Carl watched the basilisk eat all the worm meat, and then stared at him closely, as if he wanted him to spit out a few more pieces of meat.

What do you think I am, a human feeding machine? "No more, take good care of the dragon egg, be careful not to watch him to death, if there is no problem, I will feed you again when I come back."

The basilisk originally wanted to be a little bit bad and teach the iron egg who occupied his home a lesson, but when he heard Carl say this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really?" Although he felt that Carl was suspected of making up a pie for him, Tom was the same way back then, saying that he would take him to open the secret room in the future, but he never came to see him after leaving school...

"Really, and it's double." Carl waved his hand, and twice as much worm meat appeared on the stone slab, and disappeared in an instant.

"I didn't lie to you, did I?" Carl said, "As long as you are obedient, I will feed you delicious food every time I come. It's uncomfortable to be hungry, right? So you must be obedient."

"After all, I am probably the only heir in the world." Carl said with a little regret.

Oh, well, the last heir is Tom, but there is no way, he is dead now.

So I, a raccoon cat, can barely change a prince.

"Okay, I'm going to take Nanako out, see you next time."

"Next time you can come by yourself, don't bring the blue chicken!" The basilisk emphasized. He didn't send Carl off. Logically, he should have sent him off, but he didn't want to hear the sound of a rooster, even a little bit would be fatal to him.

"Okay, I know, I will never bring it next time, don't worry." Carl waved his hand. He originally just wanted to bring Nanako as insurance, but this guy fainted faster than himself.

The useless guy should be handed over to James, and then James should use him and the pig to make a roast chicken! Damn rebellious son!

Carl took some time to come out of the secret room, and he easily cleaned the blood of the insects on his body with the cleaning spell.

Carrying the chicken coop, he put on his coat.

After closing the secret room and quietly casting a spell to remove the spell on Myrtle, Carl quickly left the bathroom. He spent almost half a day in the secret room. Now it was already noon. Carl immediately chose a less crowded path and wanted to go back to the dormitory to change clothes.

At the beginning, everything went very smoothly, but at a corner of the intersection, Carl only paid attention to hurrying and accidentally knocked down an innocent passerby in the blind spot.

Carl touched his head that was hurt by the collision, and just wanted to apologize to the person opposite, but the voice of the person made Carl unexpectedly familiar.

"Senior Koster? What a coincidence, but next time you walk, you must watch the road." The voice was very polite, and it was the most normal little angel of the Black family in this play, Regulus himself.

"Sorry, I didn't watch the road just now and thought about going back to the dormitory and then..." Before Carl finished speaking, Regulus approached him strangely. Carl subconsciously took a step back, and Regulus asked strangely.

"Senior, where are you from? Why do you have a strange fishy smell?" Regulus did not get close to Carl again, but just sniffed gently, as if trying to identify the source of the smell.

It was very strange, there was a strange smell that was hard to describe. It was called fishy, ​​but it was hard to tell what kind of fishy smell it was. It didn't smell like seawater, nor like the smell of rotten food. It smelled very fresh, and the freshness was a bit weird.

"Maybe I've been blowing the wind for a long time at the Black Lake recently. Anyway, I'm leaving first. I'll go find your brother and the others later..." Carl didn't smell any fishy smell. Maybe his sense of smell was not as sensitive as Regulus's, or maybe it was because his nose had just been hit by a large amount of insect meat for a long time and his sense of smell had deteriorated a little.

But in short, he subconsciously thought that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. After saying that, he greased his feet and planned to walk away.

"Senior, wait a minute!" Regulus grabbed the back of Carl's clothes with his right hand, and Carl subconsciously froze. Damn, this little genius can't see anything wrong, right?

It's strange that he can't see it. This is one of the IQ ceilings of this drama. How should I fool him? Let me think about it.

Carl turned his head, and a smile appeared on his expressionless face, as usual, "What's the matter, Blake?"

"Senior... your shoes." The scene that Carl expected did not appear. The moment Regulus grabbed the corner of Carl's clothes, he seemed to realize that his action was wrong and put his right hand behind his back.

"Hmm..." This was totally beyond Carl's expectation. It was also this kind of strange shoes that deserved Regulus' attention more than the fishy smell.

"Hmm, ah this... Hmm..." Carl's original words could not be used. His brain was in a flash.Downtime, I don't know how to explain why I wear such shoes.

Regulus narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, holding his left hand on his chin, and then said seriously, "Although I can't fully understand it with my thinking."

No, Regulus, you don't need to understand it at all, Carl said in his heart.

But Regulus obviously couldn't hear Carl's voice, he continued to say seriously, "But you must have some other meanings by doing this, I will comprehend it well."

No... You don't need it at all, I'm just sick...

The rebuttal was still not said, Carl swallowed all the words he wanted to say, and then changed to, "Okay, you continue to comprehend."

Carl gave Regulus a thumbs up, and then quickly left here and went to the nearest washbasin. Is the fishy smell so obvious? ! It seems that I have to give myself a spring of water first and then clean it up again!

"Goodbye, senior...", Regulus waved to Carl with his left hand, then slowly watched Carl leave, and then slowly stretched out his right hand.

It was stained with some red liquid, like blood, but not as viscous as blood, at least not mammalian blood.

It smelled fresh and even had a fragrant meaty smell, but it was mostly covered by the fishy smell.

What is this... Why did it happen to Senior Carlos? Was it accidentally infected? But when would it be infected with such a thing?

Carl washed his body in the washbasin with clear water like a spring, but the water that Carl thought was clear actually oozes a little red. He checked his whole body with some surprise. Wasn't it all cleaned?

Then he found a pool of insect liquid that seemed to be half-dried behind his shirt...

"Oh my... This is a big deal..." Carl's mind flashed the hand behind Regulus' back...

"Has that kid been so good at fooling people since he was a child?"

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