What should I say? Should I just go up and say I like you or something else? Many words lingered in Carl's mind. In the end, the CPU exploded and he didn't take the next step.

"Probably?" There was no way. Carl couldn't say the next words at all. Sifu could only give a little reminder based on his previous sentence. He hoped that Carl could continue the conversation.

But Carl was stunned for a while. He seemed to be thinking about something. Just when Sifu thought he was going to say something, he didn't continue to speak. Instead, he raised his head and answered Sifu's "probably" just now, "It's not probably, I must lose, because I like you."

It's not probably, it's definitely, because I like you very much. I'm not sure when I started to like you, but I can be sure that I must like you very much.

He said it very confidently, his blue eyes were sparkling, there was a smile on the corners of his eyes, his breathing was a little unstable, his lips were half-pursed, and his fingertips trembled unnaturally, perhaps because of nervousness.

It was a sincere and passionate love. His love was like him, like the sun at noon, so hot that it seemed to melt people.

Sever looked into Carl's eyes. His face, which was originally calm, was flushed. He covered his face with his hands and tried his best to hide his expression.

No, Carl always brought him some special surprises in some unexpected situations, which were completely unexpected.

"It's not because of the reminder of the love potion, but because I can feel it now. I like you." Carl touched his beating heart and couldn't think of a third way to make his heart beat so fast besides sports heart disease.

"I like you very much." Carl repeated it again as if he was afraid that Sever would miss it.

"I want to be with you, so of course I lost the bet. What's the bet money?" Carl smiled at the corner of his mouth, and most of the initial shyness disappeared. Yes, he was originally such a wanton person like the sun. He would be shy, but it would never last too long.

Carl was not almost speechless like before, because he had a good start, and he spoke more vigorously.

"It's very simple. How about this stake if you stay with me?" Siver barely suppressed the blush on his face and answered.

"Is it that simple? Isn't this as it should be?" Carl was stunned for a while, then laughed.

"Maybe I took the lead, after all, I got a message because someone didn't mean to cut the yarrow in class." Siver took out a small, well-preserved paper bag made of oil paper from the interlayer of his pocket.

He took out the yarrow inside. Because it had been so long, the herbs inside had long lost their moisture and were dry like a small dead wood.

Carl had seen normal yarrow and could recognize it, but looking at this small wooden stick, he really forgot what it was for a while.

"?" Carl tilted his head and turned his eyes back and forth to check. When he saw the side, he opened his eyes wide, then gritted his teeth, and was a little depressed.

"So it was premeditated. This means you will definitely win. This is cheating! Any cheating must be brought to justice!!!"

With the weak sunlight, Carl could clearly see that the intertwined veins clearly formed a "K". This was not a hint, but almost a clear indication.

Carl took the yarrow in one hand and wrapped it well, then glanced at Sever.

"To express my firm protest, I will confiscate this piece of yarrow." Carl carefully wrapped the yarrow, and suddenly felt something was wrong. He opened the yarrow again, and then suddenly opened it again. After repeating this action several times, he put the yarrow back into his pocket.

"I'll cut a piece for you tomorrow, hehe." Carl half covered his face, humming a song in a good mood, and his eyes were slightly narrowed like a satisfied cat.

"Okay." Sifu sighed helplessly, looking at Carl in front of him. There was nothing he could do. After all, Carl had this kind of temper, so he could only spoil him unconditionally.


"Yarrow, yarrow, yarrow..." Carl looked for yarrow plants in the dormitory. He remembered that he should have taken out a few plants, and the rhizomes should be easy to find.

After rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, Carl finally found three rhizomes of yarrow at the bottom of the cabinet. He took out the silver knife scattered next to him and happily found a piece of yarrow to cut.

"0025, what do you think I should do if there is no S on the root of my yarrow?" The knife had obviously fallen on the yarrow, but Carl felt an inexplicable sense of tension at this moment. If there were no letters or other letters on the root of the yarrow, it would be a disaster.?

Although I am very confident, I just have such an inexplicable entanglement.

[Don't be nervous, host. In fact, this thing is just a probability. Didn't one-third of the students in the class fail to cut out the letters? It's impossible that they won't get married in the future?], 0025 comforted Carl. 0025 was right. Carl felt a little relieved thinking about it.

"Yes, yes, is this kind of thing just a form of entertainment? Why should I be nervous? It's something that is expected. If it is really cut out, it should be like this. I don't..." Carl said some high-sounding words while picking up the rhizome of yarrow and looked up pretending to be indifferent.

Then he saw the bright "S" on the rhizome of yarrow.




"Wuhu!", there were bursts of cheers in the dormitory. If there was no one in the dormitory now, Carl would definitely laugh at it.

He jumped up happily, then raised the yarrow rhizome and nodded happily, "Yes, yes, that's it, hehe, you are very smart, the yarrow has the letters I want, yarrow is good."

Karl was happy for a while before he barely calmed down his excitement. Looking at the rhizome lying in the drawer, he waved his hand, like a playful cat who found a ball of yarn, and took the yarrow rhizome in the drawer with one hand.

"Look, let me cut another one and see." The interest in Karl's eyes was not concealed. This time he didn't feel nervous when cutting the yarrow, but he was more interested and wanted to show off.

He raised his hand and shook the yarrow rhizome, "No need to think, the answer is yes..." Karl looked up confidently and saw mottled lines on the yarrow rhizome, but what surprised Karl was that although he had many lines, none of them formed letters.

This is a yarrow rhizome without a surname...

"Ah...", Carl was slightly stunned, and looked at two yarrows at the same time with some strangeness, one with a surname and the other without. This feeling is extremely strange. Normally, shouldn't the two be exactly the same?

Is there something wrong? But after all, 0025 also said that it might be a matter of probability, but it is true...

Carl, who picked up another yarrow rhizome, picked up the silver knife again at this moment, but it was not the initial uneasiness or the second slightly satisfied mood, but a kind of exploratory and strange mood.

Is it a probabilistic event?

What will happen with this one?

Carl picked up the silver knife and gently cut off the yarrow rhizome, and then opened it. The "S" that appeared on the yarrow seemed to say that it was a matter of probability.

But is the fact really like that?

That is unknown.

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