"Look carefully, look over there." James was rare to be careful. He pulled Carl over and pointed to Frank and Alice over there.

"What did you see?" James looked at them and nodded with satisfaction. Carl was a little confused, and then said as a matter of course, "Senior Longbottom and Alice."

"Wrong, it's love! Are you so stupid or fake? Alice likes Senior Longbottom! Can't you see it?" James was a little disappointed. This was the first time he and Severus united on the same front. They also wanted to open his brain to see what kind of love insulator was stuffed inside.

This is strange. He can find other emotions accurately, so why is he not sensitive to love signals? It's really strange.

"Ah?" Carl opened his mouth wide, which showed how shocked he was at the moment. He almost said the conclusion he had drawn before without thinking, "Doesn't Alice like you?"

"!!!", James was very shocked and stepped aside as if he had touched something dirty, shouting exaggeratedly, "How can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air!"

"If Lily misunderstood, will you be responsible?! My image in her eyes is already strange enough. After Remus and Sirius, I don't want Alice to be my third match in Lily's eyes!" James was like a little animal with frizzy hair. The posture was similar to the one he had after he and Carl played tricks after their first meeting. In short, he was very angry.

"Think of it in a good way. At least you have changed from homosexual to bisexual." Sever was on the side to make up for it. He knew how to kill people and break their hearts.

Especially when it comes to stabbing James' heart, he is even more accurate.

This is to hold Lily hostage to control the stupid deer, and to hold it tightly.

Sure enough, James's face turned green again, and he looked very painful.

"In short, stay here obediently. Even if you are good at comforting people, you don't need to get involved in anyone's sadness." Sever's tone was flat, but for some reason, Carl heard a bit of sarcasm in his words.

"Okay... but Alice really doesn't like James?" Carl was not sure. He felt that his reasoning was convincing and it didn't make sense.

"What you said, why don't you say that Snape actually likes Lily?" James couldn't guess what Carl was thinking. He gave a CP pairing that was at the same level as him and Alice in his mind.

Hiss... Don't say it, don't say it, James, you really have a bit of a prophet in you. If Carl hadn't seen the photo of the Potters and James, he would really doubt whether James was brought back to be raised.

Thinking of this, Carl looked at James with a subtle expression. At the same time, he glanced at Sever. It was not impossible.

Sever was also speechless for a while after James' words, but it didn't matter. This person liked to talk nonsense the most. Carl would not take it to heart. Sever thought so.


He saw Carl looking at James with a complicated expression in his eyes. He actually read a trace of recognition and appreciation from Carl's eyes.




James Potter, you are playing this trick on me, right? Although Lily would never like you, don't blame me for tripping you up by misleading Carl:).

James felt like he was being roasted on the fire. He just wanted to play a joke! Which good person can come and tell him why Carl should recognize him and why Snape should look at him with murderous eyes!

Why is this!

Who will save him! 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

"... You don't think so, do you?" James said uncertainly, trying to pull Carl back.

Carl only smiled in response.

Hahaha, it would be fine if I didn't ask. Once I asked, Severus' eyes looked more like knives. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he won't rush up to me to have a real solo. James comforted himself in his heart and smiled bitterly.

"Just kidding, why are you so nervous, James?" Carl waved his hand and patted James' shoulder at James's smile, which was uglier than crying.

Although I don't know why, James' expression is so bright, so funny~

"It's good that you know." James breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Alice was a little fidgety holding the broom. Her mistake this time was too big. Not to mention others, even she could find it.

After training for so long, why did it turn out like this? Or was it because I was not suitable for it.

Even for a moment, Alice still denied herself a little. This was inevitable. After all, the mistakes and distractions just now were very wrong.

"Alice?" Frank waved his hand in front of Alice.Alice immediately reacted and lowered her head shyly, "Senior Longbottom? Are you here to watch the Quidditch game?"

Actually, Alice regretted it after she said this. Was she here to watch the Quidditch game or to watch her? She was just talking nonsense.

"That's right." Frank put his hand on his chin, pretending to think, his face was as gentle as ever, and you could feel the spring breeze blowing across your cheeks all the time when you were with him.

"But the most important reason is that I want to watch Alice play for the first time. After all, I taught her... Of course I want to check the teaching results." Frank spoke very cleverly. He did not deny that he was here to watch the game, but emphasized that he was here to watch Alice's first Quidditch game as a teacher.

Alice was ecstatic at first, but then she was covered by disappointment. After all, she was really bad in the preliminary round. She made all the big mistakes and kept making small mistakes. It was so embarrassing.

Alice covered half of her face, but she still liked Frank to speak out his thoughts, "But senior thinks that my game..."

"This is pretty good, compared to me..." Frank nodded, his tone was sincere and not like a disguise.

"You are lying to me, if it was Senior Longbottom..." Alice's compliment was stopped by Frank before she could say it, and then he began to reveal his dark history a little embarrassedly.

"Well... In fact, it's much better. My situation was similar to yours at that time. Senior had just graduated, and Gryffindor couldn't find a talented seeker at all." Frank began to recall the past.

"I made up the position with some advantages, but I was still very nervous when I played for the first time. At that time, I was just a little bit away from reporting to Madam Pomfrey because I dropped my broom..." Frank sighed, and he rubbed the tip of the pen with his fingers a little embarrassedly.

"You can ask anyone about this, even Madam Hooch, she can testify for me." Frank added, as if he was afraid that Alice would not believe it.

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