But if we look at the situation at that time.

A patient with a second-level disability, who is so seriously injured that he can't even get out of bed, obviously cannot pose a threat to society.

So no one can be blamed for this.

If this series of things must be found to be responsible for one person.

In the final analysis, trace the root cause.

In fact, everything should be blamed on myself.

If I didn't find someone to cripple him, he wouldn't be diagnosed as a second-level disability, wouldn't get such a large amount of compensation, wouldn't have money to find a lawyer, and wouldn't meet the conditions for bail pending trial.

Xia Muzhu and his brother wouldn't be in danger of their lives.

Tang Qinqin wouldn't have almost lost her life.

I am like a person who pushed down the first domino.

A small decision triggered a series of events, and finally a heavy and tall domino fell, almost smashing the fate of Xia Muzhu and his brother and Tang Qinqin.

But did I do anything wrong?

The plan to destroy Liu Yu was, after all, for the safety of Xia Muzhu and his sister.

But it didn't go as planned.

Not only did his decision fail to protect Xia Muzhu and his sister, but it almost buried them in the heavy snow.

There is no other reason to explain all this except coincidence.

Or maybe we can change the word coincidence to the manipulation of fate...


After a long breath, Lin Yu rubbed his face twice and made up his mind to completely solve the hidden danger of Liu Yu.

He can come out this time.

Who knows if he can come out next time?

The best way is to make him disappear from this world completely.

At the very least, he must completely lose the ability to do evil, the kind that can't even walk on the road and can't hold a knife!

Only in this way, he will not find the opportunity to hurt Xia Muzhu and his sister again in the various "coincidences" arranged by fate.

Then again, I don't know how badly Xia Yueshan is injured.

Should I go visit him?

Lin Yu was a little conflicted.

Wouldn't that mean I would be entangled with Xia Muzhu again?

Ahh ... I just had a normal and ordinary love affair.

The law of this world is monogamy, and my idea is also monogamy.


I don't want to.

Can the four of them tie me up and force me?


I don't look down on them!

Even if the four of them were tied together and multiplied by two, they might not be able to beat me!

Not to mention tying me up and forcing me to do something I don't want to do.

And the world I live in now is not an ancient society, where women have three wives and four concubines, and the concept of polygamy.

In modern society, which normal girl doesn't want her boyfriend to belong to only her?

The scene of collapse in the yellow comic, even if I want it to happen, Tang Manman and the other four will not agree!



Except for the third female protagonist Qing Mo.

She is not in the series of normal girls.

She is indeed a bit perverted.

If I want to deal with Liu Yu, how should I start?

Lin Yu touched his chin, unable to make a decision for a while.

If he wanted to disable or kill him, there were only three ways he could take.

Either he continued to seek help from the Black Blood Gang, or he asked Zhao She to help, or he asked Qing Mo to find someone to do it.

The path of seeking help from the Black Blood Gang was almost impossible.

Li Yuan was busy with his own affairs now, and he certainly didn't have the energy to deal with such things.

As for Zhao She...

He was quite suitable.

He owed me a huge favor, and he had been in prison for such a long time, so he must have a lot of connections. When the time came, it shouldn't be a problem to find a death row prisoner, or someone else who was seriously ill and had no hope of being released from prison, and find an opportunity to kill or maim Liu Yu.

It was just that this guy Zhao She...

Lin Yu had a headache. As for Zhao She, Lin Yu was really afraid of him from the bottom of his heart.

AlthoughAlthough on the surface, he only seemed grateful to him and had no ill will, but Lin Yu was still a little unsure about asking him for help.

The key was that he gave people too much oppression.

He gave people the feeling of a dangerous poisonous snake. Whether you were his enemy or friend, you had to be 100% vigilant against him, otherwise, the moment you relaxed, you might be bitten by him, injected with deadly venom, and die in a dark corner unknown to anyone.

So for Zhao She, if he was not desperate, Lin Yu really didn't want to ask him for help.

As for the last third female protagonist Qing Mo.

If she wanted to solve this matter, she should be the easiest one among the three.

Money makes the devil work, this sentence is not empty talk!

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu decided to try the Black Blood Gang's way first to see if it would work.

After all, it was free, and he didn't have to pay any price to let them do it.

If it doesn't work, then find Qing Mo again. It shouldn't take much effort to get her to do it...

Maybe I need to use some strength...

If the above methods don't work, then find Zhao She again.

There is no other way.

Stretching, Lin Yu yawned.

Yesterday at noon, I got home and before I even lay down on the bed, I was called by the police. They dealt with the motorcycle beating and the details of the hotel fire. They dealt with all the messy things, and it was dark when I got home.

I was woken up by Tang Manman's incident in the middle of the day.

I didn't get enough sleep.

Standing up and looking at the snow on the ground outside the window, Lin Yu planned to go home and take another nap. Anyway, today is Sunday and there is nothing to do.

Turning around, Lin Yu was ready to go to the bar to pay the bill.

But just as he raised his foot, he stopped moving.

Turning his head to look at the two cups of coffee on the table that had hardly been touched, Lin Yu thought for a moment, then picked up his own cup of coffee and gulped it down.

After finishing his own coffee, Lin Yu, in line with the principle of shameful waste, drank Tang Manman's cup of coffee that seemed to have been untouched.

After filling himself up with water, Lin Yu left contentedly and went to the bar to pay the bill...


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