Tang Qinqin frowned and took the chicken soup reluctantly. After taking a sip, her thin eyebrows frowned instantly, as if what she drank was not the delicious chicken soup, but a kind of Chinese medicine that would attack her taste buds!

Holding the bowl with both hands, Tang Qinqin lowered her head slightly, pretending to continue drinking the chicken soup, but in fact she just put her pink lips slightly on the edge of the bowl, and didn't drink even a drop of chicken soup.

Her dark and bright eyes turned cunningly under the cover of her hair.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, she looked up, pointed at the schoolbag beside the bed and said:

"By the way, sister, give me the schoolbag. I don't understand a point of knowledge, and I'm waiting for you to ask you."

While speaking, she naturally took the chicken soup with one hand and put it on the bedside table. The movement was smooth and flowing, and she didn't even need the help of her eyes. With a stretch of her arm, she was about to put the chicken soup in a more remote corner of the bedside table.

Just when the bottom of the bowl was about to fall silently on the bedside table, a white hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the wrist of the little hand holding the bowl.

Tang Qinqin, whose wrist was grabbed, shrank her neck in fear, turned her head to look at her sister who was still smiling, and blinked innocently, trying to get away with it

"Drink it first."

"Look at the knowledge points after you finish drinking it."

"Otherwise, after the chicken soup cools down, you will say that you have a bad stomach and can't drink the cold soup, and fool this bowl of chicken soup."

Tang Manman squinted and smiled, and said softly.


Tang Qinqin pouted her lower lip, looking like how could you expose my sadness like this.

"Drink it quickly."

"Otherwise, let mom confiscate your phone."

Tang Manman threatened with a fake smile.

Seeing that being cute didn't work, Tang Qinqin hummed sadly and could only helplessly bring the chicken soup to her mouth again.

After taking a small sip, Tang Qinqin's cute little face, which still had a little childishness, wrinkled even more.

"Sister, have you been doing well in school recently?"

"Are you tired from studying?"

Tang Qinqin held the bowl and asked as if chatting.

"Not bad."

Tang Manman responded softly.

Tang Qinqin took a small sip of chicken soup. This time, she did not wrinkle her pretty face, but asked cautiously:

"Have you been bullied by bad guys?"


Tang Manman shook her head absentmindedly, but she soon came to her senses.

Why would Qinqin ask this question?

Recalling Yu Kai whom she met when she got on the elevator just now, she frowned and asked in a tone that was no longer gentle:

"Did Yu Kai tell you something?"

Tang Qinqin did not hide it. She hummed softly and nodded:

"When Yu Kai came to see me just now, he told me something about you in school."


Tang Manman frowned and asked.

"He said that you were targeted by a bad guy in school. The bad guy hired someone to act and tricked you."

Tang Qinqin held the bowl in front of her lips. Under her black hair, her peach blossom eyes sparkled, and she looked very gossipy.

"This Yu Kai!"

"Why didn't you realize that he was such a person before?"

"Spread rumors and slander others everywhere!"

"And said that others were bad guys!"

"He is the bad guy!"

Tang Manman said angrily.

"What's going on?"

"Sister, can you tell me?"

Tang Qinqin looked serious, as if she wanted to share her sister's worries. As she spoke, she stood up and naturally put the bowl of slightly hot chicken soup on the bedside table beside her, and gently pushed it in...


Carrying the heavy thermos bucket, Tang Manman left the ward with a very bad look.

This Tang Qinqin!

Sooner or later, her mother will punish her!

Confiscate her mobile phone!

At least a week!

Let her think of ways not to drink chicken soup all day long!

Leaving the hospital angrily, on the way to the bus stop, Tang Manman became more and more angry.


Can't leave like this

Tang Qinqin must drink this chicken soup today!

Tang Manman took out her mobile phone and checked the time. She found that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. If she took the bus home and came back at this time, she might not catch the last bus when she got home.

If I take a taxi home, the fare may not even be enough for 40 yuan...

When she thought about having to spend so much money on a taxi, Tang Manman felt heartbroken.

Her test scores were not good, and she did not get a scholarship. The family's expenses were very stressful, and she could not spend money like this.


Tang Manman gritted her teeth in hatred.

If she went home like this, she would not be able to sleep well tonight.

And she would not be able to explain to her mother when she got home.Tomorrow she has to fast for a checkup. After the checkup, if she covers herself with the quilt and pretends to be asleep because she is not feeling well, then no one can do anything to her!

Is she going to be fooled by the chicken soup this week?

I am not willing to accept this!

If not...

Look for a small restaurant nearby that can process food?

Maybe they can help heat up the chicken soup?

Thinking of this, Tang Manman stopped walking towards the bus station and turned back.

I remember there is a restaurant near the hospital that can help process food.


Let them help heat up the chicken soup!

Tang Qinqin!

You wait!


According to the route in her memory, Tang Manman quickly arrived in front of the small restaurant. Looking at the big words "processing" written on the sign next to the door, she snorted with pride.

Tang Qinqin, let's see what tricks you can come up with this time!

Entering the small restaurant, Tang Manman wanted to discuss heating the chicken soup with the restaurant owner, but her attention was quickly attracted by something else.

It was a pair of full hemispheres that made men stand in awe and women ashamed to hold their chests.

Above the hemispheres, in the middle position below the collarbone, there was a pair of black wings tattooed on the snow-white skin.

The collision and contrast of pure black and pure white looked extremely eye-catching.

What attracted Tang Manman's attention was not the ink tattoo tattooed in a semi-private position, nor the pair of snow-white balls that were exposed by one-third, but the owners of the two.

A short girl with a slightly chubby face.

Watching Lin Yu's girlfriend and another strange man snuggling together for dinner, flirting with each other.

Tang Manman was stunned for a moment, and even forgot the purpose of coming here.

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