Lily, who had left the hall about a few minutes ago, walked alone in the corridor.

"I will never forgive James!" Lily said, pursing her lips with some resentment. James Potter can dance with whoever he wants.

I don't care! Lily thought this angrily, and played with her tie while thinking. The poor golden red tie, which was used as a tool for venting by her master, became wrinkled in a short while.

"I don't care! James Potter!" Lily seemed to be trying to convince herself. She pinched her waist and shouted again with confidence to boost her courage.

"Hmm?" An old but gentle voice suddenly came to Lily's ears. Although Lily was just confident, she was suddenly caught in a temper and couldn't help feeling shy.

"Ah... Principal Dumbledore." Lily's voice became smaller and smaller, with a little bit of guilt, and a little bit of embarrassment of being caught by an elder.

The person who came was Dumbledore. "What's wrong, Lily, what are you doing here?" Dumbledore smiled. As an elder, his gentle voice seemed to soothe all the little troubles of the younger generation.

Lily felt very close to this elderly and kind headmaster, but as a headmaster, Lily would inevitably feel embarrassed to be caught by the professor in a relationship.

Oh, why is it the headmaster.

Well, it's not too bad. If it was other professors, it would be more troublesome and embarrassing. At least Headmaster Dumbledore is easy to talk to, isn't he?

"Oh, no, nothing, I came out to get some fresh air." Lily didn't tell the real reason. In her opinion, this matter was still a little embarrassing.

It was too bad that I was too sentimental and vacated the time for the dance, but the guy who I thought was going to invite didn't invite me.

"Oh? Don't you like the decoration of the hall today? That's a pity. I quite like it. There are many pumpkin elements. Although pumpkin-flavored cakes may be a little strange, it's just right to make cookies." Professor Dumbledore did not continue to ask Lily what she just said. Instead, he followed Lily's topic and talked about other things.

"I still prefer pumpkin juice." When it comes to delicious food, Lily's embarrassment is obviously much less, and she also began to talk to Principal Dumbledore about her favorite pumpkin dishes.

"Yes, yes, but the pumpkin juice in school is too bland. I like to add sugar, and I must add several pieces..." When it comes to desserts, Principal Dumbledore also began to talk more. His originally gentle voice had many inflections, and there was a sense of cheerfulness that was not quite in line with his age.

"But you know, eating too much sugar is not good for an old man like me. It can also cause tooth decay. Madam Pomfrey warned me that if I ask her for potions again this month because I eat too much sweets, she will no longer care about me, and will put me on the blacklist of the medical wing and refuse to see me." Dumbledore's tone sounded very frustrated.

"Oh, I think I can get some for you. If James doesn't brush his teeth seriously, he will also..." When talking about this topic, Lily naturally thought of James. He didn't brush his teeth seriously and had some oral problems.

But when it comes to James, Lily is a little annoyed again. What she did was to suddenly close her mouth and stop talking.

"Oh, what's wrong, Lily, you don't seem to want to mention James, but I remember that your relationship has always been very good, right?" Dumbledore asked. He didn't ask the students in the tone of the headmaster, but like an old grandfather asking his young granddaughter.

"Oh, of course you don't know him! Humph!"

"He always said he liked me and wanted to pursue me, but he was always so careless. Forget about the past. I thought he would invite me to this dance, and I turned away all those who invited me..."

"But he didn't even plan to invite me..." Lily said, and began to rub her tie in confusion.

"Oh, that's really a jerk." Dumbledore echoed Lily. Oh, the little girl always needs to be coaxed. At this time, you can't say it behind her back, but you have to follow her. Although a long time has passed, Dumbledore knows how to get along with little girls. He is very good at this.

"Yes, right! You think so too, right!" Lily was recognized and felt a little better.

"So Lily, let's go now. How about I help you teach him a lesson?" Dumbledore blinked his eyes, looking unfathomable, and the smile on his face was still a bright smile.

