"You love me, I love you, thump thump thump thump thump~thump thump~thump thump~thump thump thump~thump thump thump thump thump~", Carl cut the steak while humming a nursery rhyme unknown to the others present.

"Carl, just eat well, please don't speak, we are family, what good will it do you to kill me?" James covered his ears exaggeratedly, as if he was about to be tortured crazy by Carl.

In fact, of course, it was an exaggeration among exaggerations. After all, Carl's singing was not so out of tune and unpleasant that he would not kill James directly.

"Okay, I won't sing anymore. Is it that exaggerated? I think it sounds good..." Carl was a little dissatisfied. He was 100% confident in his singing voice.

As a result, Sirius and James next to him didn't give him any face at all, and nodded their heads like Nanako who was eating, almost waving afterimages.

"Last time, when I looked at the questions, the melody of this song was all in my head. I think the reason why my test score dropped by more than 30 places is your fault no matter how you think about it." James blamed the song for his failure.

"It's obviously you who likes to skip classes, how can you blame me? But where is Severus? This guy won't eat well again, and study his potion class in the dormitory, or go to the library..." In fact, there is also dark magic, but it is estimated that the few people around will not accept dark magic too much, so Carl skipped it.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll take some food to find him, really, even if you have a scientific spirit, you have to eat..." Carl was a little helpless. The two of them are really similar in this respect. I can stay up late without eating, but you can't stay up late without eating!

Both of them are old double standards.

Carl packed some delicious dishes, stood up and planned to look for Sever. He walked through the corridor and planned to go to the library first. After all, he couldn't go to Slytherin's dormitory to look for Sever, but he couldn't get in.

He could only pray that he was in the library now...

"Why are you here without eating?" Carl was stopped by Sever when he was about to walk quickly to the library.

Strangely, Sever didn't come to the library or the Snake House lounge, so Carl and Sever's route just missed each other.

If one of them was a little later, they would have missed each other, but by chance, the timing was so perfect that Carl didn't make two trips in vain.

"Hey, Sever, where have you been?" Carl looked at Sever who came out from the other side, put his hands on the ends of his hair on both sides, and stroked them slightly, expressing his doubts.

"Ah, I went to ask the professor something very important." Sever said slowly.

"You are such a good student... You can't forget to study even when eating. It's okay to ask about this after eating, right?" Carl said, holding his waist as if he was going to continue to point fingers.

"Of course not, because what you want to ask is very important." Sever answered, staring at Carl. Carl noticed it, but he just thought Sever was arguing with him.

"Nothing important can compare to eating, especially Sever is still in the growth period, so he won't grow taller like this?", even though Carl couldn't blame anyone for growing taller because he was the shortest.

Carl wanted to say something else, but the next second, he was stopped because Sever asked him.

"Dreaming, what does it mean?" Sever's voice echoed in the empty corridor. The sound was very light, but it hit Carl's ears, as if a big stone suddenly exploded with a bang.

"What?" Carl's face remained the same as before, but he opened his eyes slightly, seeming a little confused, but Sever still noticed a trace of panic.

"I asked Professor Zhang, and what that sentence means is that you are dreaming."

"I am...", Carl's eyes turned slightly, and then he tried to skillfully say the excuse he made up in the morning to get away with it.

Sever slowly replied, "Don't say you are afraid of this kind of thing, I know you are not afraid, this kind of thing is only enough to get away with James Potter and the others."

"After all, it's a thing of the past... Forget it, Sever, I don't care, and I don't want to mention it." Carl looked indifferent, he pulled Sever's shoulder and wanted to drag him to the cafeteria to avoid the next conversation.

"If it really doesn't matter, then I won't ask, Carl." Sever was not pulled by Carl, but pulled Carl over. Carl was not prepared. Although his physical fitness was much better than most people, he still staggered slightly."But it doesn't matter." Sever gently held Carl's hand, and then concluded, "You are shaking. You have been shaking since just now. Although it is difficult to detect, but..."

"You are afraid." Sever looked at Carl's eyes, and Carl subconsciously avoided them again. Although he had been deliberately avoiding this since Sever said that he liked to look away when lying, habits are not so easy to change.

"At least talk to me a little, even if it is to vent your emotions, you have to know..."

"I am worried about you." Sever put down Carl's hand and looked at him like that. Time seemed to have returned to two years ago, but the positions of the characters were completely changed.

The fragments of memory in Carl's mind kept changing, and the memories of the past and the present overlapped with each other. The thing he feared most, the existence he feared most.

If all of this was just a beautiful dream he had woven for himself before his death, the companions in front of him, Lily, Sever, parents, all of this was not real.

Dare not think about it, can't think about it...

After all, no one can be sure that he must be awake.

To be honest, it's better to just skip it. I should be able to forget about this tomorrow... It's no big deal...

Carl thought happily.

"You once told me that I can't avoid being a coward, but what are you doing now? Carl...", the scene from two years ago was reproduced, and the two people's positions were completely reversed.

It seems that being a coward will not completely disappear, but will only shift...

Or has he always been one?

Carl raised his head, smiled a little weakly, and then lowered his head in fear.

"I...", he was a little confused again, and then he plunged into Sever's arms. In this brief confusion, he urgently wanted to grasp some people or things with a sense of reality, warm body temperature, and strong heartbeat, which could make him sure that he and everyone...

are real.

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