When he got closer, before he could see the woman's face clearly, Lin Yu smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Is she drunk?

Lin Yu walked quickly to the woman's side, and when he saw her flushed face, his breath couldn't help but stagnate.

This woman...

is really beautiful!

The woman's eyebrows are cold, her nose is straight, her lips are thin, and her appearance is beautiful with a kind of coldness that cannot be ignored.

It is simply the embodiment of the word "iceberg beauty".

And compared to the word "iceberg", the proportion of beauty will be higher.

She is very beautiful, whether it is a natural oval face or delicate facial features, they are very beautiful and perfect.

So perfect that people can't even find any flaws.

Looking at the woman's drunken and beautiful face, Lin Yu couldn't help but think of the scoring theory that he and his bad friends summarized in his previous life.

If a person's appearance is evaluated by scores.

The full score is 100 points, then the appearance of ordinary people is 50 points.

People with scores below 40 are ugly, and those with scores above 60 are good-looking.

People with scores below 20 are deformed, and those with scores of 80 are not inferior to the super-high looks of celebrities and popular anchors.

As for the three female protagonists he met so far, Lin Yu also has a rough score for them in his mind.

Tang Manman and Xia Muzhu are very good-looking, with scores roughly between 91 and 92.

Of course, this score is only a one-sided appearance score.

If temperament and figure are taken into account, the scores of the two should be higher.

Especially Xia Muzhu!

But if we only talk about appearance, the scores of the two are roughly a little over 90, which is equivalent to the best among the celebrities with good looks.

But the third female protagonist in front of him.

If Lin Yu were to give her a score, Lin Yu's evaluation would be above 95 points.

She is a rare super beauty!

There is nothing to say, she is just simply beautiful, so beautiful that it is enough to make people breathless at the first sight.

Especially her in this state now.

The beauty was drunk, and the burning smell of alcohol melted her cold and inaccessible side. Her cold face was full of drunken redness, and the contrast was enough to drive people crazy.

No wonder the original owner carried her away directly.

Some men with bad intentions would definitely not be able to resist such a top-notch girl!

But that was someone else.

Lin Yu didn't have a good impression of this guy, but rather felt a little disgusted with her.

She was drunk alone, wasn't she afraid of meeting some bad guys?

This was not only irresponsible to herself, but also to her family and her boyfriend.

Damn it!

I hate this kind of person the most!

Lin Yu gnashed his teeth in hatred.

There are always such plots in TV dramas. Because of some messy reasons or misunderstandings, the heroine came out to get drunk regardless of everything, and then was insulted by the bad guy, and then there was a bloody plot between her and the hero that was heartbreaking and physically abusive.

In the end, whether she reconciled with her boyfriend or parted ways with him.

For a pure love warrior, it was as uncomfortable as eating shit, which made people unbearable!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu's mood, which was not very good to begin with, became even worse. He directly raised his foot and kicked the woman's ankle, saying unhappily:

"Wake up, you are not allowed to sleep here!"

"Wake up!"

Seeing that the woman did not respond, Lin Yu kicked her harder, but the woman still did not respond. She leaned against the car door, lowered her head slightly, and did not even move her eyelids.

Something is wrong.

Looking at the woman's long legs that were kicked away by his two kicks, Lin Yu frowned slightly.

How could she not wake up like this?

Logically speaking, after these two kicks, you should give some reaction even if you are drunk, right?

At least frown?

Lin Yu looked at the woman's pretty face full of drunken red, and a not-so-good idea emerged in his mind.

Damn it.

Could she have fainted from alcohol poisoning?

Thinking of this, Lin Yu subconsciously stretched out his hand and wanted to wave it in front of the woman to see if she would react.

But soon Lin Yu realized how stupid this behavior was.

She closed her eyes, what was the point of waving his hand in front of her?


"Wake up!"

Lin Yu shouted at the woman, but the woman was still in a coma and did not respond.

This is not good.

Lin Yu frowned, the woman's current symptoms are very similar to alcohol poisoning.

Severe alcohol poisoning is very likely to be life-threatening if not treated in time.

What can I do?

Lin Yu touched his chin and quickly came up with a solution.

