After traveling to this world, she has been undercover in the devil world for two years.

She originally followed the guidance left by Ruan Xin, and her soul came to this world. She was originally a disciple of the immortal sect, but because of an accident when she was out, she was taken advantage of.

Mo Ruyue originally planned to hang out in the fairy gate, and then slowly inquired about Ruan Xin's whereabouts, but she didn't expect that the master in the original body sent him to the demon world without saying a word, and became an undercover agent of the fairy gate.

These days in the devil world, she is walking on thin ice, and if she does not do it, her life will be lost.

The Xianmen and the Demon Realm have always been at odds, and they fought and fought many times. She didn't know what to do, so she was caught in the middle to fight soy sauce.

You can't kill people from the Xianmen, and you can't kill disciples from the Demon Realm.

Xianmen ignored her and didn't want her to go back.

Now she is like a chess piece thrown by the fairy gate.

At this moment, a ding sounded.

[It is detected that the world where the host is located is a fairy world, the risk factor is high, and the portable space is scanning...]

[Scanning, upgrading...]

【Ding! After the upgrade of the portable space is completed, the salted fish turn over system is activated, and a Huanyan Pill is rewarded]

Mo Ruyue was confused.

Can this space be upgraded?

After a while, she checked the system introduction, and she felt much more relaxed.

Holding the Huanyan Pill, Mo Ruyue looked at it carefully, and then ate it into her stomach.

I didn't feel anything for a while.

The system is not a joke, is it?

At this time, a voice sounded, "Mo Ruyue, what are you doing here? You are not an undercover agent of Xianmen, are you?"

The man was dressed in a black outfit, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a slender figure. There was a jade pendant hanging on his waist, and he had a domineering aura all over his body.

At this time, he was looking at Mo Ruyue.

There was suspicion in those eyes.

The person who came was Mo Ruyue's nemesis in the demon world, and also her sixth senior brother Qi Shaoyu.

From Mo Ruyue's point of view, her senior brother in the Demon Realm is just as fucked up as her senior brother in the Immortal Gate.

She was ranked seventh in Xianmen, and seventh in Demon Realm.

Although there are so many senior brothers, few of them remember her, and those who remember her are just enemies with her.

One thing to mention here is that Mo Ruyue was apprenticed at Xianmen, she did not apprentice in Demon Realm, she was just ranked according to her status, she happened to be ranked seventh, and senior brother was just an honorific title.

She hadn't seen the Demon Lord before, and she didn't have the chance to see it with her own eyes.

The demon is in seclusion, and the affairs of the demon world are all handled by the elder brother.

The eldest brother is the most trusted assistant of the demon king and the number one protector of the demon world.

Listening to Qi Shaoyu's words, Mo Ruyue was a little unnatural, but she quickly came back to her senses and said coldly: "Senior Brother Six, please don't talk nonsense."

"Then what are you doing alone in Mount Rihai? Don't say you're here to enjoy the scenery."

Qi Shaoyu casually approached Mo Ruyue, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Mo Ruyue has long disliked Mo Ruyue. She is a waste. After a few years, she has not seen any improvement in her cultivation. She is only a little better than those little guys.

The most important thing is that Mo Ruyue is too ugly, looking at that face is disgusting.

"What do I want to do with Sixth Senior Brother here? Am I happy to be here?"

Mo Ruyue spoke angrily, Qi Shaoyu was unhappy seeing her, and she was also unhappy seeing Qi Shaoyu.


The Demon World Saintess selection contest is official.

There were thirty contestants, and all of them were one in a million good-looking.

Each has its own characteristics.

Mo Ruyue appeared out of place wearing a mask, and many people discussed it in private.

Seeing Mo Ruyue participating in the competition, everyone was puzzled.

"Mo Ruyue, what are you going to join in the fun of the Saintess selection contest?"

Qi Shaoyu asked loudly, maybe Mo Ruyue would not be able to pass the first level, isn't this looking for abuse?

As the referee, Mo Chengfeng signaled Qi Hengyu to be quiet, and he agreed to Mo Ruyue's participation.

Mo Ruyue just glanced at Qi Shaoyu, this guy really cares a lot.

In the past, in order to conceal her identity as an undercover agent, she had been servile and often made some actions against her will.

Now, if she can't go back to Xuanling Xianmen, then she will join the Demon Realm, and she doesn't need to compromise anymore.

Qi Shaoyu sat down, his expression a little uneasy.

"What qualifications does Mo Ruyue have to participate in the competition! Brother Mo is really, aren't you afraid that Mo Zun will be frightened by Mo Ruyue's appearance?"

He clasped his hands over his chest, his face full of anger.

A senior brother glanced at Qi Shaoyu, who was angry, and said, "Junior sister, just join in. Why are you so excited?"

Excitement is a bit unusual.

Qi Hengyu hummed, but did not speak.

The first round of testing is the face and figure. The figure does not need to be very good, but it must be well-proportioned, neither too fat nor too thin.

The face does not need to be beautiful, but the facial features must be correct, without scars and defects.

Shen Yunyan is very confident in her figure and appearance, and among so many women, she can be regarded as quite outstanding.

Her face was pure and harmless, like a little girl who hadn't experienced much in the world.

Glancing sideways at Mo Ruyue, she said coldly, "What are you doing wearing a mask?"

what? Wearing a mask is not allowed to participate in the saint selection contest. "

The other participating women were also a little curious about Mo Ruyue.

Many people know that Mo Ruyue is not good-looking, with scars on her face, which is very ugly.

How can you run for the position of saint like this?

I don't know where Mo Ruyue got the courage to participate in the selection of the saint.

Why don't you take a pee and take a picture of yourself?

Mo Ruyue took off the mask, and in the next second, the audience fell silent.

They all stared at Mo Ruyue with shock on their faces.

There are no ugly scars on Mo Ruyue's face, and her skin is fairer than snow, revealing a peach-like pink.

The face is like a peach blossom, probably so.

Those phoenix eyes were cold and cold, the tails of the eyes were slightly raised, and the squinting eyes were soul-stirring.

Mo Ruyue's eyes were originally beautiful, but because of the previous scars, everyone ignored those beautiful eyes.

Now that there is no scar, I realize that those eyes are so beautiful.

Mo Chengfeng's eyes turned serious, he clenched the fan in his hand, his expression was abnormal.

Qi Hengyu was also stunned, when will the scar on her face heal?

I couldn't believe my eyes. She stood on the stage, facing the wind, standing out from the crowd of thirty women.

Those who originally laughed at Mo Ruyue's ugliness all shut their mouths.

"How did this happen, where's your scar?"

Shen Yunyan also wanted to see Mo Ruyue make a fool of herself in public, but instead of making a fool of herself in public, Mo Ruyue surprised the audience!

This is not the result she wants to see.

Looking at Mo Ruyue's cold and outstanding face, the other participating women couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.

"My scar is healed, it's not a birthmark, it's just a scar, it's easy to deal with!"

Mo Ruyue spoke as a matter of course.

She didn't use any medicine to remove the scars, but the Xianyu system gave her a rejuvenating pill.

The small blemishes on the original face are gone, and everything has become more perfect.

The skin is more fair, delicate and smooth, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can be broken by blowing bombs.

"Why is it so easy? You must have used some ulterior sorcery."

Looking at Mo Ruyue's appearance, Shen Yunyan felt the pressure in her heart.

Is it not good to keep being ugly and live with a mask?

I have to take off the mask and take everything that belongs to her!

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