"What is missing?" Carl looked at Sever and asked in surprise. What could be so dazed about Sever?

"It can't be the ring I gave you!" Carl thought about it and could only think of this one. After all, Sever didn't usually have any other precious things.

"No, no, it's hanging here..." Sever picked up the silver chain around his neck, and the golden ring showed a little bit of its shape. He was about to pick out the whole ring but accidentally glanced at the notebook in Carl's arms.

The familiar leather cover made Sever freeze in place, because he was the only one who bought this kind of notebook, and he only bought two. One was used to record potion notes and given to Lily. She hasn't returned it to him yet, and the other one...

was used by him to record his experience in black magic...

Carl got it this way. Did he forget to take it one day? Because Carl's two arms were half holding the notebook, Sever only noticed the leather cover of the notebook and didn't see the potion mark marked below at all.

"Oh, by the way, you...", Carl just opened his mouth to say that Lily asked him to bring a notebook to Sever, but he found that Sever's face was pale and he seemed to be shaking.

"Have you read it?", his lips were tightly pursed, and in an instant, there was no blood color, and his eyes were a little scared, and Carl noticed this very accurately.

But why Sever was scared, Carl couldn't figure it out, and the question was even more strange, he must have read the potion notebook, he Lily, Alice, and even James, they all borrowed it not long ago.

"Yes, I have read it." Carl answered the question in a half-daze.

And Sever over there felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

His brain was almost sealed in an instant, his voice was a little trembling, barely stabilizing his emotions, and almost choking out the words from his throat, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

About black magic, about your opinion of me.

And neither of them noticed that they were chatting across servers now.

"What can I say to you?" If Carl was still half-dazed just now, he was now completely confused. He tried to understand for a long time but still couldn't understand what Sever was saying.

I'll just give him a book of potion notes. What else can I say to Sever...

What's going on? Is Sever forcing himself to write a potion note? I know I was very embarrassed when I passed the Potions class, but you don't need to judge my grades every day!

Too much!!!

Sever saw that Carl's mood was relatively stable. He thought he could still explain to Carl. Maybe Carl would understand him.

"But I can explain. I tried to learn these things..." Sever grabbed Carl's wrist. Although Carl probably wouldn't run away when he was talking, it was safer this way.

He spoke, trying to restore his normal complexion so that he could persuade Carl.

"Oh, okay..." Carl stumbled and said. Although he still felt that the current situation was a bit strange, Sever didn't want to punish him for studying, so everything could be discussed.

"About the Dark Arts..." Before Sever finished speaking, the door of the Slytherin Common Room opened again, and a boy with black hair walked out, holding a notebook with the same cover as the one in Carl's arms.

Carl and Sever were still holding hands at this moment. Regulus glanced at the two of them, showing a confused expression, but his good upbringing made him react quickly, and he also knew what he was doing.

"Ahem, I don't mean to disturb you." Regulus coughed twice, and looking at Regulus who suddenly appeared, Sever immediately put down Carl's wrist.

Regulus glanced at Sever, then silently threw the book into his arms, "Your notebook."

Sever opened the cover and took a look. It was the one he marked with the Dark Arts.

The one in Carl's hand... Sever's eyes swept over, "The one in your hand..."

"Ah, Lily asked me to return your Potions class notes, I forgot to tell you." Carl raised the Potions class notes in his hand, as if he was still out of the situation.

"You...", Sever's face looked a little ugly, was it just a misunderstanding?

"What's wrong, is there any problem?", Carl looked at Sever, he was holding the potion class notes, always felt that Sever looked at him with a strange look.

"No, forget it, nothing...", Sever felt that he shouldn't bother with Carl who was out of his situation.

That would be a waste of effort, and it was very strange, and this did have its own problems.

I should have asked clearly just now, but at that moment my brain seemed to be sealed and I couldn't think at all...

"How did you find this"This...", Sever turned to ask Regulus next to him. Most Slytherins were not opposed to dark magic, and Regulus was from the Black family, so Sever was not afraid of him looking at these things.

Regulus seemed to have expected what Sever was going to say, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't check the contents."

He was not a person who liked to pry into other people's privacy.

Regulus' tone was a little flat, "Those little groups who like to play pranks just took this thing to show off in the lounge, and I saw that it was yours...", Regulus told the cause and effect of the matter.

"Thank you for helping me get the notebook back. ", Sifu understood. After all, those people have been playing tricks on him for a long time. They were probably laughing somewhere when he couldn't find his notebook just now...

"Ah... not really...", Regulus suddenly said. Thinking of the bizarre scene just now, even a person like Regulus who doesn't have much emotional fluctuations looked a little confused.

"I didn't do anything. When they were showing off their notebooks, one of them suddenly tripped and fell down...", that scene left a deep impression on Regulus, but the following scene made Regulus unforgettable in his life.

"Then the one behind was The one who fell in front tripped, and so on, they all fell to the ground, and finally your notebook fell out and flew into my hand..." Regulus frowned, not understanding why it turned out like this, after all, this was a bit absurd both from the perspective of magic and science.

"Uh...but thank you...", obviously Sever also felt that it was a bit absurd, this scene was indeed a bit outrageous.

"Puff...", Carl probably knew what was going on, he couldn't help laughing, but still tried not to laugh wildly and only laughed in his heart.

Hahahaha, is this ring so good? I laughed so hard, they are really unlucky.

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