Although there was no way to cut off this long, retarded hair, Lin Yu didn't plan to go back to the small rental house.

I have to find a way to make some money!

Lin Yu had a headache.

The original owner Huangmao was penniless, and the money he had was not even enough to pay the rent for the next quarter!

In order not to be kicked out by the landlord, he must have 1,500 yuan in his hand, enough to pay the rent for the next three months!

Lin Yu rubbed his eyebrows and began to recall what Huangmao's ways of making money were, trying to see if he could make some money to survive with those methods.

After a moment of recollection, Lin Yu's old face darkened.


In addition to the 1,000 yuan living allowance given by the original owner's uncle every month.

The original owner actually survived by extorting pocket money from junior students.

I can't do this!

Otherwise, you will go to the police station for further study before you even get into college!

I have to think of other ways to make money.

Lin Yu thought for a moment and felt that it was most reliable to get money from the original owner's uncle.

He embezzled all the inheritance of the original owner's parents, so he could ask him for money!

Lin Yu thought for a moment and felt that it was feasible.

Although in the memory of the original owner Huangmao, the original owner was a little afraid of his gangster uncle, but he was not afraid!

Before crossing, he was one of the heirs of the family martial arts school!

Not only was he proficient in various fighting skills, but he also had some killing skills.

How could he be afraid of the gangster uncle of the original owner?

With a plan, Lin Yu immediately rushed to the home of the original owner's uncle.

Arriving at the home of the original owner's uncle, Lin Yu knocked on the door, and the door was quickly opened. A middle-aged woman with heavy makeup appeared behind the door.

Lin Yu knew who she was. She was the girlfriend of the original owner's uncle Li Yuan.

The middle-aged woman obviously recognized Lin Yu. She turned her head and shouted inside:

"Li Yuan, your nephew is here!"

After that, she turned and walked into a small room in the house.

Lin Yu entered the living room, and the clattering sound of mahjong in the living room quickly attracted his attention.

Following the sound of mahjong to the small room the woman had just entered, Lin Yu saw the original owner's uncle who was playing mahjong at a glance.

He was sitting on a chair, tall and thin, with less than two taels of flesh on both cheeks. The whole person looked fierce. According to Huangmao's memory, he seemed to be a gangster leader.

Lin Yu nodded secretly. Seeing Li Yuan's ferocious appearance, he understood why the original owner was so afraid of him.

He didn't look like a guy who was easy to mess with.

Seeing his nephew coming, Li Yuan didn't show any expression, but frowned, looking like he didn't like this kid very much.

Lin Yu pretended not to notice Li Yuan's unhappiness, and went straight behind him to watch him play mahjong, thinking about how to ask for the property that belonged to the original owner, or at least get a lot of money from him.

At least you have to have money to maintain the most basic life!

Time passed little by little, and Li Yuan seemed to have a particularly good gambling luck tonight, winning one hand after another. The bills on the table also piled up.

Looking at Li Yuan with a smile on his face, Lin Yu frowned, and couldn't think of an excuse to ask for money for a while.

Say that you need money for school?


Not to mention whether he will give it, even if he gives it, it is estimated that it will only be one or two hundred yuan. In the memory of the original owner, his uncle is very stingy.

Or just turn against him?

Ask him to spit out all the money that he has occupied from the original owner?


Lin Yu quickly rejected this idea.

It's easy to turn against him, but it's not easy to get money from him.

I can't just rob him, right?

If they really fight, everyone here will probably side with Li Yuan, and the chances of me getting away with the money are slim.

And if Li Yuan calls the police and says that he robbed the money, then even if I'm right, I'll be treated as rude. I don't know if I'll be retaliated against in the future, and I might even end up in jail!

Just as Lin Yu was thinking hard about how to get money from Li Yuan, a faint light suddenly flashed into Lin Yu's right eye that was not covered by his yellow hair.

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes and subconsciously looked at the reflection.

As his eyes swept over, Lin Yu saw what the reflection was.

It was a dressing mirror. Li Yuan's girlfriend was putting on makeup with her back to Li Yuan using a small dressing mirror.

Looking at the mirror that not only reflected half of Li Yuan's girlfriend's face, but also the opponent's mahjong, Lin Yu's mouth curled.


Isn't the money here?

Lin Yu took out his phone, turned on the camera, pouted his lips, made a scissors gesture, and pretended to take a selfie.

After taking a picture of Li Yuan's girlfriend cheating with a mirror, Lin Yu frowned, fiddled with his phone with both hands and said:

"Huh?""It's really strange?"

"My phone was fine just now."

"Why did it break all of a sudden?"

After pretending to fiddle with the phone for a while, Lin Yu put the phone in front of Li Yuan and asked for help:

"Uncle, can you help me take a look at my phone?

"Why did the screen suddenly become blurry?"

Li Yuan was secretly looking at the mahjong tiles reflected in the mirror of his girlfriend, but Lin Yu put the phone in front of his eyes to block his view. He was about to raise his hand to slap the phone in front of him in anger, but his eyes suddenly widened and his raised hand was put down.

He looked up at Lin Yu silently, with a threatening look in his long and narrow eyes.

Lin Yu responded with a smile on his face, and said with a smile:

"Uncle, my phone is broken. You won so much money tonight, can you give me a new phone?"

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes, and the fierce light in his eyes exploded. Lin Yu was not afraid at all, but pretended to be wronged and said:

"My phone is really broken and can't be used."

"If you don't believe me, let this brother take a look, let him see if my phone is broken."

As Lin Yu said this, he was about to hand the phone to the person sitting next to Li Yuan.


Li Yuan said coldly, and after looking at Lin Yu deeply, he grabbed a dozen bills from the pile of bills in front of him, raised his hand and handed them to Lin Yu and said:

"Take it and go."

Lin Yu looked at the thin dozen bills, with a smile on his face, and thought to himself, "It's just a few dollars.

How are you sending beggars away?"

"Uncle, didn't you say you would buy me the latest Hammer 7 phone after it came out?"

"It's out now, 14,000."

"My phone is broken."

"Just give me all the money, I'll buy it tonight."

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Li Yuan's eyes were full of danger like knives. He stared at Lin Yu fiercely, as if he wanted to bite a piece of meat off him.

Lin Yu smiled lightly, he didn't want to play the game of staring at Li Yuan.

He moved his arm slightly, pretending to pass the phone to the person next to him.


"I'll give it to you!"

Li Yuan said with gritted teeth, he nodded fiercely at Lin Yu, and then picked out 140 hundred-yuan bills from the pile of bills in front of him and slammed them heavily on the mahjong table.

Lin Yu took the money and counted it with satisfaction. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he said with a smile:

"Thank you, uncle."

Then he put the money into his school uniform pocket and left Li Yuan's house.

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