The night was dark, and the stars and the moon were dim.

Xia Muzhu, full of resentment, walked under the not-so-bright street lights, her delicate short-heeled shoes clattering.


Who is so bored at night?

Using such a cheap method to deceive people!

Xia Muzhu was furious. When she thought of the call from the strange number, she hated it so much that her teeth itched.

What street committee?

What needs to be registered?

What registration is there at night?

The street committee had closed down long ago!

She was really stupid. She actually fell for this!

Thinking of this, Xia Muzhu was even more angry. She was angry at the hateful prank call, and also angry at her stupidity. She actually forgot to confirm the news with the people from the street committee. She made such a stupid trip in vain and was treated like a fool!

Xia Muzhu was angry and didn't like anything. There happened to be a can thrown away by someone on the roadside. Although it was not on her route, she still walked towards the empty can without any hesitation.

When she came to the can, Xia Muzhu raised her foot and prepared to vent her anger.


In the quiet and deserted alley, a crisp and loud sound of cans rang out as Xia Muzhu expected, but there was no smile on her face after doing something bad. Instead, she shrank her neck and looked panicked.

She looked down at the can under her feet. After confirming that the can was still in place, Xia Muzhu twisted her neck stiffly and looked in the direction of the can sound behind her.

At a corner of the street where the street lights were not clear, a man stood there quietly. When Xia Muzhu looked at him, he suddenly stepped sideways and hid in the alley.

The man didn't hide very fast. Xia Muzhu saw who he was and his conspicuous bleached white hair.

Is it him?

Xia Muzhu's heart sank. She often met this man with dyed white hair in the past few days. When she went out to buy groceries or went downstairs to take out the garbage, she could always see his sneaky figure.

Xia Muzhu subconsciously looked around. There was no one around. It was so quiet that there was not even a night owl.

It was late autumn now. The night came early and the temperature dropped sharply. People who were walking had been frozen home long ago. This path was not the main road, and there were usually few cars and people.

Seeing that there was no one around, Xia Muzhu felt fear in her heart. She no longer cared about the empty cans at her feet and hurriedly quickened her pace towards home.

While walking away quickly, Xia Muzhu frequently turned her head and looked back. She found that the white-haired man had not left and was still following behind her.

And he seemed to know that he was exposed, so he didn't even pretend and walked over quickly.

Xia Muzhu was extremely anxious. The heavy footsteps approaching from behind her sounded like the roar of a wild beast, constantly tearing her fragile nerves.

Finally, Xia Muzhu couldn't help it. She couldn't keep calm anymore and trotted with her handbag.

After Xia Muzhu started running out of fear, the footsteps behind her quickly turned from slow to fast, and it sounded like she was running.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer behind her, Xia Muzhu tried to suppress her fear and began to recall whether there were any small shops nearby, or some snack stalls that closed later.

As long as she could find even one stall or passerby, I believe the people behind her would not dare to chase her anymore!

But after a while of recollection, Xia Muzhu desperately found that the nearest small shop was also a block away, at least 800 meters away, and that small shop was not open 24 hours a day, so it was probably closed at this time.

Just when Xia Muzhu was anxious, she keenly caught the sound of a conversation.

Is there anyone nearby?

Xia Muzhu was overjoyed. She quickly turned around and ran to the place where the sound came from. After running past a street corner, she saw a figure in an alley in a dim community.

The man stood under the dim street light, holding a mobile phone in one hand against his ear, and was talking to the phone in a rough voice.

Seeing that person, Xia Muzhu's heart, which had just ignited a glimmer of hope, suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley.

Because that person looked obviously more worrying than the strange man who was chasing behind him.

A non-mainstream yellow hair covering half of his face, a sloppy standing posture, and a small tattoo exposed outside the collar.

This doesn't look like a person who can seek help, right?

Instead, it looks more like another terrifying abyss that will choose people to devour!

Xia Muzhu stopped where she was and kept panting, her heart was extremely entangled.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to take the risk and ask for help from the person in front of me, or continue to run away and find someone who looked a little more reliable.Passersby seek help.

After a few breaths of hesitation, the footsteps behind her approached again. Xia Muzhu subconsciously looked back and saw that the strange man with white hair was less than five meters away from her.

Xia Muzhu was so scared that her body softened. She no longer cared about the exaggerated shape of the man under the street light and ran towards the only hope at the moment.

When she came to the yellow-haired man, Xia Muzhu subconsciously hid behind him, raised her hand and pointed at the white-haired man who was not far away, and said breathlessly:

"Brother, can you help me?"

"He, he has been following me, and has been following me all the way."


"What tracking?"

The yellow-haired young man put his mobile phone in his pocket. He looked confused and obviously still out of the situation and didn't understand what was going on.

Before Xia Muzhu continued to explain, the white-haired man who followed her all the way wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke with a smile.

"Nothing, big brother, this is my girlfriend. I had a little conflict with her, and she is angry with me."

Hearing this, the yellow-haired young man turned his head and looked at Xia Muzhu in confusion.

"No, no!"

"I'm not his girlfriend, I don't even know him!"

Xia Muzhu shook his head like a rattle, and quickly denied what the white-haired man said.

"Brother, don't listen to her."

"She is my girlfriend, her name is Xia Muzhu, if you don't believe me, ask her!"

The white-haired man said confidently.

The yellow-haired young man turned his head again and looked at Xia Muzhu.

"No, no!"

"My name is Xia Muzhu, but I really don't know him!"

Xia Muzhu denied it again and again, and was so anxious that tears were about to fall out.

This time, the yellow-haired young man did not turn his head to look at the white-haired man, waiting for him to come up with more convincing evidence. Instead, he stared at Xia Muzhu for a while and asked:

"You look familiar to me?"

"Have we met before?"

Hearing the yellow-haired young man's words that seemed like a chat, Xia Muzhu subconsciously looked up at him.

Under the dim street light, Xia Muzhu's panic-filled eyes gradually showed a hint of doubt. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something. A light flashed in her beautiful apricot eyes, and then the light quickly expanded, turning into a deep joy and happiness.

She looked at the yellow-haired young man and said in surprise:

"It's you!"

"You are the one who helped me in the tavern that day!"

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