chi couldn't say what he was going to say for a while.

  He also wanted to go to Sanzhou Town.

   "I will follow my mother's arrangement."

   Staying in the city is fine too.

  Although Sun Xiu, Sun Yi, and Sun Ke were reluctant to leave their mothers, they also knew that Han Qiao was going to Sanzhou Town to do something important.

   "The other one is Duofu, which needs to be taken care of. It's hard work for you to be sisters-in-law and sisters."

   "Mother." Li Mi said hurriedly, "Don't worry, I will take care of Duofu."

  Even if it’s taking care of her, she doesn’t need to hug and coax her. There are maids, mothers-in-law, and nurses in these places, so they just need more care.

  Let the servants know how lucky they are to have someone backing them up, and they dare not belittle or neglect.

  Going to Sanzhou Town, Han Qiao only planned to bring A Yao, but later thought about bringing He Cheng along.

   To take care of two children, more things are needed, Han Qiao is not idle, and the packing is left to Duanyue and Shulan, while she goes out to buy medicinal materials, rice, salt, cloth and so on.

   There are still people to take.

  The matchmaker also came to the door.

   "Mrs. Hou is auspicious."

   "No need to be too polite, just sit down."

  The matchmaker took a sip of tea before saying seriously, "Mrs. Hou, the young one has been arranged for the person you want, and I will be in the city in two days. Look..."

   "You won't be short of money, and you have worked hard, but please bring me someone first."

  The thousand people, five hundred men, five hundred women.

   are young people.

  The male is about eighteen to twenty years old, and the female is fifteen to eighteen. Although they look tired, they look healthy.

  Han Qiao was still worried, and asked Dr. Yang and Miao to take a look.

   Just take a pulse, but it won't delay too much.

   After confirming that they were all healthy and free from infectious diseases, Han Qiao gathered these people together.

   "I bought you back to give you a chance."

  "One becomes a good citizen, and the future depends on his own hard work to earn."

  "When the age is up, men will marry wives, and women will marry others, so I thought you could have a look at each other first, and if you fall in love with each other, I will allow you to marry and become husband and wife, and share joys and sorrows from now on."

   "Of course, I know that you are worried about how you will live after getting married. Don't be afraid of these. Everyone can share a month's food and a set of clothes. Those who get married can get five taels of silver for settling down."

   "There will also be a small courtyard, but this small courtyard requires you to pay money, and you don't need to pay it all at once. You can pay it off within three years."

  Han Qiao's words are like a drop of water splashing into a boiling oil pan.

   No matter who it is, it is unbelievable that there are such good things in the world.

  You can get good citizenship and become a good citizen.

  Men can start a family and start a business, and women can marry and have children.

  As long as you work hard enough and work hard enough, your days will pass.

  No matter what the idea is, someone will stand up first.

   These are the two people who met each other along the way.

  The first couple to stand up, Han Qiao asked them to find out their deeds of prostitution, and asked about their names and ages.

   Register on one side.

  The deed of prostitution was killed on the spot and thrown into the brazier.

"it is true."

   "Madam Hou didn't lie to us."

   It's just, among so many people, how do we look at each other?

   What Han Qiao said was that women look at men.

  The men stand in a long row, and the girls go to see each other. If the man also falls in love with a certain girl, and the girl also falls in love with him, a pair can be formed.

   But there are requirements.

   "After getting married, a man has to take on the heavy responsibility of supporting the family. He cannot beat or scold his wife, let alone play around."

   "Women should be diligent and thrifty in managing their families, and take care of their husbands and children. If they are half-hearted, I will not forgive them lightly."

   "It doesn't matter if you don't match, men and women can choose a house alone, as long as you pay back the money when it's due."

  As soon as Han Qiao said this, there were really many men who didn't want to marry a wife and stepped aside.

  More than a dozen women didn't want to marry, so they also stepped aside.

  But most women want to rely on someone to get married.

  The man wants to marry a wife to take care of the house and have hot tea and rice when he returns home.

  (end of this chapter)

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