Lily thought about it and felt that it would be a bit bad if she just left. It would be okay to go back with Headmaster Dumbledore to see what was happening. After thinking it over, Lily nodded, "Okay."

Lily led the way.Dumbledore followed Lily, and the two of them came to the door of the auditorium at the same time. Lily looked around and then...

She saw the listless James...

She murmured that he had forgotten about Lily's James.

"Okay, this idiot, I thought too much, he simply forgot..." Lily shook her head and wanted to continue talking to Dumbledore, but she found that there was no one behind her. She looked again and saw that Dumbledore had walked far away and was about to walk onto the podium over there.

"Ah..." Lily opened her mouth, but saw Dumbledore turned his head, tilted his head and smiled at Lily, and then winked playfully, as if he had known what happened here in advance.

Ah, that's right, after all, he is Principal Dumbledore...

Dumbledore over there completed something he thought was good, and picked up a candy and ate it with satisfaction.

But I have to say that being young is still quite good, it's great... He looked at James and Lily over there and sighed silently.


"Come on, Sever!", Carl walked away from Lily and jumped and pulled Sever to the open space next to him.

Because he had just talked with James for too long, the originally empty auditorium was now crowded with people in the middle of the hall, so he couldn't go to the middle to be a conspicuous bag, what a pity.

But it's okay, not only are there fewer people in the middle of the hall, but there are also free snacks, although most of them are very sweet, Carl doesn't like them very much, and I don't know who asked the house elves to make desserts so sweet that people are dying.

Is it you? Principal Dumbledore, no matter how you think about it, it must be you? Carl was convinced of his idea.

"That Carl, let's dance, um...", he was obviously eager to try just now, but when he really got started, Sever was a little hesitant.

"Hmm? Sifu, why are you hesitating? Just come and dance." Carl stretched out his hand and waved to Sifu, "Come on, come on, come on, come on--"

"How to distinguish between male steps and female steps..." Sifu suddenly remembered this embarrassing question just when he was about to dance.

Think about it carefully, are there any of them who can dance female steps?

"Eh! So that's it! Did you overlook this? It seems that you can only..." Carl pretended to be enlightened and clapped his hands slightly.

"I lied to you, I learned female steps, because Sifu doesn't like dancing very much, because you agreed to learn it for your mother's face, but your expression was very bitter and resentful." Carl rubbed his hands, looking like he had seen through everything.

"After all, Sifu, you don't like it, so I learned it secretly, how about surprise!" Carl nodded proudly.

"That's really a surprise." Sifu replied.

Carl laughed. Brick saw that the band over there was already preparing to start. He took Sifu's hand and they were ready. "But Sifu only found out about this now. I was wondering from the beginning when you would remember this. Oh, Sifu has become confused."

"Hehe, but I always have a perfect plan." Carl seemed to be boasting and stating the facts. Maybe it was only half and half, but overall he was satisfied with his arrangement.

So he straightened his waist slightly.

"Well, but although your plan is mostly correct, there are still some things that are not right." Sifu held Carl's hand. The light in the corner was a little dim, which made Sifu unable to see Carl's expression clearly. But think about it, Carl, who had won back a game, was probably proud of himself at this moment.

"Well? What's wrong? No way, Sifu, are you deceiving me?" Carl interrupted his proud look and made a suspicious expression.

"No, I didn't lie to you. It's the truth." What Sif said was not wrong, but Carl still asked, "Then tell me what's wrong..."

"Otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight." Carl looked at Sif dimly, wondering what he said wrong... Carl was struggling.

Just as Carl was struggling, the dance over there had already started, and Carl subconsciously glanced over there.

"Don't look over there." Sif took Carl's hand and put his other hand on his waist, successfully grabbing Carl's attention, "Let's dance first, I'll tell you after the dance."

Carl's female steps were not very proficient. Although he had practiced and adjusted his position several times, he was still a bit awkward when he really started dancing.

This forced him to draw all his attention back to dancing.

