If I really want to do that, how can I still have the face to call myself the owner of the Pure Love Bar?

Although it is not my wish that things turned out like this today, it was all for Tang Manman, to make her not sad, and to raise money to save her sister.

But, but...

This goes against the principles of pure love! ! !

Unless after today, I want to try to like Qing Mo.


Judging from her looks, this should not be difficult...

Seemingly seeing Lin Yu's entanglement, Qing Mo stopped kneeling on the ground. She stood up and changed to a kneeling position.

Her other hand also raised up and gently grasped Lin Yu's big hand. Then, she raised her beautiful face that had nothing to do with the word "cold", slowly put her face on Lin Yu's palm, and rubbed it gently.

The mist in her eyes became more and more, and she begged softly:


Reason packed with the rules of pure love, and was kicked out of Lin Yu's mind.

Desire dominated everything at this moment, and Lin Yu could no longer hold back.

Bending over and picking up Qing Mo, Lin Yu held her and hurriedly wanted to find a place where he could do business.

"Third floor."

Qing Mo leaned obediently in Lin Yu's arms and gave instructions softly.

Holding Qing Mo, Lin Yu strode straight to the nearest staircase.

Lin Yu knew that there was an elevator in this villa, but in this case, Lin Yu really had no time to find an elevator.

If there was no trace of reason in his heart, Lin Yu would have liked the sofa by the corridor!

Holding Qing Mo, he went straight up to the third floor. Under Qing Mo's guidance, Lin Yu quickly found Qing Mo's bedroom and threw her roughly on the bed. Lin Yu also jumped on the bed and began to take off his clothes impatiently.

Qing Mo was no different from Lin Yu.

Even compared to Lin Yu, Qing Mo, who had a little defect in this regard, was even more excited.

The thick clothes that were indispensable outside became a burden at this moment, and both of them had some difficulty in taking them off.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, a faint electronic reminder sounded.

This faint sound seemed like a spell to freeze the two people who had almost taken off their clothes.

The two looked at each other, and they saw surprise and panic in each other's eyes.

The electronic reminder was the sound of the elevator stopping at this floor, which meant that someone was coming up.

"Sister Qing!"

"Sister Qing!"

The anxious shouts echoed in the corridor, and along with it there were the crisp sounds of high heels stepping on the brick surface.

Lin Yu looked at Qing Mo, not knowing what to do.

Qing Mo's face was a little gloomy, and she obviously knew who was coming up. She looked at Lin Yu and said softly:

"You hide first."

Hearing this unexpected but reasonable answer, Lin Yu felt as if his heart was tightened by something.

Without time to feel this emotion, Lin Yu stood up, looked around, and finally chose to hide in the bathroom.

After Lin Yu hid in the bathroom, Qing Mo hurriedly arranged the silk quilt on the bed, covered all the scattered clothes, and she also got into the quilt wearing only a black thin lace bra on her upper body.

Just after covering up the traces, a woman appeared in front of the bedroom door that was not closed.

The woman looked young, and her cheeks full of collagen might be less than 20 years old.

However, the woman was dressed very maturely, with a head of wine-red curly long hair that was passionate and flamboyant, making the whole person extremely beautiful.

As soon as she entered the room, her phoenix eyes looked around with murderous intent. Looking at that look, she looked like a husband who had solid evidence and came here to catch an adulterer.

"What are you looking for?"

Qing Mo did not let her look like this, but frowned coldly and asked with dissatisfaction.

"Sister Qingmo, where is that man?"

The woman's chest was heaving violently with anger, but her tone was much softer when she spoke to Qingmo.

"Which man?"

Qingmo pretended to be confused and said:

"Don't be so inexplicable here."

The woman's eyes widened, and her breathing was stagnant for a moment. She seemed to realize that she could not get anything out of Qingmo, and her eyes became more fierce. She looked at every place in the room where someone might hide. She looked extremely corrupt, as if she wanted to find someone herself.

Qingmo saw her thoughts, and before she put her thoughts into action, he scolded her harshly:

"Xu Mingyao!"

The woman who was yelled at changed her face very quickly. When she looked at Qingmo, the murderous intent on her face disappeared instantly, leaving only pitiful grievances, which looked very lovable.

