The morning study time passed quickly.

Finally, it was Lin Yu's favorite time.

Time to eat!

After getting his meal at the cafeteria window, Lin Yu happily found an empty seat to eat.

While eating, Lin Yu suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if someone was staring at him.

Lin Yu looked up curiously, but did not find anyone looking at him intently.

Is it an illusion?

Lin Yu smacked his lips.

Never mind.

Continue eating!

After eating, Lin Yu prepared to go to the school supermarket to buy a bottle of sweet water to smooth his seams as usual.

On the way to the supermarket, Lin Yu once again felt the feeling of being stared at.

Lin Yu subconsciously turned his head to look, but found that there were densely packed people behind him, and he could not tell who was staring at him at all.

Scratching his head wrapped in gauze, Lin Yu no longer cared about those messy things.

Go buy sweet water!

After coming out of the supermarket, Lin Yu walked towards the teaching building.

On the way from the supermarket to the teaching building, there is a carport area, where some bicycles used by students to go to and from school are placed.

In addition to parking, this carport area is also a serious bullying area.

Especially recently, the bullying phenomenon here is extremely serious.

The reason is because of Tang Manman.

Or it can be said that it is because of the purple-haired little girl Gu Yue.

In short, after that bullying incident in the public eye, the school’s senior leaders agreed to decide to strictly enforce school rules and regulations.

This morning’s homework collection is like this.

It is said that the school’s senior leaders intend to find out those who don’t do their homework, and then call their parents one by one to come to school, and let their parents stand in the corridor with them to accompany them to finish their homework.

In the end, because there were too many people who didn’t do their homework, the corridor couldn’t fit them, let alone call their parents.

So the matter was dropped.

Enforcing homework is only secondary.

The main purpose of the school this time is to catch bullying on campus.

I heard that the school spent a lot of money this time to install surveillance cameras in every corner of the school, and there are people guarding the surveillance cameras 24 hours a day, and they will expel anyone who is caught.

So this carport area that is not covered by surveillance has become an excellent place for bullying.

Looking at the countless bullying incidents in the carport, Lin Yu has no time and does not want to care.

In fact, many bullying incidents are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

For example, student A was bullied by student B first, and then student A asked his senior brother or friends to retaliate against student B. Do you think this can be considered bullying?

Rather than saying that this behavior is bullying, it is better to say it is revenge.

If you help the weak student B at this time, then do you also become a part of the bullying of student A?

What if student A first said mean things to student B, and student B couldn't bear it and took action against him?

This requires another way of saying it.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to intervene rashly without knowing the whole story of a matter.

Because you may become an accomplice of the perpetrator, and may even get into unnecessary trouble.

After taking a sip of sweet water, Lin Yu walked leisurely towards the teaching building.

On the way, Lin Yu frowned, and suddenly felt the feeling of being stared at again. He kept walking forward, then suddenly turned around and looked back.

This time, Lin Yu still didn't see who was hiding in the crowd and peeking at him, but he saw another person.

The cowardly big guy!

It was the cowardly big guy who looked like Niu Dafei.

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