It's snowing.

It means that the New Year is not far away.

Lin Yu took out his phone and took a look, then he realized that it was already December.

This year's Lunar New Year is very early, and it will be the New Year in about a month and a half.

Lin Yu counted on his fingers and was surprised to find that he had been in this world for more than four months.

In another half a month, the school will have a winter vacation.

Tsk tsk.

Time flies so fast.

Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Admiring the clean snow outside the window that had not been destroyed by footprints, Lin Yu didn't plan to do his homework.

What homework to do on a snowy day?

Of course, you have to go out and play on a snowy day...


Before Lin Yu's excitement rose, he was poured with a basin of cold water.

Lin Yu suddenly found that it seemed that no one played with him.

Before the time travel, every time it snowed, I would go out with my friends to play snowballs, build snowmen, or walk far away without a purpose, until I felt cold, and then I would go back.

However, when we returned home, almost everyone's nose was red and their faces were numb from the cold.

Then everyone blamed each other, scolded each other for walking so far, and then they went home happily.

Recalling the past, Lin Yu felt more and more emotional, and felt more and more empty in his heart.

Especially when he thought about the New Year's Eve in the near future.

When he might have to spend the New Year's Eve alone, Lin Yu felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart.


It seems that I have never spent the New Year alone since I was born.

Let out a breath.

Although his mood was not as high as before, Lin Yu still decided to go out for a walk.

It was a snowy day.

How could I stay at home?

Find a mutton restaurant.

Drink a bowl of mutton soup happily, which can be regarded as an agreement between me and Xue Tian.

Standing up, Lin Yu put on a white cotton jacket, took his mobile phone and headphones and prepared to go out excitedly.

Just before going out, Lin Yu's mobile phone vibrated.

Picked up the phone and took a look. Seeing that the caller was an unfamiliar number, Lin Yu rolled his eyes immediately.

Lin Yu didn't even think about it.

This must be the third female lead calling.

This guy is really annoying!

Since the incident half a month ago, she has been entangled like a ghost that can't be shaken off.

When she went to school, she waited for me at the school gate. She had to scold her a few words before she would leave. This is almost catching up with the daily sign-in.

When it's vacation, she will keep calling me.

After the call, she won't say anything, and after hanging up, she will call again with another number.

I can't stop blocking her.

Unless you scold her, she will stop calling to harass you.

Otherwise, you can finish your homework for three hours, and she will continue to call you. What a pervert!

It's so annoying that I want to strangle her!

Anyway, what does this guy do every day?

Is he so idle?

Can he make calls for hours in a row?

Looking at the interface waiting to be answered on the phone screen.

Lin Yu rarely has an idea.

I'm in a good mood today, so I'll tease her and make her happy.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu answered the phone, put it close to his ear, and whispered:


"Are you there?"

After about one or two seconds, a cold voice came from the speaker of the phone, and replied briefly:


Listening to Qing Mo's cold reply, Lin Yu felt more and more unhappy.

Good guy.

You call me every day to harass me, and you look so cold as soon as the phone is connected.

I am the one harassing you, right?

Lin Yu gritted his teeth secretly, becoming more and more dissatisfied with Qing Mo, and his desire to tease her became stronger.

Lin Yu took off his shoes and put on slippers. He walked to the window and looked at the white snow outside. Lin Yu asked:

"Is it snowing there?"

"It's snowing heavily here."

"Tsk tsk."

"It's so boring to be alone at home."

"It would be nice if I had a dog."

"On a snowy day, taking it out for a walk is a good way to kill time."

"By the way, what do you need to take a dog for a walk?"

Lin Yu asked himself slowly:



"Put a chain on it to prevent it from running around."

"Especially the collar around the neck. It must be fastened tightly so that the dog can breathe with some effort."

"In this way, if the dog dares to disobey, just pull it a little harder and it will be quiet soon."

"Also give it aPut on a muzzle..."


"It's a muzzle to prevent it from biting and barking."


"What else do you need?"

Listening to the increasingly heavy breathing in the phone receiver, Lin Yu grinned silently and said softly:


"It seems that I don't need anything anymore."


"What a pity."

"I have all these things at home, but I just don't have a dog to walk with."

"What a pity."

"I can't walk a dog~"

Lin Yu shook his head and said with a sigh.

"Where are you now?"

Listening to Qing Mo's anxious question, Lin Yu felt that this guy was hopeless, but at the same time he really felt a little bit of relief.


Not cold now?

Can't pretend anymore?

Steadying up his emotions, Lin Yu said lightly:

"Me. "

"I'm at..."

Having said this, Lin Yu quickly hung up the phone and then turned the phone to silent mode.

Looking at the call that soon came again, Lin Yu showed two rows of white teeth.

You bastard.

I'll make you disgust me every day.

Go and feel uncomfortable!

Putting the phone in his pocket, Lin Yu happily went downstairs to eat mutton...


Outside the office door, the woman in a professional suit had a sluggish look in her eyes, as if her faith had collapsed.

She was very happy to be able to enter this top company.

Especially to be able to rise to the top in one step like now and become the assistant to the president of the company, it was a great joy for her.

It's just...

The woman raised her head and stared at the bright lime-colored ceiling above her with lifeless eyes .

She couldn't understand why her daily task was to call a number non-stop?

Whose good assistant does this every day!

The woman was a little upset, but soon, she adjusted her mentality.

Forget it.

Just make calls full-time.

Anyway, there is so much money every month.

So happy~

And that number has been dialed, today I should not have to continue to stand stupidly beside the president, making endless calls and changing phone cards.

Just as the woman was thinking about this, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

She took out the phone from her pocket and looked at the caller information marked as Super BOSS on the phone. The woman turned her head to look at the president's office behind her, then turned back and carefully answered the phone.

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