I Traveled From Hokage To American Comics

Chapter 89 Iron Armor Actual Combat Test

After dancing for a while, Tony and Pepper went outside for air.

"It's such a weird feeling" Pepper clearly has a crush on Tony but doesn't want to admit it.

After talking for a few words, the two slowly moved closer together. Just as they were about to kiss, Pepper pushed Tony away, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly became awkward.

"I want something to drink," Pepper said, "I want a vodka martini, not sweet, add more olives, 3."

Tony just poured the woman a drink and said yes right away.

"Oh, Tony Stark, what a rare visitor." Just after ordering a drink, a woman came over.

"Oh, Carrie..." Tony still had a little impression of the beauty in front of him, but he had forgotten her name.

"Christine" said the woman, "You really dare to come here, how do you feel?"

Tony naturally remembered that he had a one-night stand with Christine in front of him. He thought she said that he was unreasonable afterwards, so he said cautiously: "Panic, I feel very panicky."

Christine obviously didn't think the same thing as Tony, and said, "Your company has a new scandal, and you still appear in the limelight."

"Oh, they just called me to come over, I don't know anything."

Christine smiled and said, "I almost believed it again, stop fooling me."

"You know I've been away from the company for several months, and I don't know many things." Tony was a little confused and didn't know what was going on.

Christine handed a few photos to Tony and said, "Gemila Town, have you heard of it?"

Tony, who is not used to picking up things, immediately took the photo after hearing Gmila. The photos were full of his own weapons, and Tony realized the seriousness of the matter.

"When was the photo taken?" Tony looked through all of them. The terrorists were carrying his weapons and killed many people.


"I didn't approve."

"But your company approved it!"

"My company doesn't represent me either!"

Tony led Christine to find Obadiah, and after showing Obadiah the photo in his hand, he said, "Do you know the town of Gamila? My father once told me to stick to principles when doing things. You can’t do business on both sides.”

"Take a photo first." Seeing the reporters around, Obadiah pulled Tony and whispered, "Do you know why the board of directors wants to drive you away? I approved it!"

Tony's face darkened in an instant, and Obadiah patted Tony on the shoulder, saying: "I issued the order, and I am here to protect you!"

Obadiah's words deeply stimulated Tony, and Tony had doubts about Obadiah for the first time.

The next night, Tian Ya sat down with Tony.

"I checked, and it turns out that metal palladium is poisonous to the human body." Tian Ya looked at Tony and said, "You need to find a substitute, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will look for it slowly." Tony asked: "How did you think that metal palladium is harmful to the human body?"

"I just checked everything, the shrapnel in your body, the reactor on your body, I don't think you should hide this matter..."

"You didn't tell Pepper about this, did you?" Tony suddenly interrupted Tianya, seeing Tianya shaking his head, he said, "Don't tell Pepper about this beforehand, this is a secret between the two of us, okay?"

"This..." Tian Ya was a little hesitant, after all, it's okay to tell Pepper about this kind of thing.

"That's it! I'll tell her myself." Tony took a deep breath and said, "I know you care about me, but I'm fine now, and I'll find a way."

"Okay," Tian Ya could only agree, anyway, Tony found a substitute for metal palladium in the second film, and Tian Ya didn't want to interfere too much.

At this moment, news about the town of Gemila appeared on the TV: "25 kilometers away from the town of Gemila has become a hell on earth. This is a new bloody colony..."

Hearing about Gemila, Tony instantly became angry. When he saw terrorists shooting guns on TV and heard no one was watching, Tony stood up and planned to test the Iron Armor in actual combat.

"Need help?" Seeing that Tony had already stood on the installation platform, Tian Ya asked from the side: "You are going to fight the terrorists in that town of Gamila, I think I can help you."

"No! I can solve it myself!" Tony's tone was resolute.

"Okay, I'm going to put a space mark on your armor, as long as there is danger, call me immediately."

After several hours of flying, Tony arrived in the small town of Gemila smoothly.

After flying in the small town for a while, Tony's armor showed that there were terrorists on the ground. The terrorists are driving a group of people to the car, and another group of people are being driven to stand in a row by the terrorists. This is obviously to execute those disobedient people.

The screen of the battle armor showed a terrorist pointing a gun at a person kneeling on the ground, shouting something, and Tony landed immediately.

"Boom!" Tony made a superhero landing, which instantly caught everyone's attention.

Tony didn't talk nonsense, the palm gun directly fired and killed the terrorists who pointed their guns at the kneeling man, and then turned around to kill the terrorists who shot at him.

"..." The invulnerable armor immediately made the terrorists panic, and they blocked the hostages in front of them, trying to bargain.

Tony's armor is naturally not vegetarian, and Tony has thought about this situation for a long time. Jarvis quickly marked the terrorists for Tony, and Tony didn't intend to let them go, and directly killed them all with tracking bullets.

A little boss saw all this in his eyes, so scared that he immediately ran into the house, picked up the satellite phone and called his boss for help.

"Boom!" The thin wall was directly pierced by Tony, and the little boss who hadn't finished dialing the number was directly dragged out by Tony.

Tony knew this guy, and he was a hostage in this guy's hands more than half a month ago! He dragged the little leader to the refugees, threw him into the crowd, and said, "He's yours now!"

Tony no longer cares about the life and death of the little boss. He intends to destroy the terrorists' armed facilities nearby. The terrorists' weapons couldn't deal with Tony at all, even the tank couldn't do it right now. The tank's slow speed and huge body could only take a beating in front of the flexible steel armor.

Although the terrorists could not cause any trouble to Tony, the arrogant Tony was captured by the US military's radar on the way back.

"Sir, a UFO was found on the radar." A radar monitor saw the red dot appearing on the radar and immediately reported it to his superiors.

"Not the Air Force!"

"Not Marine!"

"Not the Marines!"

"Definitely not our plane, sir!"

The radar room was in a hurry, and the officer on duty said to his subordinates: "Call me Rhodes from the weapons development department immediately, immediately!"

After Rhodes arrived, after some inquiries, he still couldn't figure out the origin of the UFO.

The officer on duty said to Rhodes: "Lieutenant Colonel, what do you know?"

Rhodes thought for a while and said, "I'll make a call first."

"Hello, who is it?" Tony answered the phone and said, "Can you speak louder?"

"What are you doing Tony? Why so much noise?"

"I'm driving a convertible, what's wrong?"

"Tony, there was an explosion in an ammunition depot where you were kidnapped..."

"There are a lot of things there, and it may be fighting each other."

"Are you sure there are no high-tech weapons that I don't know about?"

"No!" Tony denied directly.

"Target found!" someone shouted.

Rhode stared at the big screen and said, "Okay, I'm staring at a UFO, and we're going to blow it up into the sky."

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