I Traveled From Hokage To American Comics

Chapter 78 After Eating, I Will Show You

"Tianya, the police said they didn't find you at the scene." Pepper's voice came from Tianya's cell phone.

When the New York police arrived at the scene of the accident, Tian Ya was already in the Middle East with Happy, so the police had to call to ask Tian Ya's whereabouts. The police found that they couldn't get through to Tianya's mobile phone, so they called Tianya's mansion and also called Pepper.

"I'm with Happy right now..."

"What?" Pepper was stunned for a moment, and then questioned: "Happy is in the Middle East now, you were in New York just now..."

"Uh," Tianya explained: "Pepper, you can understand that I cast a spell to teleport myself to Happy."

"Happy!" Tian Ya hurriedly greeted Happy who was eating in the distance, and when Happy came over, he handed the phone to Happy, and said, "It's Pepper's call."

"Oh" Happy answered the phone and said, "Miss Pepper, you won't believe it, oh, Tianya..., yes, he suddenly came to me." Happy handed the phone to Tianya again.

"Tianya, can you use your magic to find Tony?" Pepper's anxious voice was heard as soon as he answered the phone.

This is impossible at all. At the beginning, I gave Happy the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Technique, thinking that Tony could keep it in his pocket at all times, but Tony left the things to Happy for safekeeping. Tianya's original plan was to quietly protect Tony's safety when Tony was kidnapped, but now the plan has gone bankrupt.

"Pepper, what I know can't be called magic. It doesn't help in finding people. We can only rely on the military now."

After hanging up Pepper's phone, Tian Ya looked at Happy and said, "I just experienced an assassination when I came here, and Jackson was injured..."

"What? Are you okay?" Before Tian Ya finished speaking, Happy greeted him concernedly, but just after finishing speaking, he realized that worry was unnecessary, and said, "Of course you are fine, you are standing in front of me."

"Happy, I can't provide any useful help here, and I have to visit Jackson. You put away the key locker. That thing is a coordinate through which I can appear by your side at any time. If you are searching for Tony's When you meet terrorists, you call me."

"OK..." Just as Happy was about to say something, the horizon in front of him had disappeared.

"Wow!" A group of soldiers surrounded them.

"Where did he go?" Lieutenant Junior Grade pushed through the crowd and came over.

Happy shrugged: "He said he went back."

"Where do you go?" Lieutenant Junior Grade asked.

"New York..." Happy was also a little uncertain.

Tian Ya teleported back to his mansion in New York. Jackson didn’t have the Flying Thunder God mark on him, and if there were too many marks, Tian Ya was very afraid that he might get confused in the future...

New York is very far away from the Middle East, and it would take a lot for Tianya to send Chakra back and forth twice, but with his current amount of Chakra, this is no problem.

Tianya picked up a car from the basement and drove to the hospital. This scene happened to be discovered and reported by the spy monitoring here. As for the driver's license, who cares! Oh, it looks like you can take the test now! In some areas, you can test your driver's license at the age of 16.

Walking into Tianya in the ward, I saw Jackson lying on the bed with a broken leg in plaster, while his wife was sitting beside him peeling an apple for him.

"How do you feel Jackson?" Tian Ya put a fruit basket on the table.

"Boss, I'm fine, but there is a crack in my left leg bone, and it may take a while to recuperate."

"Take good care of yourself for a few months, and your salary will double from today!"

"Wow, this is not good..." Jackson said no, but it was just a polite refusal.

"Thank you very much, this is of great help to Jackson." Jackson's wife immediately stood up, afraid that Jackson would really refuse in a jerk.

"This is what Jackson deserves." Tian Ya gave her a kind smile, so that she would not be so embarrassed.

"Guy, pour us a cup of coffee" Jackson deliberately dismissed his wife.

"Give me a cup of tea, thank you."

After Guy left the ward, Jackson said: "Guy didn't know it was a murder, she thought it was just an ordinary traffic accident."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Tian Ya asked, "Aren't you afraid that if she finds out in the future, it will cause trouble to your marriage?"

"Guy will make me give up this job if he finds out!" Jackson was a little excited: "This job has helped me a lot. I have a lot of time to write my novel every day, and I can't just because of this kind of situation. Things just go away."

"So, you can rest easy and recuperate now. It won't be long before there will be an investigation result."

Tian Ya didn't stay long before leaving, and when he got to the gate of the hospital, he ran into an acquaintance.

Coulson in a black suit took off his sunglasses and said, "Can we talk, Mr. Tianya Stark."

"Of course, I'm a little hungry now, let's talk while eating."

Tian Ya completely ignored the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s surveillance, and it was useless. They would still watch! They monitored the captain, and it was their greatest kindness that they hadn't been arrested for research in this situation.

Tian Ya sat in his car, originally thought that Coulson would follow him in the car, but he didn't expect him to get in his car directly, Coulson was afraid that he would run away?

"Oh, I don't have a driver's license yet..."

"It's not safe, oh, I mean it's not safe for other people," Coulson smiled kindly.

"Then let's switch."

After exchanging seats, Tian Ya said, "I thought you could drive your own car."

"I've never driven such a luxury car." Coulson made an excuse, and then asked, "Is there any restaurant you want to go to?"

Ten minutes later, Tian Ya and Coulson were sitting in a high-end restaurant.

"Western steak, here's another shrimp." Coulson handed the menu to the waiter, and he said after the waiter left: "I usually don't come to such a high-end place, our salary is not high."

Tian Ya was a little speechless, this mother obviously wanted to pay for it, and she said it so tactfully! Isn't Coulson a nice guy?

"It's also my first time visiting this restaurant. I originally wanted to eat all over New York, but except for the restaurant, I can only eat the same dishes every time."

"Next time we have a chance, we can have Chinese food together."

This restaurant grills the steak very quickly, it is estimated that it will be ready long ago.

Tian Ya looked at Coulson, who was eating steak with peace of mind and always gave this restaurant good reviews, and said, "Maybe you don't know that Tony is missing."

Coulson put down the knife and fork, his expression became serious.

"Tony went to the Middle East for a weapon demonstration today, and was attacked by terrorists when he returned to the base." Tianya didn't give a damn about Coulson's shocked expression. He ate a piece of beef and said, "I know what you're thinking, you doubt this It's about me."

"Sorry, excuse me." Coulson no longer cared about eating, and stood up to find a place where there was no one to make a phone call.

A few minutes later, Coulson returned to his seat and said, "We will conduct an investigation. Now you should talk about how you disappeared suddenly today, and how the killer's head was blown off by you."

"Suddenly disappearing, you can understand it as space teleportation, I practiced for several years before I fully mastered it, I just blew on that killer." Tian Ya raised his head and smiled.

"Dimensional teleportation? Kill people with one breath?" Coulson was a little disbelieving: "Our department has allowed me to see many people with special abilities, but what you said is a bit..."

"Unbelievable or fantasy?" Tian Ya pointed to Coulson's steak and said, "I'll show you after eating."

"You're a bit of an adult trying to trick a child into eating, but I'm really hungry." Coulson cut up the beef and put it in his mouth.

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