Qingmo obviously didn't buy her tricks, and said coldly:

"If there is nothing else, you can leave."

"Sister Qingmo, you can't do this..."

The woman looked like she was about to cry, and she was very aggrieved.She said aggrievedly.

"What can't I do?"

Qing Mo asked back in a cold voice.

"Xu Mingyao, I didn't like men before, but that doesn't mean I like women."

"Put away all your thoughts, or don't blame me for turning against you."

"Now, get out of here."

Qing Mo gave the order to leave in a cold voice.

"Sister Qing Mo..."

The woman looked aggrieved, and obviously wanted to struggle again.

"Do you need me to ask someone to ask you to leave?"

Qing Mo asked coldly.


The woman bit her lower lip, looking unwilling.

Under Qing Mo's tough attitude, the woman finally left reluctantly.

Qing Mo was much more careful this time, and called the security booth downstairs with the phone beside the bed. After confirming that the woman had left, Qing Mo was relieved.

After instructing not to let anyone in, Qing Mo looked at the closed bathroom door and said softly:

"She's gone, you can come out now."

After Qing Mo finished speaking, the bathroom door was opened and Lin Yu strode out.

He strode towards Qing Mo with almost all his clothes off. When he came to the bed, without even looking at the nervous Qing Mo, Lin Yu lifted the quilt and put on his clothes and pants.

"Lin Yu, you..."

Qing Mo frowned slightly, his eyes full of surprise, not understanding why Lin Yu suddenly became like this.

"That's it for today, we'll talk about it later when we have time."

Lin Yu said calmly, as if it wasn't him who had carried the weight up to the third floor in one breath.

After he finished speaking.

Lin Yu, who had put on his clothes, strode out.

"Lin Yu..."

Qing Mo spoke anxiously to keep him.

Lin Yu stopped walking after hearing that. He turned his head slightly, gave Qing Mo a cold look, and said mercilessly:

"If you feel itchy, take a slipper and dip it in some wind oil and pat it. Don't disgust me here."

After saying that, Lin Yu strode away without looking back, leaving Qing Mo alone in this huge bedroom with a stunned look...


Beside the bench piled with snow on the roadside, Lin Yu bent down to sweep the thick snow, and then sat on it to rest.

The cold wind of the cold night blew away the little heat left in Lin Yu's mind, leaving only the inexplicable sadness and sorrow.

In fact, Lin Yu knew very well that Qing Mo did nothing wrong tonight.

Things were ruined, and now he was in this cold winter night instead of Qing Mo's side.

In the final analysis, it was still his own fault for being too hypocritical.

This was originally a deal.

Qing Mo gave me the money I needed, so I should fulfill my promise and do the kind of things that everyone likes to do.

What's more, is there any problem with her asking me to hide?

No problem.

I am the one who actively chooses to be kept, so I shouldn't talk about dignity, and I really don't have the qualifications to see people.

It's just...

Lin Yu raised his head and looked at the tiny stars hanging in the night sky. A sadness that made his nose sour surged up for no reason.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

This scene of not being able to see people and hiding is quite familiar...

Lin Yu lowered his head and stared at his palm with a distracted look. He smiled bitterly and shook his head.


Have I become the person I once hated the most without knowing it?

Old memories surged out.

When I was young, there was a beautiful senior sister in the martial arts hall. She looked single, but privately, she had a close relationship with a senior brother in the martial arts hall.

I didn't know about this at first, until that day, when the two were secretly in love, the senior brother's girlfriend came to the door.

The beautiful senior sister hid in the small room where she did her homework in dishevel. At that time, she was panic-stricken and breathed rapidly, as if she had stolen something.

At that time, I was still young and didn't understand very well. I didn't understand why the senior sister suddenly broke into my room and hid, and I didn't understand why the senior sister was so nervous.

I just felt that her hiding look was not good at all, and she was very embarrassed.

I don't want to be like her.

In the end, nothing happened that day. The senior brother's girlfriend didn't find anything. She could only apologize to the senior brother and returned empty-handed.

Later, through the chats of the senior brothers and sisters in the martial arts hall, I learned that the senior brother was cheating on two women at the same time and was almost discovered.

