"I think so. This guy is a rooster who likes Germany. Maybe his mother's owner is a German orthopedic surgeon..." Carl told a joke that only he could get.

Alice didn't understand what was going on, but she didn't care. Carl liked to say things that they couldn't understand from the beginning. She used to care a little, but now she has completely adapted to it and can subconsciously take over his nonsense.

"Is that so? That's terrible. Maybe you also had an orthopedic surgeon from Germany when you were a child."

"Don't make fun of me. Okay, I won't make a fuss. In fact, it accidentally ate aphrodisiacs..." Carl sat down, sighing and half covering his face. This posture made half of his arm stick to the feathers on Nanako's chest.

Nanako was of course very happy to start dozing off. She was no longer noisy just now, and she looked peaceful and comfortable.

"Huh? There is such a thing in your room?" Alice's focus was very wrong.

"Is that the point? The point is how to get this rebellious child to leave me. Oh... If I carry it to class, the professors will look at me like I'm going to die..." Carl protested against Alice's emphasis.

"I'm really sorry. I thought you had nothing to do with love and potions. Who would have thought that you would suddenly become involved when the two were combined?" Alice said this in a playful way. Not only did she insult Carl's emotional intelligence, but she also insulted Carl's potion class.

"Yes, yes, when we took the first flying class, I also thought you had nothing to do with flying and love. I didn't expect that you would become involved when the two were combined." Carl said the same thing, teasing Alice.

"Oh! How can you say that, Carl! You should know that your current flying skills are worse than mine. It's a Quidditch field." Alice said that she had made a lot of progress.

Carl nodded in approval, but still happily made up for it.

"But the person I like doesn't like Quidditch and brooms."

"If you say that again, I'll duel with you!" The girl's heart was exposed, and she raised her notebook angrily to hit Carl's head. Carl immediately picked up Nanako and put her head on him, which made Alice unable to do anything and could only slowly put down the notebook.

"This is cheating."

"It's called war is not afraid of deception, which is a good quality that all human beings should have~"

Carl shrugged. Speaking of Alice's love history, Carl suddenly became smart again, "Didn't you say last time that you would be brave to ask for a date? What do you say this time?"

"If it's a little later, your senior Longbottom will graduate~ Hehehe..."

Carl's eyes were full of gossip, and he was just about to bring the melon to me, I want to eat it, and it was written on his face.

It would be fine if she didn't think about this, but when she thought about this, Alice sighed, "Oh...should we say that things are going well...or not...or is it just bad luck..."

Alice's expression was very tangled, and the main point was that it was hard to describe.

"Oh, there is something going on, tell me and give me advice." Carl narrowed his eyes and looked at Alice seriously.

Just as Alice was about to speak, Carl suddenly stopped her and said, "Wait!"

Alice looked up in confusion, as if she was looking at what you are going to do again.

But Carl took a bunch of grapes from the table over there, stuffed one into his mouth, and said while eating, "Okay, continue. Listening to gossip makes your mouth taste bad and your life always feels incomplete. Keep going, I'm listening..."

"...you kid." Alice's speechless expression was about to overflow from her face, but she was concerned about the innocent Nanako on Carl's head and didn't use her notebook to shoot Carl out.

"So what's the situation?" Carl asked.

"In fact, I mustered up the courage to pace outside the Quidditch tent. That day was Gryffindor's training time, so Senior Longbottom was resting inside, and I..." Alice said, and Carl nodded from time to time, but when she said this, Alice suddenly stopped talking strangely.

Carl had no idea what happened, and added with a little confusion, "So? Did you just run away because you were shy? Hahahaha, the emperor died before he could start a business? It's so funny...", Judging others by himself, Carl felt that this guess was very correct.

"Why do you think so?"

"Even if I am timid, I am not so timid." For some reason, Carl felt as if an arrow pierced his knee mercilessly. He was obviously teasing Alice, but why did he feel a strange feeling of being injured by mistake...

"I don't even dare to go in,Running away directly, that would be too lame, right?" Alice continued to finish off as if it was not enough. Carl heard an arrow coming from the air and piercing his knee again...

If he didn't know Alice's innocent nature, if it was Lily or James standing here, Carl would definitely think that the guy in front of him was deliberately killing him...

"What's wrong, Carl?" Seeing Carl suddenly holding his knee in pain, Alice asked caringly, with a naive and clear "stupidity"

But this is Alice...

Simple and naive, I can only pity her...

"Nothing, nothing, suddenly my knee twitched. You continue. Since you didn't run away, why are you sighing so much?" Carl forced a smile.

"To be precise, I didn't run away, I bravely rushed up, and then..." Alice spoke in a burst, Carl was anxious and guessed again.

"Since you didn't run away, did you just use your ultimate! Did you confess? And then get rejected? ", Carl made a reasonable guess, and there was indeed a possibility, but unfortunately he was still wrong.

"Not really..."

"Anyway, I rushed in, and my mind went blank after I rushed in. I was originally inviting the senior to a date, and then my mind suddenly pulled and I shouted..."

Alice suddenly stood up, spread her legs, stretched out a finger, and took a deep breath with great momentum. Carl thought she was going to shout out the lines, but there were many people present, so she didn't shout it out directly, but just added in a low voice, "I will definitely beat you in the next Quidditch game! ”

“That’s what I’m talking about…”

“Ahhhhhhhhh, this is so embarrassing…” Alice covered her face shyly when she said this. She really didn’t know how she, who ranked last in the college competition, could be so arrogant and boastful to run to other people’s territory and issue a challenge.

It’s really embarrassing to the next-door college.

This is Alice after all. She is the guy who has been friends with me for three years. She is really the same as me. A date turned into a challenge. I think Alice may really want to die.

Carl mourned for Alice in his heart.

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