"You don't know Tom, right? How can you be sure he's dead?" The basilisk was a little sad about Tom's death in Carl's mouth, but he was curious why Carl was so sure that Tom was dead.

"As a descendant of the great Slytherin, he should become a great wizard in this era, or even the greatest one, but I haven't heard the name Tom since I entered school, so there are probably two possibilities." Carl stretched out two fingers and talked freely.

"First, he is a mediocre fool, and now I don't know which small village or prison he is squatting in."

"Second, he died young."

"Which one do you choose?" Carl smiled and looked like he was watching a show. The basilisk tilted his head and finally said mercilessly, "Then I hope it's the second one."

"Yes, as a descendant of Slytherin, the first one is the most incredible, so of course we have to choose the second one." Carl smiled a little cunningly, and the basilisk felt that he had been cheated for no reason, but his brain capacity was not enough to support him to continue thinking about this possibility.

"Okay, dear boy, as the only descendant of Slytherin now, how about we make friends? I need this place as a temporary secret base." Carl touched the scales of the basilisk, and the touch was a little incredible, cold and a little smooth, a little hard, and it seemed to be easier to touch than ordinary snakes, although Carl had never stroked other snakes.

"Of course, as long as you are Salazar's child, but there is nothing left here except that it is a little big, Tom took them all away." The basilisk was a little embarrassed. In fact, Slytherin asked him to guard here, and he naturally left some legacy in addition to the huge secret room.

But after Tom came, he moved almost all the things in it away...

Oh, okay, this sentence was a lie to Carl. Although Tom did take some things away, most of the things were accidentally broken because he was too bored in the secret room.

"No, I don't need these things. It's better to say that this secret room is the most valuable treasure compared to other things." Carl touched the wall and looked at the pillars around with interest, as well as the snake patterns on them.

"This place is really big, it's enough. It's worthy of being Slytherin. This is so great." Carl did not forget to praise his dear old predecessor Salazar Slytherin while patrolling the surroundings.

His mood is a bit like, how to say it?

It's probably, you go with peace of mind, you secret room and snakes are my care [Cao Mengde's face].

"Now it's time to get down to business. I say, do you mind having another good friend here?" Carl's hand floated in the air. In the eyes of the basilisk, Carl's posture was a bit strange. He seemed to be touching something, but in fact there was nothing in front of him.

"Of course I don't mind." The basilisk thought Carl was talking about himself, and agreed as a matter of course. After all, if he didn't want to, he would have swallowed Carl long ago.

"Great." Carl tapped the halo floating in the air in front of him, and then fished out the dinosaur egg that he had treasured for many years. The dinosaur egg, which originally had green stripes, immediately changed color the moment it came out, from white with green spots to a pure black one, but the size remained the same, and it did not grow a circle because of coming to reality. It is estimated that it is difficult to grow very big...

What a pity...

"Is this for me to eat?" The basilisk looked at the dragon egg in Carl's hand and took a look. Well, Tom often feeds himself. Although he is not the favorite spider, he is a new owner after all, so this is barely okay. The basilisk did not say anything about the snap and bit on the egg.

But it did not break through the enemy's defensive armor, but was hurt by the recoil.

Why is it so hard, but it's just a black egg! ! !

"I can't give it to you to eat. As you can see, this is a new friend you haven't met." Carl weighed the dragon egg. The basilisk looked at the egg in Carl's hand with a hint of human disgust in his eyes.

"But I don't want to stay with other animals. The snake next to Tom was annoying enough before, but Tom liked her very much. She always showed off to me, annoying guy...", the basilisk grumbled.

"Well... that can't be helped. Actually, I was planning to let Nanako live with you, but then I thought this one would be better. But since you are so disgusted with it, it's not impossible to let Nanako come...", Carl acted innocently.

"Well, Nanako...", the basilisk tilted his head in confusion, and Carl coaxed him in a persuasive tone, "Yes, it's a super cute little guy, with a soft body and warm fur, super cute!"

"Sounds weak?", the basilisk said, he didn't understand why Carl liked the things he described, it sounded weak...

"It should be said that it is very weak, to the extent that anyone can kill it.", Carl held his chin, then spread his hands and answered helplessly.

"Then I want to be his roommate!", the basilisk was calculating in his mind.

First, live with the guy who sounds weak, reject this hateful iron egg, and then swallow the weak guy in one breath and occupy the secret room alone, um...

The plan works!

How can there be such a smart snake in the world! What a great idea.

"Really?", Carl also had a plan. Lu Xun once said that people are compromised, and now it's almost the same. When you tell him to be a roommate with a dragon, the basilisk is probably unwilling, but if the other roommate is a chicken, he will compromise and be willing to be a roommate with the dragon.

"Of course. ", the basilisk patted its tail and said without hesitation.

"Well, it's a happy decision. I'll take you to see him.", Carl's tone was like singing. When he was happy, his voice would inevitably go up and down. No matter what language he spoke, it would have a little taste of his mother tongue.

Carl led the basilisk to Nanako's direction. One person and one snake came to the entrance of the secret room. Carl raised the cage mysteriously and opened his coat.

"Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang——", Carl deliberately said it with a surprised look.

Nanako, who had just recovered, had not woken up yet, but was sleeping soundly in the cage.


The basilisk saw the animal in the cage clearly and immediately rushed out as if frightened by something.

"Hey hey——Dear, don't you want to be roommates with the cute Nanako?", Carl's voice became more and more like singing.

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