Lin Yu still remembers his confusion and puzzlement at that time.

Why did the senior brother cheat on two women at the same time?

Did he not like the original girlfriend?

Then wouldn't it be better to break up directly and be with the senior sister?

Or is he reluctant to part with his original girlfriend?

That's not right.

He is reluctant to part with his original girlfriendWhy did my friend want to get together with my senior sister?

It was a simple multiple-choice question. I was with whoever I liked, and then broke up with the other person. Is that difficult?

When I was a kid, I couldn't understand why my senior brother was unwilling to write down the answer to such a simple multiple-choice question. He kept dragging it on until the truth was revealed and things got out of control...

The thick snow had just fallen, and it was still fresh.

A gust of cold wind blew, and a thin layer of snowflakes on the treetops and roofs was blown away.

The slightly hard snow dots hit my skin, almost making Lin Yu think it was snowing again.

I sat on the bench and thought for a long time.

Lin Yu finally made a decision.

It seems that I am not the kind of person who can earn this money after all...

It's really inexplicable.

Lin Yu smiled bitterly with self-mockery on his face. Looking at the beautiful and solemn winter night snow scene, Lin Yu's mood was indescribably complicated.

How many men dream of having money and a beautiful woman?

But when it comes to me, I refuse it without knowing what's good for me?

How ungrateful I am.


Sighing, he raised his hand and rubbed his face fiercely.

Lin Yu forced himself not to think too much.

Since the decision has been made, let it be.

After all, I can't make this quick money.

I'd better be my pure love.

Taking out his mobile phone and transferring all the remaining 300,000 yuan in the bank card back, Lin Yu suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

It was as if some heavy burden was lifted off his body, and even his heart beat much lighter.

Lin Yu thought that he should feel a lot of pressure after making this decision and taking on such a large debt.

But he didn't expect that he would feel strangely relaxed.

Looking at the snowy scene under the night sky, Lin Yu smiled knowingly.


I am indeed a pure love saint.

I should be the moderator of this pure love bar!

"Makabaka, Akawaka, Mikamaka, um."

"Makabaka, Abayaka..."

The steady voice is serious, but the sound it makes is a childish, funny and cute nursery rhyme.

The contrast is enough to make people smile.

Looking at the incoming call message on the phone, Lin Yu was a little surprised.

Qingmo's reaction is really fast.

I just transferred the money, and she received it so quickly?

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

Some things are better to be made clear.

"What do you mean?"

Qingmo's voice was cold and questioning. She mercilessly turned into the iceberg president in a high position, as if the woman with spring eyes and begging him not to leave before parting was not her.

"It's meaningless."

Lin Yu said indifferently:

"It's just that I can't do this job."

"I'll return the 300,000 first, and the rest of the money..."

"I'll give it to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

The other end of the phone fell silent, and after a moment, Qing Mo asked abruptly:

"Are you kidding me?"


Lin Yu thought about it, and finally decided to say everything in his mind clearly.

"I still want to do this kind of thing with the person I like."

"Sorry, I broke my promise."

"I will return the money to you as soon as possible."

After saying that, without waiting for Qing Mo to answer, Lin Yu quickly hung up the phone.

Just as he put his hand down, Lin Yu had no time to sigh that he was worthy of his friends and the title of Pure Love Bar owner, when Maka Baka's phone rang again.

Lin Yu looked down at the number that was exactly the same as before, sniffed, thought about it, and chose to answer the call.

Before Lin Yu could speak, an extremely angry and cold voice came from the phone.

"I don't agree!"

"Do I need your consent for anything?"

Out of muscle memory, Lin Yu responded unceremoniously:

"If you don't agree, just hold it in!"

"Get lost!"

After cursing, Lin Yu hung up the phone unceremoniously.

Before he could finish his long breath, the phone rang again. Looking at Qing Mo's phone number on the phone screen, Lin Yu didn't want to answer it this time.

But Lin Yu thought about it and thought that if he didn't answer it, Qing Mo might still block the school gate tomorrow night.

It would be a small matter for him to be treated like a monkey, but it would be a big matter for Tang Manman's study to be affected.

After struggling for a while, Lin Yu decided to answer the call.

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