The thick snow had just fallen to the ground, and it was still fresh.

A gust of cold wind blew, and a thin layer of snow was blown off the treetops and roofs.

The slightly hard snow dots hit his skin, almost making Lin Yu think it was snowing again.

Sitting on the bench and thinking for a long time.

Lin Yu finally made a decision.

It seems that he is not the one who can earn this money after all...

It's really inexplicable.

Lin Yu laughed bitterly with self-mockery on his face, looking at the beautiful and solemn winter night snow scene, Lin Yu's mood was indescribably complicated.

This kind of thing, which has money to earn and can sleep with a peerless beauty, I don't know how many men dream of it.

But when it comes to me, I still don't know what's good for me and want to refuse?

It's really ungrateful.


Sighing, he raised his hand and rubbed his face fiercely.

Lin Yu forced himself not to think too much.

Since the decision has been made, let it be.

After all, I can't make this quick money.

I'd better be my pure love.

Taking out my mobile phone and transferring all the remaining 300,000 yuan in my bank card back, Lin Yu suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

It was as if some heavy burden was lifted off my body, and even my heart beat a lot lighter.

Lin Yu thought that making this decision and taking on such a large debt would make him feel stressed.

But I didn't expect that he would feel strangely relaxed.

Looking at the snowy scene under the night sky, Lin Yu smiled knowingly.


I am indeed a congenital pure love saint.

I should be the moderator of this pure love bar!

"Makabaka, Akawaka, Mikamaka, um."

"Makabaka, Abayaka..."

The steady voice was serious, but the sound it made was a childish, funny and cute nursery rhyme.

The contrast was enough to make people smile.

Looking at the incoming call message on the phone, Lin Yu was a little surprised.

Qingmo's reaction was really fast.

I just transferred the money, and she received it so quickly?

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

Some things are better to be made clear.

"What do you mean?"

Qingmo's voice was cold and questioning. She ruthlessly turned into the iceberg president in a high position, as if the woman who was full of spring in her eyes and begged him not to leave before they parted was not her.

"It doesn't mean anything."

Lin Yu said lightly:

"It's just that I can't do this job."

"I'll return the 300,000 to you first, and the rest of the money..."

"I'll give it to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

The other end of the phone was silent. After a moment, Qingmo asked suddenly:

"Are you kidding me?"


Lin Yu thought about it, and finally decided to say everything he thought clearly.

"I still want to do this kind of thing with the person I like."

"Sorry, I broke my promise."

"I will pay you back as soon as possible."

After saying that, without waiting for Qing Mo to answer, Lin Yu quickly hung up the phone.

Just as he put his hand down, before Lin Yu had time to sigh that he was worthy of his friends and the title of Pure Love Bar owner, Makabaka's phone rang again.

Lin Yu looked down at the same number as before, sniffed, thought about it, and chose to answer the call.

Before Lin Yu could speak, an extremely angry and cold voice came from the phone.

"I don't agree!"

"What do I need your consent for?"

Out of muscle memory, Lin Yu responded unceremoniously:

"If you don't agree, just hold it in!"

"Get lost!"

After cursing, Lin Yu hung up the phone unceremoniously again.

Before he could finish his long breath, the phone rang again. Looking at Qingmo's phone number on the screen, Lin Yu didn't want to answer it this time.

But Lin Yu changed his mind and thought that if he didn't answer it, Qingmo would probably block the school gate tomorrow night.

It would be a small matter if he was treated like a monkey, but it would affect Tang Manman's study.

After struggling for a while, Lin Yu decided to answer the call.

When the call was connected, Lin Yu was ready to listen to Qingmo's continued madness, but unexpectedly, Qingmo's voice became extremely soft this time, with a strong sense of begging.

"Lin Yu, please don't be like this, okay?"

"If you don't want to do this kind of thing, we can not do it."

"You, can you just accompany me?"

Listening to Qingmo's humble words, Lin Yu fell silent for a while.

It's not that he was moved by Qingmo's proposal, but Lin Yu felt very surprised that she could be so submissive and lower her posture.

This is really surprising.

On the other end of the phoneSeeing that Lin Yu didn't say anything, Qing Mo thought there was still a chance, so he quickly said:

"Lin Yu, I know you used the 500,000 yuan to pay the medical expenses for that girl's sister."

"I also know that if you want to pay back the money, you can only ask another girl, right?"

"Don't be like this."

"Lin Yu, I don't want the remaining 500,000 yuan, you just, just..."

"Just accompany me when you have time, and simply satisfy me, can we not do that kind of thing?"

Listening to Qing Mo's humble begging, Lin Yu's heart was tangled. He felt that he should not agree to Qing Mo's proposal, but it was really difficult for the huge sum of 400,000 yuan, so he could only continue to respond in silence.

"Lin Yu, promise me."

"I know you've paid all the money you have as medical expenses."

"Even if you can get that woman to pay off your debts now, what will you do later?"

"Do you have money to live?"

"The girl's sister's condition is still unstable, and the medical expenses may not be enough. What will you do then?"

"You're going to college, right?"

"What about your college tuition?"

Qing Mo's voice was soft and hurried. Obviously, every word she said could be used as a fatal handle to control Lin Yu, but her tone was full of begging, and she considered Lin Yu everywhere, so humble that it made people feel a little bit unbearable.

It was like a general who held absolute power, but was willing to be a slave, and was still willing to be loyal to the emperor who had been reduced to an empty shell.

"Just promise me."

"I know you can solve these problems, but you don't have to make yourself so tired."

"Promise me, okay?"

"I beg you..."

Listening to Qing Mo's endless words, Lin Yu sighed helplessly...


"Okay, since you beg me so much, I will reluctantly promise you and play with you again."

"After all, people as mean as you are quite rare. Just treat it as an experience of the diversity of species in the world."

Lin Yu's sarcastic tone came from the speaker of the mobile phone, echoing softly in the exquisitely decorated bedroom.

Qing Mo's back, which had been sitting upright, suddenly softened, as if a huge stone in her heart had fallen to the ground, and she relaxed. She held the phone in both hands and placed it beside her ear, and said softly:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, bitch."

A playful farewell sounded, the call was hung up, and Qing Mo collapsed on the snow-white silk quilt.

Her expression was full of excitement that a normal person shouldn't have when being scolded, but in that weird excitement, there was also some deep pain, making her look extremely torn.

She lay on her side on the bed, and her soft and slender body gradually curled up.

Before tears condensed on her crystal eyelashes, her long, white hands covered her distorted and painful cheeks.

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