Carl had almost noticed something was wrong when he looked at Alice. Alice's effort to persuade him seemed to be tempting him to say something.

What did Alice want to do? The answer was self-evident. Carl turned around and found Sever behind him, who looked very normal. Well, if you ignore the clenched hands, it would make people feel calmer.

"Ah, good afternoon, why didn't you say you were here, Sever." Carl raised his mouth and smiled gently and greeted Sever over there.

"I met Lily and the others on the way. I don't know what they are hiding from, but they said you are here." Sever replied, but his hands were still clenched tightly.

"Lily? Are you feeling guilty because you believed James's rumors?" Carl raised his hands and clapped his hands twice, looking like he was watching a good show. "Alice, how about we go back and persuade them later?"

After all, he knew that Sirius and the others should have come with James, but it was a pleasant surprise that they brought Lily with them. He thought Lily would be smarter than the men, but he didn't expect that she was also led astray by James.

"It seems that what James said is true, but there is actually Lily in it..." Alice shrugged, she was also a little surprised.

But she was quite disappointed.

Alice just wanted to trick Carl into saying that even if she couldn't be with Senior Longbottom, she wanted her friends to be happy, so she would definitely help when she could.

She had a hunch that if she succeeded in tricking him today, she might be able to use this to become the godmother of their first child in the future.

Well, that's not right... It seems that the two of them can't have children, but they can still adopt one.

But she should have thought of it earlier. How could a shrewd person like Carl be trapped by her little trick? Alice hit the grass in frustration, then patted the soil and stood up, giving Sever an expression that said, "Come on, I've tried my best."

There's no other way. You can only do the rest by yourself. Alice, I can't help at all. Alice, my crush was rejected today.

"Oh, by the way, can you help me with Nanako for a while? Alice." Carl put Nanako in front of Alice. Nanako shook her little wings in confusion.

"Do you think he will follow me? Carl." Looking at Nanako in front of her, Alice almost had black lines.

"If you can convince Nanako to go with me, then I will agree to you." Alice didn't want to help, but Nanako was too excited today. She just mistook herself for a love rival and crawled on the ground in the dark.

Alice didn't think that Nana would want to go with him.

"Hmm." Carl nodded, "Nanako, do you want to go with Alice?" Carl said in a persuasive tone. Nanako looked at Nanako and then at Carl, and shook her head as a matter of course.

"Then there's nothing I can do. I have something to do next, so I can't take you with me. Since you don't want to go with Alice..." Carl acted awkward, then waved his hand and put Nanako in Sever's arms.

Then he half-huggled Alice with one hand, "Then I'll have to hand you over to Sever and Alice to go together. Goodbye, Nanako~".

"You don't seem to have asked for my opinion yet? Am I an unimportant person in your eyes?" Looking at Nanako who was inexplicably stuffed into his arms, and Carl who seemed to be hiding from him all day without knowing what he was doing.

Sever was a little annoyed, but the next second Carl found this bit of annoyance accurately and stroked down along the fur.

"No, because Sever is the best to me, so he will definitely spoil me unconditionally, right? Right, right, right? You will definitely agree." Carl looked innocent, and he knew how to show weakness at the right time to gain empathy from others.

So this immediately made Sever speechless, "You..."

"You won't?" Carl's tone became even more pitiful, "Well, I think I will." Sever could only answer like this.

"What do you mean I think, you will definitely." Carl was dissatisfied, and it seemed that he was not right, but at this moment he seemed very righteous.

"Don't push it, Carl." But after Sever glanced at him and said a word, Carl, who was originally righteous, hid behind Alice and began to whistle guiltily, "Toot, toot, toot, toot, I didn't say anything——"

Nanako looked at Carl's actions and then looked at Alice who was being pulled by Carl.

Nanako is in a big crisis!!!

Severus looked very calm and indifferent, and he usually liked to speak coldly, but it was only for a moment that he was even moreAdd safety, Alice's gentleness looks very dangerous. If you think about her and Carl's usual interactions, it's just a peaceful life, very safe.

Of course, you can't let your beloved go with a dangerous person.

Weighing the two, the decision is yours. Nanako jumped into Alice's arms, which roughly means, I'm going with Alice.

Alice looked at the Caicai in her arms helplessly, almost laughing.

"He thinks highly of me." Alice usually likes Nanako very much, but today she is allowed to dislike the cunning Nanako for a while.

"Alice is more lovely, and more likely to be his rival in love~", Carl joked, "But it will be fine tomorrow. I'm looking forward to what Nanako will become when the drug wears off tomorrow."

"That's really exciting." Alice said.

"Okay, okay, I'm going with Sever, Alice." Carl didn't hug Sever, mainly because he was afraid that Nanako would see him and start crawling in the dark again.

And things turned out just as Carl expected. Caicai was indeed a little satisfied. Although she was still a little dissatisfied, Carl had been with him for the whole day. Even if he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't throw a tantrum and break out of the prison like he did in the morning.

"But what are you going to do with Sever now? It's time for dinner soon, right?" Alice was still a little curious.

"Today I need to complete some records of ancient runes. I have to go to the library now. The professor gave it to me because the workload is large and needs two people to complete it. After all, proofreading is troublesome." Carl blinked.

"Oh, then I really thank you for not dragging me along. I know a senior who studies this subject. She showed me a look, just a glance...

I felt like dying, but you actually started to study this thing. I bet with James and others that you would never learn it for a semester..." Alice started to chat and started to talk nonsense, and Carl accurately found the key words.

"You actually used me as a bet! That's too much!" Carl was shocked, but before Alice could react, Carl's family looked angry, "And you didn't even ask me. I knew with my little brain that they would definitely block me from learning, and I missed a chance to make a fortune..."

"In fact, I invested a gold galleon for you as a friendly support, you can hold on...", Alice was telling the truth, everyone was betting that Carl would never hold on for a semester, and Alice and Remus, who were more sympathetic to Carl's heart and kind-hearted, bet their own pocket money as a friendly bet.

As for Sev, well... no one dared to ask him to play this in front of a face that often had hallucinations of Professor McGonagall, he would definitely look at them with disapproval.

"I'll give you half of the spoils, I will definitely learn it this semester, you just wait to get the money." Carl was super confident in himself. Ancient runes were a perfect match for Carl's major. He always liked liberal arts, and compared to potions like chemistry, although boring, it was much better.

"Okay, okay..." Alice was helpless.

"It's actually quite tiring. I wonder if plucking the wool of a sheep like Siver will make him angry. How about you help me next time?" Carl looked like he was fooling Alice, as if he was looking forward to hearing Alice blurt out a "yes".

"After all, I was too careless. I couldn't help but take on a lot of homework after being praised by the professor. I guess it will be the same in the future."

Alice certainly noticed it, "You are arrogant to agree to do homework on the spot. I am dying in the pile of materials with you. I declined. I'm leaving first." After Alice finished speaking, she took Nanako away from here step by step. The disgusted expression on her face didn't seem fake.

"Hehe, done!", two light bulbs were sent away at once, especially a certain Nanako. Carl praised his wit.

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