
The iron door hit the door frame with a crisp click, the lock core popped out, and the door was locked tightly.

Alone in the rental house, without Tang Manman, Lin Yu finally didn't have to keep up that unsustainable annoyed expression.

Looking at the dark blue iron door with a sense of age in front of him, thinking of Tang Manman behind the door, Lin Yu exhaled a long breath, feeling exhausted.

Is Tang Manman okay?

Very good, as good as it can be.

As a friend, she had courage and loyalty to rescue the unconscious me from the dangerous situation at that time. This is something that many friends who claim to be the original owner's best friends find difficult to do, not to mention that she is just a powerless little girl.

As a partner, let alone, she is not only a beautiful school beauty, but also a top student. She does not have the arrogance of a genius and the bad habit of looking down on others. She looks soft and soft, obedient and easy to bully.

It can be said that she is a dream girlfriend that many people dare not even think about.


She is very good.

But are he and she really suitable?


They are not people on the same path at all.

Lin Yu leaned against the wall and sighed softly, looking forward, he felt that if he chose to be with Tang Manman, his future would become a ball of wool thrown aside by a cat after playing enough. The difficulty of achieving a perfect ending is as great as the difficulty of unraveling the line of this ball of wool.

It is a difficulty that makes people want to give up at a glance.

Even if he does not mention the promise he made since the beginning of his time travel to stay away from the heroine.

He does not care about the collapse of the ending in the yellow comic.

Putting aside these mysterious things and looking at the reality, the obstacles on the road ahead for Tang Manman and I are also surprisingly great.

Judging from Tang Manman's grades, there is no doubt that she can be admitted to a famous university in the country, and it is not impossible to be admitted to those top universities with famous teachers everywhere and geniuses.

And what about me?

Even with the help of my three years of high school learning experience in my previous life, it is still a bit difficult for me to be admitted to a first-tier university. If I am unlucky and the test questions are tricky, I may have to stay in a second-tier university.

I can't be admitted to the higher education institution that Tang Manman wants to go to.

And I can't lie or force Tang Manman to come to my ordinary university.

If I do that, what is the difference between me and the original owner Huangmao?

If I choose to be with Tang Manman, a four-year long-distance relationship is almost inevitable.

Long-distance relationship.


Lin Yu smiled bitterly.

There is a sentence on the Internet. Although it seems to make people feel very uncomfortable, I have to say that the sentence is actually very true.

Hundreds of miles apart, sending tens or even millions of words through your mobile phone is not as good as an umbrella in the rain, or a bowl of brown sugar water during menstrual cramps.

This is a very realistic thing.

To maintain a long-distance relationship, the efforts of both parties are simply amazing.

Moreover, graduation from college does not necessarily mean reunion. For me and Tang Manman, the distance between me and her may be even farther after graduation.

It is a kind of invisible and intangible distance, but it is more difficult to cross than the distance in reality. It is a distance called class.

Students from top domestic universities and ordinary first- and second-tier students naturally do not have the same life.

And Tang Manman's mother.

Although she concealed it well when they met last time, Lin Yu could see that she was very wary of him in her heart.

It's normal to think about it. Which parents are willing to hand over their precious daughter to a yellow-haired guy who looks like a scoundrel?

This is also a resistance that cannot be ignored.

Not to mention the collapse of the ending and destiny.

All of the above are superimposed together.

Lin Yu felt that the long road ahead was so difficult that he couldn't take a step forward.

Or, his feelings for Tang Manman were not enough to make him step into this thorny road that was difficult to move forward.


Let's take another road.

Sitting on the only wooden chair in the rental house, Lin Yu let out a long breath, trying not to think about Tang Manman as much as possible, and instead focusing on other things.

What should I do today?



That's right!

Haven't you finished the homework assigned by the school?

That's right!

Do your homework!

Do your homework!

Although as a parent of mine, the head teacher can't do anything to me even if I don't do my homework.

But I'll still do it.

Review my lessons.

In order to get good grades in the future, I can't slack off!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu took out books and exercise books from his worn-out shoulder bag and began to lie on the dining table and writing desk.Writing furiously on the simple table...


Half an hour later.

Lin Yu looked at the blank answer space on the exercise book with only one answer written on it, and he grabbed his hair in frustration!


"So annoying!!!"

Lin Yu screamed in frustration.

After a moment, Lin Yu, who was in a frenzy, suddenly calmed down. His fingers were still deeply inserted into his yellow hair, but his eyes narrowed slightly as if thinking, revealing a chilling dark light.

If it doesn't work...

Try to join the underworld?

Get a similar look.

In this way, there will be no class issues caused by studying.

Both of them are more than enough to match Tang Manman!

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