Xia Yueshan suddenly stopped tearing the squid, and after a moment, he nodded gently.


"I don't think your sister is a bad person?"

Lin Yu was puzzled.

Could it be that Xia Muzhu was actually a beast in human form?

She looked kind and nice to everyone on the surface, but she showed her true colors as soon as she got home, and used her own brother as a cursed villain to play with needles?

Lin Yu looked at Xia Yueshan in confusion, expecting him to give an answer.

Xia Yueshan gritted his teeth and tore off a piece of grilled squid, chewing hard and saying hatefully:

"If it weren't for her, my parents wouldn't have left at all!"

"Does your parents' departure have a lot to do with your sister?"

Lin Yu's heart sank, and he vaguely understood Xia Yueshan.

Did the brother and sister have such a deep blood feud? No wonder Xia Yueshan hated her sister so much...



Recalling the photos he saw at Xia Muzhu's house a few days ago, Lin Yu frowned tightly.

That photo was not too long ago, right?

Could it be that in the past few months, the parents of the siblings have passed away?

No way?

Xia Muzhu said that Xia Yueshan seemed to dislike her when she was in the third grade of elementary school. The time doesn't match at all!

Just when Lin Yu was wondering.

Xia Yueshan nodded vigorously, his eyes were full of resentment, and he chewed the grilled squid in his mouth vigorously, as if he was biting Xia Muzhu's meat, and said angrily:

"If it weren't for her, my parents would never feel at ease leaving me alone in the country. They would definitely take me to work abroad, or find a new job in the country, so that we wouldn't be separated!"



Lin Yu didn't know what his expression looked like now.

But I guess someone took a picture of him, so he could use it as a speechless emoticon in the future.

Or the kind without words!

Recalling Xia Yueshan's words full of complaints, Lin Yu didn't know where to start complaining for a moment.

After sorting out his thoughts, Lin Yu asked in a tone that even he found absurd:

"You mean, your sister is very reliable, your parents trust her very much, and they decided to leave you in the country and let your sister take care of you."

"And you hate your sister because you can't be with your parents, right?"

Lin Yu looked at Xia Yueshan with an expression of watching a melodrama, and what's even more melodramatic is that Xia Yueshan actually nodded in agreement.

"That's right!"

"If it weren't for her, my parents would definitely be by my side, and my parents would also be able to go to my parent-teacher meeting."

"I wouldn't be scolded by others as a wild child who was not wanted by my parents."

"I can also be protected by my parents when I am bullied."

"Just like Li Heizi just now!"

Lin Yu's helpless and sarcastic smile froze instantly when Xia Yueshan said that he was ridiculed as a wild child.

As Xia Yueshan continued to talk, the smile on Lin Yu's face quickly disappeared.

Looking at Xia Yueshan, who was wiping tears and sobbing, Lin Yu quickly realized a problem.

Is Xia Yueshan's reason for hating his biological sister ridiculous?


This reason is like the reason given by an ignorant child.

Want mom and dad to be with him.

Don't want mom and dad to leave.

It's really ridiculous to look at all this from an adult's perspective.

But what if we put Xia Yueshan's perspective into perspective?

Put him in the perspective of being bullied as soon as he entered junior high school, but unable to seek protection from his parents.

Put him in the perspective of his elementary school parent-teacher meeting, where everyone else came with their parents, but he was the only one who came with his sister.

Put him in the perspective of being called a wild child by his classmates, but unable to get his parents to come to the scene to prove that he was not a wild child.

From his perspective.

He seems to be really wronged.

He also has reason to hate his gentle and considerate sister.

But is this right?

It couldn't be more wrong.

"Xia Yueshan, you hate your sister, right?"

Lin Yu asked Xia Yueshan, who kept wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffing from time to time.


Xia Yueshan hummed and nodded heavily.

"But have you ever thought that from your sister's perspective, she should hate you more?"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Xia Yueshan stopped wiping his tears. Lin Yu looked at him and continued:

"I know that you think it's your sister's existence that allows your parents to work abroad with peace of mind, resulting in you not being able to be with them."

"But your existence also restricts your sister, doesn't it?"

"Your sister is so beautiful, but she is this yearShe's already 24, and still hasn't fallen in love or gotten married."

"You're not stupid enough to think that no one is pursuing her, are you?"

"Do you know how much your existence has delayed her and brought her regrets?"

"Then she shouldn't care about me!"

Xia Yueshan suddenly roared loudly:

"If she doesn't care about me, my parents will worry about me, and they will take me abroad, or stay to take care of me."

"Who wants her to care!"

Xia Yueshan's angry roar sounded on the quiet river bank. Lin Yu looked at this paranoid and somewhat crazy teenager, with only pity for him in his eyes.

"Are you so sure that without your sister, your parents will take you abroad?"

"Or stay for you?"

"Xia Yueshan, stop dreaming."

Lin Yu mercilessly pierced his fantasy and said coldly:

"They can't take you abroad. ”

“I won’t talk about other things, you just can’t pass the foreign language test!”

“How can you survive abroad without knowing foreign languages?”

“Stay at home every day?”

“Wait for your parents to come home tired after a day of work, and then cook for you like serving ancestors?”

“I can learn to cook by myself!”

Xia Yueshan said loudly in dissatisfaction.

“What about going to school?”

Lin Yu continued to ask:

“How do you solve the problem of going to school?”

“You don’t think you don’t have to go to school when you go abroad?”

“How can you go to school without knowing foreign languages?”

“How can you communicate with others?”

“When people laugh and scold you, you don’t know, and you still have to smile at others.”

Looking at the speechless Xia Yueshan, Lin Yu continued to say:

“Don’t think that your parents will stay in China for you. "

"If they can find a similar or slightly worse-paid job in China, they will not choose to abandon you to develop abroad."

"Xia Yueshan, I tell you."

"If your sister ignores you as you said."

"You have only two outcomes."

Lin Yu stretched out two fingers in front of Xia Yueshan.

"Either you are roughly taken care of by an outsider who pays for three meals a day."

"Or you are thrown into a boarding school like a prison, where you will spend your former elementary school, current junior high school, and future high school!"


Lin Yu stood up, looked down at Xia Yueshan, and said with a serious expression:

"Xia Yueshan, even if you are furious, you should not vent it on your sister."

"At least she is more innocent than you!"

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