I still have to call the police and call 120 for an ambulance.

As for the mobile phone problem?...

Why not just use the one from the third heroine?

I don't believe her phone is broken too!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu picked up the brand-name bag next to the woman and began to search inside.

Lipstick, wallet, headphones, sunglasses, small cosmetic bottles that I couldn't name...



Where's the phone?

Did she not bring it with her?

Lin Yu scratched his head in annoyance when he found that there was no phone in the bag.

It shouldn't be like this.

Who goes out without a phone these days?

Did I search too hastily and didn't find it?

Lin Yu lowered his head and was about to search the brand-name bag of the third heroine again when he keenly caught a corner of black light from the corner of his vision.

So it was here.

Seeing the phone, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, when he saw where the phone was, his sigh of relief was lifted up again.

I saw that the third female protagonist had one of her fair and slender hands spread out on the dirty ground, and the other hand was holding a mobile phone, which was hanging below her lower abdomen, between her legs. The windbreaker was half covering the mobile phone, which was why Lin Yu couldn't find the mobile phone after searching for a long time.

Looking at the awkward position of the mobile phone, Lin Yu felt irritated.

He had a vague premonition.

With his bad luck today, if he directly took the mobile phone, it would probably be a disaster...


He had to think of a way.

Lin Yu touched his chin, thinking about how to get the mobile phone more safely.

Soon, his eyes were on the arm of the third female protagonist.

That's right.

He could just pull the arm of the third female protagonist!

Her hand was holding the mobile phone. As long as he pulled her arm out, her hand holding the mobile phone would also be pulled out, and the mobile phone would naturally come out. In this way, wouldn't he be able to get the mobile phone safely?

Lin Yu felt that this idea was feasible, so he started to act directly.

He reached out and held the arm of the third heroine, and began to pull her arm out little by little.

The third heroine's white hand was holding the phone and moving away from the gap between her legs.

Soon, the third heroine's hand was pulled by Lin Yu to the middle of her thigh, which was also the highest part of her thigh.

Seeing that the third heroine's hand was still holding firmly, Lin Yu was overjoyed.

It seems that he is not so unlucky today~

Just when Lin Yu thought he was about to succeed, the third heroine's white fingers suddenly lost strength, and her hand loosened, and the phone fell straight back.

This time the position was more awkward, and the phone actually fell straight into the gap between the third heroine's legs.

Lin Yu looked at the phone that fell back with a dark face, and the swear words in his heart never stopped.

He looked up at the third heroine's face, which still had no change, and then looked down at the phone between her legs. Lin Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, knowing that it was time to make a decision.

If the third female lead is really suffering from alcohol poisoning, she can't continue to drag it on like this.

However, before taking action, Lin Yu still plans to make one last test.

Although this possibility is very small, given his bad luck today, Lin Yu feels that it is still necessary to try it again.

Looking at the cold and drunken face of the third female lead, Lin Yu took a deep breath and shouted with all his strength:

"Wake up!!!"

The huge roar broke through the dark alley and spread far in the silent night.

Lin Yu's loud roar was still echoing, and a cat whose sleep was disturbed suddenly howled sharply, sounding like cursing.

Lin Yu was startled by the shrill sound and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him.

In the short few seconds when he turned his head to look behind him, the eyelids of the third female lead suddenly jumped slightly.

"Stupid cat, you scared me!"

Lin Yu cursed angrily, turned his head, and looked at the female lead No. 3 whose expression did not change. He calmed down a little.

He didn't wake her up like this. It shouldn't be discovered if he carefully took something out from between her legs?


Definitely not.

After making up his mind, Lin Yu looked at the mobile phone at the root of the female lead No. 3's legs. He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand carefully, and touched the phone without even daring to breathe.

Lin Yu's movements were light and slow. Soon, his hand successfully touched the corner of the phone. Just when he was about to pick up the phone and take it out, the thigh that the phone was resting on suddenly shook.

Lin Yu looked at the thigh that suddenly moved, his heart jumped suddenly, and subconsciously looked up, and met a pair of clear eyes full of fear and anger.

Lin Yu's mouth outlined a helpless smile that he had expected.

Secretly whispered.

c you*.

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