The two of them were in a dim corner, gently holding each other's hands. Although it was their first time to be partners as dance partners, it was unexpectedly quiteTacit understanding.

Perhaps it was a tacit understanding that had been formed over the years.

"You just made a wrong step, Carl." Sifu took a step back slightly, barely allowing Carl, who had made a wrong step, to not step on his foot.

"Sifu, you also said that you were too close just now and almost pulled me down." After a while of following the dance steps, Carl was finally able to distract himself and talk to Sifu for a few words.

Seeing that Sifu had just started to talk about his small mistake, Carl was a little dissatisfied. He hummed, and then picked out Sifu's small mistake just now, but he was smart and also stepped back a little.

Well... Sifu was silent, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth without a trace. How should I put it? It was not actually a misalignment just now, but Carl's expression when he just adapted to the rhythm was a little serious, which I had never seen before.

The light was a little dim, and it was not very clear...

I wanted to get closer to take a look, and forgot the distance for a while.

Should I say it or not? Compared with the mistake caused by such an idiotic idea, it would be better for him to let Carl misunderstand that he was distracted for the time being.

"Okay, I was distracted, I'm sorry.", I can only accept this first. The two chatted and danced. The second half of the song soon came to an end. Professor Flitwick called everyone to play the next song.

Carl did not mean to continue the next song. He was concentrating on dancing just now, so he forgot what Sever said for the time being. Now that he stopped, Carl was even more curious, so what exactly was it...

"Oh, right.", Just when Carl wanted to ask, Sever suddenly talked about the topic just now, "Carl, about what you said wrong."

"I don't hate dancing, nor do I dislike it...", Sever said this sentence almost every sentence. At the end, he took a deep breath and prepared the wording.

"I just don't like that my dance partner is not you..."

"You know?", this is a love word. Compared with Carl, Sever is not good at expressing his feelings, but he has to change for Carl.

Carl can bring good emotions to people around him. Whether they are friends, family or lovers, he can play a good role.

Even if he couldn't express his love as clearly as Carl, he wanted to make Carl feel that his feelings were visible and very strong.

After Sever said these words, he stood there for a long time, brewing some of his own feelings, so that his face was not so rosy.

When he recovered a little, he saw Carl standing there, "Carl? Carl?" Sever approached Carl and took a look at Carl's face.

It was terribly red. Sever swore that it was at least as red as the evil queen's red apple...

"Carl, Carl..." Sever pushed Carl and waved his hand in front of him, hoping to make him come back to his senses. Carl's daze lasted for about half a minute before he barely came back to his senses during Sever's exchange.

"Ahhh! Sever, you cheated! As an introvert, how can you do something that easily teases others?! That should be my job!" To be honest, the lethality of Sever's words should not be as lethal as Carl's usual words.

But Sifu usually looks very depressed. Carl's expectation of him is just a slingshot. He knows that this guy is born with supernatural power. The effect of shooting a slingshot and shooting a bullet is completely beyond Carl's understanding!

"But you should be very happy." Sifu's hand gently touched Carl's mouth, "Your mouth has never dropped since just now..."

"You are really easy to understand, Carl..." Sifu slowly retracted his hand.

"That's because I think Sifu understands me... If it's Sifu, of course he should understand me better." Carl muttered in a low voice, but it was a voice that Sifu could just hear.

"Okay, Carl, don't talk about me, I just occasionally, you are the guy who will tease others with a casual word..." Sifu looked at Carl who was mumbling with a little headache.

It happened that the second song had ended at this time. Sifu and Carl looked at the action over there at the same time, then ignored the topic just now, and smiled at each other at the same time, saying in unison.

"So, do you want to continue dancing, Carl?"

"So, do you want to continue dancing, Sever."

The two smiled knowingly at each other's tacit understanding, and then continued the tacit understanding just now.

"Of course, my pleasure."

"Of course, my pleasure."

The two held hands together, and the party was not over yet.


At least dance until after twelve o'clock, right?


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