"In short, as long as you study hard and make progress every day, and don't join any cult to engage in pyramid selling, it will be fine." Sever didn't react for a moment.

"You scared me, I thought you were messing around with the platinum peacock." Carl breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. It was worth it for him to follow Sever's ass every day to guard against others. This was right. Sever was still a straight sapling and had no tendency to grow crooked.

That's great!

Thinking of this, Carl walked forward and flipped through Sever's notebook, nodding while reading with interest.

Sever looked at Carl who was calmly flipping through the notes. Platinum peacock, is he talking about Senior Malfoy?

I have to say... The description is indeed accurate. Sever's impression of Lucius flashed through his mind. He really looked like a peacock, the kind that could be pulled out to compete with Potter [Lily was half next to him].

However, Sev swallowed his saliva and continued, "But the definition of dark magic is different from that of guns, so it will..."

"That's an excuse, right? Those desperadoes did evil because of dark magic? Isn't it because he is a scumbag himself?"

"Aurors can also use Avada Kedavra, but those people will do bad things even if they don't have dark magic to use."

"For them, the difference between fainting and Avada Kedavra may just be the difference between inefficiency and efficiency." Carl still kept flipping through the notebook, and had to say...

Sev, this thing is much more fun than potions, Carl cried!!! Compared to the potion notebook, Carl felt that this one might be more suitable for him.

"...", Sev thought for a while, he seemed to understand a little, but Carl was not sure if he had fully understood it, so he continued.

"I said Sev, if, I mean if." Carl's fingers gestured in the air, his body movements were always rich.

"Now a terrorist suddenly appears and grabs me, with a green wand in his hand. Will you save me?" The light under the tree was not very good, and the sunlight passed over the leaves, leaving only a few fluttering spots of light.

"Of course I will." Sever affirmed.

"Even if you use black magic?" Carl blinked, his tone went up and down like singing, full of joking ridicule, because he knew the answer must be yes.

"Of course." Sever did not hesitate.

"Yes, Sever, so I will do the same, I will do everything to save you." Carl smiled, and the mottled shadows under the tree dotted some colors on his blue eyes, which were as beautiful as the stars.

The owner of the eyes said to him firmly.

"Even if it is black magic."

It was just a moment, and Sever felt that time seemed to have stopped, and all the sounds in his ears were eliminated, even the sound of water or wind. He seemed to only hear what Carl said to him, and...

his own heartbeat.

"Hmm...", Sever tried to calm his breathing and suppress the blush on his face so that Carl would not see anything else.

Fortunately, a group of birds suddenly flew across the sky at this moment, which greatly diverted Carl's attention.

"Wow, the scenery is quite beautiful. It would be more beautiful if the lights were on later, right, Sever?" Carl looked at the scenery from a distance.

"Yes." Sever nodded, but his eyes did not look into the distance.


After the notebook incident, Carl and Sever became closer. Carl is now living a very comfortable life. Except for not knowing how to get Regulus, everything is going according to plan.

It was November, the weather was getting colder, and the Quidditch game began. Although it was not the kind of degree that the breath would turn into ice crystals, the weather was also very cold.

Carl rarely added a few more clothes. Although he could use spells, he always felt a little uneasy without clothes on his body.

However, Alice did not have the privilege of adding more clothes. Quidditch uniforms are neat but they sacrifice warmth. Although Alice said that she was not cold because of the spell, Carl still felt a little chilly when he saw Alice's exposed arms.

Alice was lucky. It was a match against Slytherin. Of course, it was also partly luck. Slytherin did not find a suitable seeker this year.

The temporary substitutes were slightly worse than Alice, but Carl was not worried about it.

Well... according to the course of history.

The future seeker of the Serpent Court was still sitting next to him at this time. Carl looked at the Slytherin stands.

He first exchanged glances with Sever and said hello, then moved his gaze to Regulus next to him.

Slytherin also seemed to be cultivating Regulus.Regulus meant that at this time, there were already several substitute players around him, and they seemed to be talking to Regulus.

However, Carl didn't think Regulus particularly liked Quidditch.

Although Quidditch is a sport that most boys like, there was not much surprise in Regulus' eyes, but a calmness of coping with the formula.

There was even a trace of fatigue and numbness in his eyes.

I learned a little from Sever that Regulus's grades were very good, almost comparable to Sirius's, and many were even much better.

The hard work involved can be imagined.

It is also understandable that his brother is rebellious. As the youngest son of the Black family, if he is not as good as his rebellious brother, how can he convince others?

And Quidditch is probably one of the jobs to benchmark Sirius.

Carl thinks that rather than not liking Quidditch, it is better to say that he hates benchmarking with his brother from the bottom of his heart and forming a competitive relationship.

Why do a pair of brothers who love each other become like this?

In fact, when Carl was looking for Sirius to play, he encountered Regulus several times, and he could clearly feel it.

When he met Sirius alone, the surrounding body temperature was 25 degrees Celsius.

When he met Regulus alone, the surrounding body temperature was zero degrees Celsius.

When the Black brothers met, the surrounding body temperature was absolute zero!

As long as a pair of Blacks are gathered, there is a high probability of triggering a cold war!

If it was a quarrel, Carl would probably be a little relieved, at least there is room for adjustment, but Regulus would only do three consecutive times when he was about to have a serious hot war with Sirius.


Purple lips


That's right! It's these three, he won't even get angry, he will just restrain his temper and leave quietly, this kind is the most difficult to deal with!

Compare their relationship to curing an illness.

Quarreling is considered a worsening of the illness, but at least you can understand the illness and actively treat it. Regulus directly refused treatment!

Carl thought that the relationship between Penny and Lily was twisted enough, who would have thought that these two are even more heavyweights! ! !

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