Looking at the sloppy 852 written in red pen on the test paper, Tang Manman felt like a huge rock was pressing on her heart, and even breathing became difficult.

How could it be...

So low?

"Dong dong dong!"

The dull sound of chalk hitting the blackboard resounded throughout the classroom, attracting everyone's attention.

Tang Manman looked up and saw that the physics teacher with black-framed glasses had a gloomy face that seemed to drip water.

She shook the physics test paper in her hand, and said with undisguised anger in her voice:

"Come on, everyone who got the second to last question wrong, stand up!"

"How did you take the test?"


"What did you listen to in class every day?"

"The questions I taught the day before yesterday."

"You got it wrong in the test yesterday?"

"Do you still want to learn!"

Amid the physics teacher's repeated scolding, Tang Manman turned over the test paper and looked at the second question on the back of the test paper.

Looking at the big red cross on the neat handwriting, Tang Manman's breathing stagnated, and it felt like her heartbeat stopped for a beat.

She turned her head and looked around, and saw that only a few people stood up in the class of more than 30 people, and she could even count them on one hand.

She bit her lower lip, and tears fell before she stood up.

She could only lower her head to the limit and stood up with weak legs.

The thin middle-aged woman behind the podium watched the students stand up one by one, and her anger was boiling in her chest. Especially when she saw Tang Manman stand up, her anger reached its peak.

As both a physics teacher and the head teacher of this class, she finally couldn't help it and started to scold:

"Tang Manman!"

"How could you get this question wrong?"

"Is this the question you should get wrong?"

"Even if I didn't explain this question yesterday, you shouldn't have gotten it wrong!"

"Not to mention that I did explain it yesterday."

"Tang Manman!"

"What have you been paying attention to in class these days?"

"Your grades have dropped so much, aren't you worried at all?"

"You're still distracted!"


The middle-aged woman threw the chalk in her hand to the ground, and her angry roar even echoed in the corridor.

Tang Manman's body trembled when she was yelled at. She watched her tears fall on the table drop by drop, and she lowered her head in shame.

"Those who got this question wrong, copy this paper five times for me to remember!"

"I don't know if you dare to get it wrong again in the future!"

The middle-aged woman threw the paper on the desk and said angrily.


"Ring, ring, ring!"

The bell rang, and the middle-aged woman took the test paper and called Tang Manman to leave the classroom together.

In the corridor, the middle-aged woman leaned against the window sill. At this time, she had calmed down. Looking at the well-behaved and smart student in front of her, she slowed down her tone and asked softly:

"Has your family encountered any problems recently?"

Tang Manman shook her head pitifully.

"Did someone bully you again at school?"

The middle-aged woman frowned, and her tone became heavy when she recalled what happened two months ago.


Tang Manman shook her head again and said softly.

Seeing Tang Manman shaking her head in denial, the middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief, but she soon frowned again and asked in confusion:

"What's wrong with you recently?"

"I always get distracted in class. Look at your last test. What the hell is that?"

"All the mistakes I made were questions I shouldn't have made!"

When she thought of Tang Manman's midterm exam results, the woman couldn't help getting angry. She looked up at Tang Manman, only to find that Tang Manman was in a daze again.

She stared at the window behind her, not knowing what she was looking at.

The middle-aged woman subconsciously turned her head to look out the window. Following Tang Manman's perspective, the middle-aged woman saw students coming in and out of the school supermarket. She frowned, but didn't find anything particularly noteworthy.

She turned around, looked at Tang Manman and asked angrily:

"Why are you in a daze again?!"


Tang Manman hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing, just lowered her head guiltily.

"You, you."

The woman raised her hand and pointed at Tang Manman, looking very angry and not knowing what to say to her. It was obvious that she was very angry with Tang Manman...

When the middle-aged woman was angry, Tang Manman raised her head and her eyes unconsciously looked out the window again...


"Buy sweet water~"

"Buy sweet water~"

Lin Yu walked happily towards the school supermarket.

As he walked, the relaxed and happy expression on his face suddenly sank. He stopped, turned his head and looked up at the teaching building according to his sixth sense.

Between the white painted walls, the windows were flashing with white sunlight, which made peopleDare to look straight.

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the windows in the middle of the fourth floor, and then looked up at the windows on the fifth floor. For a moment, he didn't understand what the indescribable strange feeling in his heart was.

Could it be...

It's the damn fate that took action again?

Lin Yu looked up at the sky, the sky was clear and blue, the clouds were floating, everything was the same as usual.

He gritted his teeth secretly. Although he didn't find anything unusual, Lin Yu just felt something was wrong.

After thinking about it, for the sake of safety, he decided to change his original plan and not go to the supermarket to buy sweet water, so as not to be manipulated by fate as a puppet again.

Turning back, Lin Yu walked into the teaching building.

Damn it!

You have to touch me even when I drink sweet water!

You wait for me!



School is over.

After packing up his things, Lin Yu left the classroom with a shoulder bag.

As soon as he stepped out of the classroom, he found that many students had not left. They gathered in front of the windows in the corridor one by one, and the sound of praise was almost continuous.

Looking at the appearance of the crowd, Lin Yu immediately realized that there was something exciting to watch. He also squeezed into the crowd, squeezed to the window, and looked along the line of sight of the crowd.

At the school gate in the distance, an eye-catching red sports car was parked there.

Lin Yu soon realized that it was this sports car that attracted everyone's admiration.

He didn't pay much attention to cars, so he couldn't see what was special about this sports car, but he just felt it was very cool.

Although he didn't know much about cars, Lin Yu could see that this sports car was definitely not cheap.

Because even if he dug out his past life, this life, and even the memories of the original owner Huangmao and put them together, he couldn't find any information about this car logo.

It was probably a high-end sports car of a niche brand.

It shouldn't cost one or two million.

After taking a few glances, Lin Yu felt a little bored and planned to leave.

Although I probably can't afford a sports car worth one or two million in my lifetime.

But it's not rare.

You can see one on the street from time to time.

It's better to watch two old ladies quarreling than to watch it. That thing is much more interesting than this.

Lin Yu, who is not very interested in cars, put the broken shoulder bag on his shoulder and turned around to squeeze out of the crowd.

At this moment, an exclamation sounded, attracting Lin Yu's attention.



"This must be eight figures!"

Eight figures?

A question mark appeared on Lin Yu's head.

He blinked, spread out one palm, lowered his head, put away his fingers, and muttered calculations secretly.

"One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand."

After all five fingers were folded, Lin Yu extended his thumb again and continued to chant:

"Hundreds of thousands, millions..."

Looking at the extended index finger, Lin Yu's mouth opened slightly in surprise. He raised his head, his eyes wide open with shock.


"Eight figures!"

"Tens of millions!"

"Is there such an expensive car in the world? "

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