"Emm, you are going to be dumb for a month..." Carl pretended to be sad and embarrassed for James and Sirius, "If that's the case..."

Right, right!

Sirius and James were pecking at rice and being possessed by Nanako, as if they were having a hard time. They were really pitiful! It was really heartbreaking to hear and see!

"That's really good~ Oh my, I can attack you like crazy for a month and you can't attack me? There is such a good thing? How sbarasi!" Carl was so excited that he almost danced a piece in the cafeteria to express his excitement.

However, be reserved. It would be inappropriate for Sirius and James to dance alone without them.

Damn it! This kid, I shouldn't expect him to say a few good words. Looking at Carl's appearance, Sirius and James almost forgot the mandrake leaves in their mouths in an instant and wanted to do a quick clapper on the spot.

But he slyly stretched out his index finger, put it to his lips, hushed it, and shook it, pointing to his mouth, "Don't be too angry if you don't have a tongue as clever as mine. Be careful not to get out of control, or Alice and I won't wait for you~"

How irritating it looks!!!

"Forget it, Carl, they'll be really mad if you keep doing this." Alice stopped Carl, but James and Sirius were really stupid. How could they be banned for holding a leaf in their mouths? It was really hard for them.

"And it's easy to make mistakes. What if they are really mad at you..." Well... Remus felt that as a friend, he should plead for Sirius and James.

So that Carl would be nicer to them.

"Forget it, since Alice and Remus plead for you, I'll let you go for now." Carl waved his hand helplessly, "But what about your classes? Are you going to use sign language?" This made Carl curious. Are they really geniuses who learned sign language overnight?

But looking at James and Sirius who were suddenly stunned, Carl knew that he was thinking too much. These two guys hadn't thought about what to do next...

"You can say less, but you can't say nothing, it will arouse suspicion, but you can use simple words." Alice wanted to come up with some ideas.

"But don't you think it's not normal for the two of them to suddenly become aloof?" Carl suggested. He was telling the truth. On the contrary, if they didn't talk all the time, there would be a way to make it work. After all, not talking was outrageous. Outrageous things didn't constitute OOC for Sirius and James, but becoming aloof would constitute it.

"Oh? Then what do you think, sir?" Alice leaned over. She wanted to know what good solution Carl had.

"In my opinion, why don't you just tell the public that you are making a bet, and then I will pretend to instigate you from the outside. With your usual temper, you will probably really keep silent." Carl thought of a more compromising method, but in the end, this is not a long-term solution.

"But this will only take a week at most, or even a few days. During this period, you must practice your voice in private, try to speak a few words, and then quickly return to your normal state." Carl shrugged. This is already a delaying tactic. Gao Ming's idea has run out. It's fine to bet for a few days, but if it really lasts for a month, then there will be a problem.

Sirius and James seemed to confirm Carl's idea and nodded at the same time.

Carl made the final decision, "Then let's do it this way. Just tell the public that they made a bet out of anger. Don't make conspicuous bags to attract the professor's attention these days. It should be okay to fool around for a few days."

Everything seemed to be solved. Carl nodded with satisfaction. Alice looked at the notebook and said, "There's nothing else to do next. Other things can be purchased, but on the morning of the full moon, we have to go out to a deserted place to find some dew..."

Carl looked at the image and notes drawn in front of Alice, "But doesn't it say that there is no sunshine?"

"But there are few places without sunshine for seven days..." Alice muttered to herself, "In this case, should we sneak into the Forbidden Forest?"

"Am I going to violate half of the school rules too?" Alice hesitated, but the hesitation didn't last long. About half a minute, she slammed the table and decided, "That's it! Let's break into the Forbidden Forest when the time comes! Happy decision!"

As expected of the boss, he is so bold.

The four men surrounded their boss and started to applaud. "But Carl, can't you ask Severus for help? It should be easier in the Serpentine Cellar, right? There won't be sunlight there, right? And the moisture is very heavy..." Remus was a little surprised, but only slightly surprised.She said it in a low voice, but before she finished, Sirius and James covered her mouth at the same time.

Speak softly, Remus. Alice's little brain finally didn't think that this was a team building that violated school rules hosted by Alice! What's wrong with letting us violate school rules!!!

Although Sirius and James couldn't say it so fluently, Remus still read some information from them.

Remus nodded blankly, OK, OK, just don't say it, right? It can be seen that it may not be very important to be exposed or not, but violating school rules to go out for team building is very important to James and Sirius.

But didn't Carl stop it?

Remus placed his hopes on Carl.

Well... since Harry can break into the Forbidden Forest, James can also break into it.

The risk of going to the Forbidden Forest should not be as great as being an illegal Animagus, right? Carl thinks that when everyone takes risks in team building appropriately, there should be some benefits, and excessive prevention is not good.

Carl thinks so.

Well, I am also one of them who is very interested in it. It shouldn't be too much to smuggle some potions in the Forbidden Forest, right? That's it.

But just when everyone was having fun, James suddenly stood up, which scared Sirius who was eating obediently next to him.

Fortunately, the leaf was not scared to spit out by James, otherwise Sirius would definitely instigate James for the rest of his life because of this.

"What are you doing, James?" Carl frowned, looking at James who was in a state of collapse and flailing, he always felt that he had a kind of beauty that had not evolved completely.

"Mmmmmmmmm--", James wanted to open his mouth to speak, but the feeling of the leaf stuck in his mouth made him feel a little uncomfortable. He felt that the leaf was going to fall out when he opened his mouth.

But Lily--if he didn't speak and didn't show his presence in front of Lily, would Lily think he was cold and alienated him.

Although he couldn't speak now.

But I believe in the bond between us brothers...

Yeah, I believe...

Okay, Sirius, don't count on it.

Carl will definitely understand what he wants to say! And then give him a perfect solution!

Doraemon, please save me - James put his hands together and prayed.

Carl squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then waved his hand, "No need to be polite, I know my idea is very good, you don't have to do this, we are all brothers."

James gave Carl a look, which probably meant, don't force me to slap you. Carl shrugged helplessly, "Okay, isn't it Lily? In fact, I think it's okay if you say less. Lily might like it."

James blinked his eyes, and the meaning was very obvious, probably, are you sure?

"You have to think about it carefully. Look at Lily. Do you like you when you are always nagging her? If you fix your hairstyle and sit quietly next to Lily, maybe Lily's attitude towards you will be very different, right?" Carl's words are not completely unreasonable. After all, the JPG version of James that he and Alice saw just now is really good.

As long as he keeps it up, he might be able to catch Lily off guard.

Are you sure? James was wondering in his heart, is what Carl said reliable?

"No problem, no problem, James, think about it carefully, your face is so superior, as long as you say less, it will definitely be controlled!" Carl stretched out a hand and pretended to control it.

James nodded thoughtfully, and it seemed that he was completely fooled.

"Carl, are you sure?" Alice asked him quietly behind Carl, "I'm not sure either." Carl replied to Alice in a voice that James couldn't hear.

But as long as James is a little more serious, it will be fine, just get through this month first.

"But how do you know that James is talking about Lily." Alice was also very surprised about this. Carl could actually analyze what James was talking about with his fierce look...

"Ah, this is very simple. The only person who can make James so excited is Lily." Carl felt that his analysis made sense.

"That's true..." Alice also agreed.

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