I looked up at the clock on the wall.

Seven twenty.

Tang Manman calculated the time in her heart.

Mom usually closes the stall at around eleven thirty, so it should be twelve o'clock when she gets home.

It's still time for Lin Yu to rest for a while, and let him take medicine after he wakes up.

Lin Yu fell into a deep sleep, and Tang Manman took out a notebook and a pen, sitting at a small desk not far from Lin Yu to complete the homework assigned by the teacher.

While doing homework, Tang Manman always lost her mind. Whenever this happened, she would look up and stare at Lin Yu for a while, worrying that he would do something bad after waking up.

But as she watched, she would be amused by Lin Yu's strange skin color, which was mostly black and a little white.

After covering her mouth and laughing for a while, she began to continue doing questions and copying books, leaving her previous worries behind.

He shouldn't be that kind of person, right?


It can't be.


Lin Yu woke up slowly, and the first feeling he had was pain.


It hurts.

It hurts as if my brain was stirred by an egg beater. I dare not move.

He rested motionlessly for a long time. When the chaotic pain in his head eased a little, Lin Yu opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment.

Simple white walls with obvious signs of age.

Cheap pink curtains with flowers that block the view but not the light.

An old yellow wooden wardrobe that may not be seen in the second-hand market.

A simple storage rack made of several hollow iron rods, with many sundries on it, but not messy.


Tang Manman?


Tang Manman.

Lin Yu's eyes quickly swept over the girl who was bent over the desk with a focused expression.

It seemed that she was like those old items, nothing to care about.

Lin Yu's current state was like a college student who had just stayed up all night in the Internet cafe and was called up by his mother to visit friends before he had slept for an hour.

It was the state where the body was awake but the soul was still asleep.

As for those pornographic worlds.

What about staying away from the heroine.

What about NTR, pure love bar owners, etc. All these thoughts were quietly piled up in the depths of the mind like huge rocks, without making a single wave.

After almost relying on his subconscious to determine that there was no danger around, Lin Yu felt much more at ease.

He didn't care why he was here, where this place was, and why Tang Manman was here, so he planned to close his eyes, obey the fatigue and tiredness in his mind, and sleep for a while.

As soon as he closed his eyes, a familiar and pleasant fragrance lingered from nowhere.

Lin Yu smelled the pleasant smell and felt a little familiar, but he had no idea about this familiar and pleasant smell in his mind.

Lin Yu's brain was now equivalent to the first generation of computer processors in 1965, and he had no ability to give corresponding feedback based on the information provided by the olfactory system.

Only the subconscious gave a vague response in the haze.

It smelled good.

Love to smell it.

I want to smell it again!

Just as Lin Yu's coreless brain processor was running at a snail's pace, wondering why this scent was familiar, a soft call sounded.

"Lin Yu classmate."

"Take the medicine first, okay?"

Hearing this slightly familiar soft voice, Lin Yu didn't plan to rely on the useless waste of his brain to process information. He opened his eyes and looked at the young and delicate girl in front of him. Two very simple messages emerged in his mind.

Tang Manman.

No danger.




There was nothing else.

Lin Yu was like a person who was hypnotized. He didn't even have the most basic questions about what medicine it was and why he had to take it.

After confirming that Tang Manman was not dangerous, he nodded, slowly raised his hand and put the medicine she handed over into his mouth.


Tang Manman handed the cup of water to Lin Yu again.

Lin Yu took the water and drank it instinctively.

After taking the medicine, Lin Yu was still in a state of brain shutdown. His head was still empty. He couldn't think of anything and just planned to sleep for a while.

"Lin Yu, what is your parents' mobile phone number?"

"Do you need me to call them to pick you up?"

The soft voice sounded again.

Although the voice was nice, Lin Yu, who only wanted to sleep, still felt a little annoyed.

The two memories in his mind were also a little blurred because his head was hit hard by the brick, making Lin Yu unable to tell which was which. So he, who only wanted to sleep, was lazy and took out the memory of Huangmao that was easy to explain and answered:


After Lin Yu's brief answer, the room fell into silence.

Tang Manman sat next to Lin Yu, her eyes full of shock,Then she was covered by a strong sense of apology. She didn't expect to get such an answer.

