"Makabaka, Akawaka, Mikamaka, um."

"Makabaka, Abayaka..."

The phone rang, and Lin Yu, who was lying in bed cosplaying as a cocoon, scratched his face and picked up the phone with sleepy eyes.


"Where are you now?"

Listening to the unique cold voice ringing in his ears, Lin Yu instantly knew who called.

"At home."

"What do you want?"

Lin Yu turned over in the small bed, scratched his butt and asked.

"I'm in a bad mood now."

"Come out and keep me company."

In a bad mood?

Three question marks slowly appeared on Lin Yu's head, which had not yet fully started.

Why did she go to such great lengths when she was in a bad mood?

Wouldn't it be enough to scold her a few words?

After brewing for a while, Lin Yu finally swallowed the dirty words back into his stomach.

It's also good to go out for a walk.

My head hurts from studying so much these days, so it's nice to go out and relax, and cheat her out of two big meals.


"Where are you now?"

"Should I go find you or you come find me?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, as if it didn't expect Lin Yu to agree so readily. After a while, Qing Mo's voice sounded with a little joy:

"I'll go find you."

"Just wait for me downstairs in half an hour."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu looked at the time. It was 8:30 in the morning. According to Qing Mo, she would not come for another half an hour.


It's definitely too late to sleep again.

Then just close your eyes for a while.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu slowly closed his heavy eyelids...


Opening the butterfly door of the sports car, Lin Yu bent down and sat in. After closing the door, he touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and didn't dare to look at Qing Mo beside him.

After a while, seeing that the sports car had not started, Lin Yu said weakly:

"Sorry, I fell asleep again by accident, and my phone was out of battery, so I didn't hear your call."

After Lin Yu apologized, there was still no sound or movement from Qing Mo's side. Lin Yu turned his head curiously and looked at her, only then did he discover the complaints and dissatisfaction in her cold eyes.

Lin Yu understood it in an instant.

After glaring at her, Lin Yu's courage was full, and he cursed fiercely:

"What are you looking at?"

"I gave you face, didn't I?"

"I asked you to wait for me for two more hours, and you still have a temper?"

"Don't be so fussy!"

"Drive away quickly!"

"I'm hungry."

"I'm going to have a big meal!"

Looking at Qing Mo's immediately softened cold face, Lin Yu maintained his fierce appearance while sighing helplessly in his heart.

This B is really hopeless.

"What do you want to eat?"

Qing Mo asked softly, and even his tone softened.

"I don't know, you can choose it yourself."

"If you dare to make me unhappy, I will!"


Lin Yu paused for a while, thinking about the punishment that is more suitable for Qing Mo baby. After a moment, Lin Yu said viciously:

"If I am unhappy, I will not scold you again during the entire winter vacation!"

A flash of visible panic flashed in Qing Mo's eyes, and he began to ask Lin Yu about his taste and preferences in more detail.

"I want more meat, and it must taste good, and the kind that can fill you up."

Lin Yu leaned on the backrest and stated his requirements seriously.

Qing Mo didn't dare to say a word. After writing down Lin Yu's requirements, she searched for restaurants that met these requirements in her mind, while driving away from this old community in a sports car...


After a hearty meal in a high-end restaurant by the river, the two of them walked directly by the river.

The river was covered in white snow on both sides, and there were countless pieces of broken ice on the river.

The turbulent river water broke the ice on the river surface that had not yet frozen solid, and large pieces of broken ice were washed to the riverside, one layer next to another, one layer diagonally attached to another. After being frozen, it looked like a layer of rock carved out of ice and snow, which looked quite spectacular and refreshing.

While admiring the snow scene by the river, Lin Yu asked casually:

"Why are you unhappy today?"

Qing Mo looked ahead and said calmly:

"Zhou He went to complain to my parents."

"They still like Zhou He."

"They don't want me to be separated from him."

Lin Yu nodded without comment, and then asked:

"Then what?"

"Then we parted unhappily, and I came to find you."

Qing Mo said lightly.

Lin Yu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

The two walked along the riverside, and I don't know how long it took.Lin Yu, who was a little tired, stopped by a rest chair on the side of the road, bent down to sweep the snow off the chair, and sat down to rest for a while.

Qing Mo also stopped, but she did not sit down, but stood on the edge of the chair, looking a little hesitant.

Lin Yu reached out and swept another clean area on the bench. He rolled his eyes at Qing Mo and said unhappily:

"You have a lot of problems."

Qing Mo looked back at Lin Yu, her lips curled up slightly, and she sat down without saying anything.

After stopping the exercise, the body heat was lost very quickly. Lin Yu zipped up the cotton jacket to the top, then put his hands in the pockets of the cotton jacket, continued to enjoy the river view, and let his mind go.

"Lin Yu, can you tell me why you changed your mind after you came out of the bathroom that day?"

Qing Mo turned his head to look at Lin Yu and asked softly.

Lin Yu thought for a moment and gave an example:

"I want to lose weight, so I don't want to eat supper at night, but at night, a very fragrant and delicious supper appeared in front of me, and I was a little hungry."

"Under the temptation of the fragrance, I couldn't control my desire and wanted to eat this supper."

"But just when I wanted to pick up my chopsticks, a phone call came in, and I had to put down my chopsticks and answer the phone."

"The call was from a guy who wanted to buy diet pills."

"He made me realize what I really wanted."

"So, I refused this supper."

"In short, reason defeated desire. Look."

Qing Mo listened quietly. After a long time, she smiled and praised:

"You are really amazing."

At this point, she sighed and said with emotion:

"What a pity."

"I can't do it."

"I am a person without choice. I only have this food in front of me, which is delicious and fragrant. The rest are all dry bread and tasteless soup."

"I can't choose to give up this food."

"I have never tasted salt, and I can't use reason to overcome my body's desire for this taste."

"Lin Yu."

Qing Mo turned her head and looked at Lin Yu, with unprecedented seriousness in her eyes.

"Be with me."

"I can give you everything you want."

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