After teaching Xia Yueshan a few moves, Lin Yu pinched Xia Yueshan's shoulders and found that his muscles were already sufficient, so he nodded and said:

"You are already very good at exercising like this."

"In the future, you should reduce your daily training by two-thirds, and ensure that your muscles do not degenerate."

"It's okay, I don't feel tired."

Xia Yueshan smiled indifferently.

"It's not a question of whether you are tired or not."

Lin Yu explained:

"You are still young now, and it is the time for growth. Excessive exercise will affect your height."

"Just maintain a normal amount of exercise, don't work too hard."

"Otherwise, don't blame me if you don't grow taller in the future."


"Will it be like this again?"

Xia Yueshan asked in surprise.

Lin Yu nodded and said:

"Normal exercise, or slightly excessive exercise, is fine, but the exercise target I gave you is indeed a bit too heavy, so in the future you should just maintain one-third of the usual amount of exercise, so as not to affect your development."


Xia Yueshan nodded and said:

"I see."

"Okay, then I'll go."

After instructing Xia Yueshan, Lin Yu walked towards the motorcycle parked nearby.

When he came to the motorcycle, he took out the helmet from the trunk and sat on the motorcycle. When Lin Yu was about to put the helmet on his head, Xia Yueshan chased after him, his eyes shining with unprecedented light and said:


"What a cool motorcycle!"

"Is this yours?"

"It's mine."

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yu said disapprovingly.

"Brother Lin Yu, you are so rich?"

Xia Yueshan said with starry eyes.


Lin Yu didn't understand why Xia Yueshan said that. Although he had no problem with his life now, he was not rich at all, right?

"How did you know I was rich?"

Lin Yu asked puzzledly.

"From this motorcycle!"

Xia Yueshan said as a matter of course:

"This motorcycle is a big foreign brand. There is no motorcycle of this brand that costs less than 50,000 yuan!"


"So expensive?"

Lin Yu was also shocked. He didn't expect the value of this motorcycle to be so high.

"Of course, this, this..."

Xia Yueshan scratched his head and said to himself with his teeth bared:

"What is the name of this brand?"

But soon, Xia Yueshan stopped dwelling on the name of this motorcycle brand. He keenly caught the surprise in Lin Yu's words. He stared and asked in disbelief:

"Brother Lin Yu, this motorcycle was not stolen by you, was it?"

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Yu glared at him and said:

"This motorcycle was given to me by someone else. I originally thought it was worth only 18,000 yuan, but I didn't expect it to be so expensive."

"By the way, Xia Yueshan, do you know a lot about motorcycles?"

"Can you help me check if my motorcycle is genuine and has it been modified?"

"The person who gave me the motorcycle is a bit stingy. I don't really believe he can give me such an expensive thing."

"I don't know much either. I just saw some on the Internet."

As Xia Yueshan spoke, he circled around the motorcycle and observed it carefully.

After a while, Xia Yueshan shook his head and said:

"In my opinion, this motorcycle has no signs of modification, and it doesn't look like an A-grade product."

"But what I said may not be accurate."

"Brother Lin Yu, if you want to find out whether this motorcycle is genuine, it is better to go to the official flagship store to ask."

"They are the authority."

"Okay, I know."

Lin Yu nodded, and after getting the information he wanted to know, he picked up the helmet again and prepared to put it on and leave.

When putting on the helmet, Lin Yu noticed Xia Yueshan's excited face. He stopped putting on the helmet, showed a soft smile on his face, and asked with a smile:


"Want to try it?"


Xia Yueshan nodded like pounding garlic, his black eyes sparkling, full of excitement and expectation.


Lin Yu took the helmet, raised his hand and smashed it towards Xia Yueshan's forehead, and snorted coldly:

"You still want to try?"

"What the hell do you want to try?"

"You want to drive a motorcycle?"

"Go back and remove the two training wheels next to your bike first!"

After the success of the humiliation, Lin Yu rode away on the motorcycle with a refreshed mind...





Under the bright street lights, Lin Yu sat on the motorcycle with his hands on his chest, and keptRubbing shoulders, sneezing continuously.


"It's really cold."

Lin Yu looked down at the thin knitted sweater on his body, knowing that it was time to put it away.


Another sneeze came out, Lin Yu rubbed his nostrils with his fingers quickly, sniffed his nose, and began to think about whether there were any thick clothes at home that could be worn in late autumn and early winter.

There were a few cotton jackets and thin cotton coats of the original owner in the rental house...


They are gone.

Lin Yu suddenly remembered that he had thrown away all the clothes in the whole closet a long time ago, and those thin cotton coats and cotton jackets were naturally gone.

In this case, winter clothes can only be bought again.


It's time to buy some new clothes.

Lin Yu did not feel sorry for throwing away those clothes. After all, the original owner Huangmao's clothing taste is really hard to describe.

It's simply.

I guess no one would want those clothes even if they were given away for free.

Tomorrow is Sunday, so let's go buy some clothes and daily necessities. We can't save money on this.

After a while, Lin Yu continued to bend down, holding the handle of the motorcycle, ready to go back home in one go.

A short pain is worse than a long pain!

While turning the accelerator, Lin Yu looked at the motorcycle under him and figured out a lot in an instant.

In fact, even if this motorcycle is genuine, he doesn't need to feel strange or surprised.

This motorcycle and the shares of the tavern are not so much given to him by Li Yuan as they are given to the entire Black Blood Gang by Li Yuan.

He wanted to use the reward to tell the members of the entire Black Blood Gang that they would never suffer any loss if they followed him, Li Yuan.

If there was no such meaning, with his stingy character, he would probably feel guilty if he could pay for his medical expenses.

Sniffing, Lin Yu turned the accelerator and drove towards the rental house in the cold wind.

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