"Bang!" With a loud bang, Carl raised his hand and cast a universal protection to barely stop the ring body from exploding. A pile of gold, silver, iron, copper and other metal wastes were piled up next to him. Carl picked up a notebook to record the parameters he had just calculated.

"Damn it, why did it explode again..." Carl used a pen to record the number of seconds that had just been maintained. Although no one in the secret room could hear the explosion, and the secret room built by Slytherin was strong enough and would never collapse, Carl still felt an unprecedented irritability.

"Carl, you are angry, right? I really didn't mean to turn that annoying black iron shell into a stone statue." The basilisk looked at the gradually calming side and crawled over with a guilty conscience. No matter how he thought about it, he had made a mistake. Since he turned the iron dragon into a stone statue, Carl has become a bit like Tom.

Compared with Kaka's soup, the basilisk still hopes that Carl will be more normal, feed more, play more, and be less irritable.

"No, I'm not angry." This is true. Carl looked at the materials that were blown away and thought that maybe it was his problem.

After all, the lucky ring is a rare item that is difficult to obtain. Although he has memorized the magic circuit on his ring perfectly, it is still very difficult to practice it even if he has memorized it. For example, what material should be used? The metal ring he guessed failed.

He has no idea what is worth studying about the gems on it, but at least it is not yellow crystal. Even if he picked a piece of crystal closest to the moon to inlay, the result is still not ideal.

He is now obsessed with the lucky ring he just got, just like skipping the alarm clock and going directly to repair the rocket. It is barely enough to build a frame, let alone build a rocket in one piece.

But the embarrassing thing is that he has no drawings of other rings at all, and he can't even think about the patterns on the crystal shoes. If he can't even make a ring, how can he expect himself to use the drawings of building an airplane to change a rocket?

It really fits the saying, where there is a scripture, there is fire, and where there is no fire, there is no scripture. Zhu Bajie looked in the mirror and found himself neither human inside nor outside. Carl pulled his rather full hair, but he didn't know if it would be much less in a few days.

"Don't touch the things I put here. I'll leave the food in the old place for you. I'll go back first." Carl said goodbye to the basilisk and walked out of the secret room. He wanted to go out for some fresh air to see if he could find anything else.

Or go to the forbidden book section of the library to see if he could find anything else.

Carl was usually quite focused when he was reading alone in the library, so he was startled by James who suddenly jumped out.


Can you feel it? He was reading happily, but when he looked up, he saw a messy chicken coop head staring at him from the perspective of death.

"!" Carl's eyes suddenly opened and he was startled, but at least he didn't scream in the library.

"Fuck James Potter, do you want to scare me to death?" Carl looked up and found that the smuggling team was surrounding him.

As for why it was called the smuggling team, you should ask James Potter. It is obvious that the third grade can legally enter and leave the school and go to Hogsmeade Village, but this boy is stubborn and insists on taking everyone to the secret passage.

Every time he goes out to play, it is like fighting a tunnel war. It is really hateful.

"So, why are you surrounding me?" Carl glanced at everyone, but saw that the standing position today was a little strange. In the past, everyone surrounded James in a circle. After all, except for Carl, James was the most excited.

But today, the standing position was slightly different. The one surrounded was the only girl among them, Alice, and the notebook in Alice's hand was also a little familiar.

It seemed to be the one Alice was holding when Nanako accidentally took the love potion a few days ago. Carl passed by her at that time, and Alice was scared.

"What's wrong with you? Are you happy about something?" Carl put down the book and several people gathered in a circle, almost airtight, just like every time they went to the Whomping Willow to sneak.

After doing such sneaky things many times, it became normal, and Carl didn't think there was anything wrong.

Alice gently opened the notebook, and almost an encyclopedia about werewolves appeared in front of everyone. God knows how much information this requires. Although James Sirius is also checking privately, he is not as detailed as Alice.

As for Carl, he didn't check it at all, because he knew most of it, including some premonitions of what everyone might do next.

However, he couldn't reveal it too early. After all, the original robbers successfully became Animagus around the fifth grade. As for whether they knew how to do it earlier,But for the sake of being safe, we chose to change in the fifth grade, or did we find a way to become an Animagus in the fifth grade?

Carl thinks it should be the latter.

Looking at how desperate James and Sirius are, they will definitely do it even if Carl tries to stop them.

James and Sirius: Carl doesn't let us practice, but it doesn't matter. Since we have found a way, we have to practice. Look at us secretly practicing without Carl's knowledge, and we amazed them all... Hehehe... Hehe...

Don't say it's impossible, it's definitely possible. These two people can dive in the sky on a broom, which is already desperate enough to die. It's really worrying!

So Carl doesn't know whether this notebook is a good thing or a bad thing...

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