"Sit down first, I'll serve the dishes."

Xia Muzhu greeted Lin Yu, and then she walked to the kitchen.

Lin Yu nodded and came to the dining table. Just as he was about to sit down, he suddenly felt a chill.

Lin Yu looked around and saw Xia Yueshan standing on the other side of the dining table with a gloomy face and a gloomy and resentful look. His pair of black eyes were full of resentment and vigilance.

What's wrong with this kid?

A big question mark appeared in Lin Yu's head.

Xia Yueshan turned his head to look at Xia Muzhu who was busy in the kitchen. After making sure that she didn't look at him, he came to Lin Yu with three bottles of drinks in his arms. With a tone of anger after being deceived, he whispered:

"You are lying!"

"I asked my sister, you are not the thug she found to help me vent my anger!"

"You tell me!"

"You are helping me so diligently, are you trying to seduce my sister?"

Looking at Xia Yueshan's angry look, Lin Yu was quite disdainful. He reached out and took a bottle of drinks from his arms, and then flicked him. His head collapsed, and he whispered:

"I'm not trying to seduce your sister, I'm trying to protect your sister!"

Xia Yueshan groaned, and hurriedly put the two bottles of drinks in his arms on the table, then rubbed his forehead vigorously with his hands. After the pain eased a little, he looked up at Lin Yu, pretended to be ugly and said in a weird tone:

"I'm not trying to seduce your sister~"

"I'm trying to protect your sister~"

"If you want to seduce, just seduce, why are you looking for so many excuses!"

Xia Yueshan pouted, looking down on Lin Yu for not daring to tell the truth.

"Xia Yueshan, I'm serious!"

Lin Yu stared at Xia Yueshan with a serious expression, and said word by word:

"Your sister..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Xia Muzhu, wearing anti-scalding gloves on both hands, walked out of the kitchen slowly with a porcelain pot of soup. She looked at the two people, one big and one small, gathered together and asked curiously.


"Yueshan said you look beautiful today."

"I said you look beautiful every day."

Lin Yu put his hand on Xia Yueshan's head, his expression was serious, so serious that it made people feel that he thought so in his heart.

Looking at Lin Yu's sincere look, Xia Muzhu's milky white skin turned red. She stood there at a loss, and finally lowered her head slightly, and said softly with some embarrassment:

"Thank you."

Seeing this scene, Xia Yueshan looked up at Lin Yu angrily, staring at him fiercely.

Lin Yu! You still say you don't want to pick up my sister?

Lin Yu raised his hand and patted Xia Yueshan's head, putting on a disdainful expression of "you kid, you know nothing".

The sumptuous dishes were served on the table one after another. While eating, Lin Yu used all his skills, risking that Xia Yueshan might pounce on him and bite him at any time, and made Xia Muzhu tremble.

At the same time, he also got the information he wanted by indirect means.

Xia Muzhu really doesn't have a boyfriend, nor a childhood sweetheart like Yu Kai, or even someone she can call an ambiguous relationship with. Her life is very simple and regular.

Every day she buys groceries, cooks, occasionally goes shopping with friends and girlfriends, and when she's bored she reads romance novels, or does home activities like yoga...

Why does it feel like her life is as leisurely as some married wives who don't have to work after marriage?

Should we say she is a congenital wife saint?

The only thing left to the perfect wife in the textbook is marriage!

The above information was obtained by Lin Yu through constant indirect inquiries, but there is still some information that Lin Yu didn't find out.

For example, the boy who appeared in the yellow comics, hiding behind the door, secretly peeping at the erotic scene in the bedroom through a tiny crack in the door.

Xia Muzhu didn't reveal even a little bit of his information.

Lin Yu could see that she was not deliberately hiding something.

Instead, she couldn't associate the topic of love and childhood sweethearts with the boy.

This made Lin Yu a little confused.

Since he was the official male protagonist, Xia Muzhu shouldn't have no impression or good feelings towards him, right?

She had to find a way to meet him.

Lin Yu raised his hand and rubbed his brow with his thumb.

If she met him, she might be able to recall more clips from the yellow comics through his familiar face, and maybe even remember the male protagonist in the second erotic plot, thus avoiding the tragedy.

After finishing the meal, Lin Yu stood up to say goodbye, and at the same time secretly made a look at Xia Yueshan, indicating that he should follow him down.

Sitting down on the bench downstairs, Lin Yu lit a cigarette and took a puff, quietly waiting for Xia Yueshan to arrive.

After careful consideration, Lin Yu decided to let Xia Yueshan know part of the truth.After all, he has been with Xia Muzhu for a longer time.

If there is any accident or dangerous situation, maybe he can help.

Thinking like this, Xia Yueshan had already appeared in the corridor. He walked in front of Lin Yu and said unhappily:

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, just say it!"

Lin Yu looked up at Xia Yueshan who looked like he didn't like him. He stood up suddenly, grabbed Xia Yueshan's ear, twisted it hard and cursed:

"Little bastard, who allowed you to talk to me like this?"

"You, let me go!"

Xia Yueshan was so painful that he grinned. He thought he had Lin Yu's handle, so he didn't beg for mercy, but threatened:

"Otherwise I will go and complain to my sister!"

"Say you bullied me!"

"Say bad things about you behind your back!"

"Make my sister hate you and never want to see you again!"


Hearing Xia Yueshan's threat, Lin Yu pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered, twisted his ear left and right, and asked:

"Do you think I really want to chase your sister?"

As he said that, Lin Yu let go of Xia Yueshan's ear.

He took a half step back, spread his arms, turned around in front of Xia Yueshan as if showing himself, and asked coldly:

"Did you see it?"

"What did you see?"

Xia Yueshan covered his ears and asked with a grin.

"Did you see my temperament?"

"This temperament of a social youth who was suffocated in the mud!"

Lin Yu put his hands on his waist and said loudly, not ashamed but proud.

Xia Yueshan glared at Lin Yu unconvinced, snorted and said:

"I'm not blind, anyone can see that you are not a good person."

Hearing Xia Yueshan's words, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction. He smiled at Xia Yueshan and asked slowly:

"Then do you think someone like me, if I have a good impression of your sister, would choose this stupid and laborious method to pursue her now?"

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