Lin Yu smacked his lips twice, turned his head back, looked at Xia Yueshan's childish face, and suddenly found him disgusting.

Forget it.

Lin Yu exhaled lightly.

After all, only when you become strong can you be truly strong.

Relying on others is not very reliable.

Especially the third female lead Qing Mo.

She is the most unreliable!

Now she has feelings for me, so she is trying to get close to me.

What if one day she no longer has feelings for me?

Will she kick me away without mercy?

Lin Yu thought about it and felt that it was very likely.

Her feelings for me came from my disdainful attitude and rough methods towards her.

If one day I really like her and can't bear to say bad things to her, will she no longer have feelings for me?

That would be the end of me.

The identities will be exchanged at that time.

I can't live without her, and then she ignores me and wants to kick me away.

Tsk tsk.

That's really a scene that makes people feel desperate just thinking about it.

Lin Yu shook his head gently, and his heart became more determined not to accept Qing Mo.

Even if he falls into the hands of Xia Muzhu and Tang Manman in the future, it's better than falling into her hands!

At least their feelings for him are still real.

After Lin Yu figured it out, his resentment towards Xia Yueshan subsided. He smiled and stretched out his hand to put his arm around his shoulders and walked away.

Under Lin Yu's lead, Xia Yueshan walked step by step.

But his sight was not on the road in front of him, but on the white supercar at the school gate. Even if his neck was almost twisted to 180 degrees, he still stared at the sports car with shining eyes.

Obviously, the sports car was very attractive to him.

After walking for a while, until the sports car roared away, Xia Yueshan reluctantly turned back and looked at Lin Yu and asked:

"Brother Lin Yu, what were you doing next to that sports car just now?"

Lin Yu thought for a moment and decided to tell the truth. Anyway, no one would believe it, and the fact itself was the best lie.

"I didn't do anything."

"There was just a beautiful young rich woman in the sports car who wanted to support me, but I didn't agree."

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Xia Yueshan's face was wooden. He looked at Lin Yu with a sidelong glance without turning his head, and asked unhappily:

"Do I look like a fool?"

"Quite like."

Lin Yu grinned, stretched out his fingers and pinched his little face and said.

Holding Xia Yueshan's shoulders, after walking a few steps, Lin Yu suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness, as if he was being stared at.

Turning his head and following his sixth sense, Lin Yu saw two shadowy figures in an alley without street lights.

As if they realized they were discovered, the two walked towards here quickly.

Stopping and letting go of the hand on Xia Yueshan's shoulder, Lin Yu turned to face the two figures who gave him a great sense of oppression.

At the same time, he did not forget to block Xia Yueshan behind him, turned his head slightly and reminded:

"You go first."

Xia Yueshan also noticed that the atmosphere was not right. He did not show off, but also asked in a low voice:

"Do you need me to call the police?"

"No, you go first."

Lin Yu refused softly, and urged Xia Yueshan to leave quickly again.

For some reason, looking at the two figures approaching quickly, Lin Yu always felt very weak. In just a moment, even a layer of cold sweat came out.

It seemed that in front of these two people, he was not an adult with sharp fists and feet, but a little kid who was not as good as Xia Yueshan.

Xia Yueshan left obediently, and Lin Yu stared at the two figures closely, ready to run away if things went wrong.

Who could these two people be?

The thugs of the Fire Scorpion Gang?

It stands to reason that a small gang like them cannot produce such oppressive thugs.

It is more likely that the unlucky shield of the third female protagonist hired a person with a large sum of money.

Or is it directly the person hired by the third female protagonist?

She couldn't help it?

Want to lock herself in the small dark room?

Just when Lin Yu was thinking about who hired these two people, they finally walked out of the dim alley and stepped into the bright street light.

Zhao Dahu?

Looking at the tall and strong man among the two, Lin Yu knew that there would be nothing to do tonight.


Looking at the short and thin stranger next to Zhao Dahu, Lin Yu still couldn't let go, and as the man approached, Lin Yu felt more nervous.

It's like no one will relax just because a wolf has no hostility towards you.

The two came closer, and Lin Yu saw it more clearly.

There was no hostility on their faces, Zhao DahuTiger is needless to say.

Although the strange short and thin guy looked fierce, he also had a smiling face, at least he looked very kind

But despite this, Lin Yu still couldn't relieve the tension in his heart.

Lin Yu could vaguely feel the danger of this guy. He was simply two extremes compared to Zhao Dahu beside him.

Even if Zhao Dahu carried a corpse, he would not bring much sense of crisis to himself.

But this guy was different. He just smiled kindly, and I was worried that he would take out a knife from somewhere and stab it into my stomach in the next second!

The two walked to the opposite side of Lin Yu, and the thin man turned his head to look at Zhao Dahu again. When Zhao Dahu nodded to confirm, the smile on his face became stronger, so strong that it was even a little creepy.

He stretched out his hand and said with a smile:

"Master Yu."

Master Yu?

A question mark appeared on Lin Yu's head.

Who is this guy calling?



This title sounds much cooler than Brother Long's 250!

Although he was a little excited, Lin Yu still restrained his emotions well, without showing any trace on his face. He reached out and held the hand that the thin man stretched out, and said very self-awarely:

"Just call me Lin Yu, I don't dare to accept it."

As for the title of "Ye", Lin Yu knew a little about it after his martial arts brothers in the previous life were all mixed up in the underworld.

This is a respectful title in the underworld.

Generally, only some powerful gangsters, or some very powerful people, are qualified to be honored with the word "Ye".

Who am I?

Can I be called "Ye"?

If the man in front of him hadn't looked sincere, Lin Yu would even suspect that he was mocking him.

After all, he was not mixed up in the underworld at all!

Facing Lin Yu's refusal, the thin man just smiled without explaining anything. He took back his hand and continued:

"Master Yu, my name is Zhao She, and I am Zhao Dahu's brother."

"We came to see you today because we have three things to do."

In the cold winter, Zhao She rubbed his hands to keep warm and said with a smile:

"The first thing."

"I want to thank you for helping me, your younger brother, in school."

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