Are both parents dead?

How pitiful...

Under normal circumstances, after chatting about other people's scars, most people will choose to shut up, especially a shy girl like Tang Manman who doesn't talk much.

But not today.

Tang Manman looked up at the time on the wall.

It's almost eleven o'clock.

In half an hour, my mother will close the stall and will be home no later than twelve o'clock.

If I don't let him wake up and leave, it will be a disaster if he is met by his mother when he comes back!

How should I explain to my mother then?

Tang Manman rubbed her face worriedly, and finally chose to bite the bullet and continue talking to Lin Yu.

I hope that by talking about some sensitive topics, he can wake up, realize where this place is, and then leave on his own initiative.

As for what topic is sensitive enough to wake Lin Yu up...

Tang Manman thought about it and thought of a sensitive enough topic. She looked at Lin Yu who closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep, and asked carefully:

"Lin Yu."


"What was your ranking in the last exam?"

How is it?

Sensitive enough, right?

Tang Manman was a little proud of her mean question.

She knew that people like Lin Yu would not have good grades.

So she asked this question, hoping that he would feel strongly annoyed because of this question and wake up.

After all, which student would not care about his grades?

When I remembered that I fell out of the top ten in the mock exam, I was so upset that I couldn't sleep, for fear that others would mention it!

Lin Yu's grades must be worse. If I mention this question, he should be angry or feel disgusted, right?

In this way, he will be emotionally excited and wake up.

Tang Manman thought so, and her beautiful peach eyes stared at Lin Yu, looking forward to his reaction.

"The last one."

Lin Yu's voice was vague, as if he had not woken up yet, but his tone was quite frank, and he did not look embarrassed by this result.


Hearing Lin Yu's nonchalant answer, Tang Manman was a little bit broken.

Why can someone say this so calmly after getting this result!

Does he really not care about his grades at all?

Does he not care about the strange eyes of teachers and classmates?

"Then, have you finished your homework tonight?"

Tang Manman found another topic without giving up, hoping that Lin Yu would realize that he still had things to do, so that he could wake up quickly.

You have to do your homework, right?

If you don't do your homework, you will be punished by the teacher!

Tang Manman did not forget that Lin Yu said he didn't do his homework at noon.

But she didn't believe it.

In her worldview, there is no such thing as students not doing homework!

If you don't do homework, aren't you afraid of the embarrassment of facing the class representative with empty hands when you have to hand in your homework the next day?

If you don't do homework, aren't you afraid of the teacher's sullen face asking you to go to the corridor to make up your homework?

One step further.

Are you still not afraid of the head teacher's trump card of inviting parents?



It seems that Lin Yu really doesn't have to be afraid.

Tang Manman shrank her neck a little embarrassedly, but she soon became excited again.

Not afraid of the last item does not mean that he is not afraid of the first two items!

Not afraid of being despised by classmates.

Not afraid of being punished by the teacher.

Recalling the scenes of some classmates who didn't do their homework being called by the teacher, Tang Manman became more confident about this problem.

When they were driven out of the classroom by the teacher, they were so ashamed that they could only walk with their heads down, and their faces were so red that they were about to bleed.

I think this method must be effective for Lin Yu too!

Tang Manman's beautiful peach blossom eyes lit up with hope again. She stared at Lin Yu closely, expecting his reaction.


Lin Yu did not react at all, but answered subconsciously with a vague voice.

His tone was even more indifferent than when he asked him about his grades!


Time passed little by little.

Many sensitive topics that Tang Manman had racked her brains to come up with were blocked by Lin Yu's easy answers.

She sighed heavily, and felt that it was more tiring to find topics that he cared about than to go through a big exam.

However, in addition to being tired, Tang Manman also found something interesting.

That is, at this time, it seemed that no matter what questions Lin Yu asked, he would tell them without reservation?

It was like being injected with a truth serum that only appeared in TV dramas.

Tang Manman found it interesting, so her questions gradually changed without even realizing it.Changed style.

From some questions that might attract Lin Yu's attention, to some questions that Tang Manman really wanted to know the answers to.

"You, why do you want to help me?"

Tang Manman asked in a low voice.

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