The arrival of Carl and his group startled the dying adult unicorn. She wanted to stand up to protect her child, but the severe blood loss made her unable to support her legs, and even unable to raise her head. She roared slightly to protect her child.

The little unicorn was also ready to go, looking at Carl and his group vigilantly. The magical animal, which was originally docile, seemed to be biting at this moment.

But Carl and his group were not afraid. Alice waved her hand, "We are good people, we are here to save you..." Alice tried to negotiate, but the little unicorn was not grateful at all because of the fright, and was already looking at Carl and his group vigilantly.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Sirius exchanged glances with James, walked over quickly, and held down the little unicorn without saying a word. James said as he held down the little unicorn, "I can't use love to influence him. I'll hold him down so he won't bite you. You should quickly check how the big one is doing and how injured it is. Then we'll go find the professor!"

"James, stop talking. Cover his mouth quickly. Don't let him scream. The poachers might be nearby..." Sirius saw that the little unicorn was about to scream, so he quickly covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming and attracting the poachers.

"Okay." James responded. The two of them held down the little unicorn together. This kind of crazy scene, that kind of gangster attitude...

I didn't know that I would have thought they were the poachers...

But the words were rough but the truth was there. What James did was necessary. He asked them to sit down and reason with the little unicorn now. After they finished reasoning, would his mother still be alive?

Carl took off his school uniform neatly. The cold wind made him shiver. He didn't dare to delay and put on the coat with body temperature on the unicorn. He used a warming spell to barely block the cold wind and cold.

At least in the Muggle world, hypothermia caused by excessive blood loss is very fatal. Although I don't know how magical animals like unicorns are, there is no harm in doing it.

Carl and Alice didn't dare to delay and immediately went forward to check the wound on the unicorn. It was still a little late. Although there was some weak morning light, it was not very clear. Carl could only rely on groping to temporarily determine the injury.

The unicorn had no way to resist because of the serious injuries and could only crawl on the ground. Carl couldn't see her eyes clearly because they were almost hazy.

There was a slight wound on the head, but it was just a superficial wound. Carl looked and touched all the way, and suddenly Alice said, "There is a deep wound on her neck."

Carl looked over and shook his head, "No, this wound is still shallow, the amount of bleeding is so large... at least it should be..."

Carl touched the unicorn's abdomen and felt a bloody wound. Such a hideous scar should not exist on such a beautiful creature. "Found it." Carl whispered.

Alice was surprised by the hideous wound. If so,

Seeing that the mother's wound was touched again, the little unicorn suddenly broke free from James and Sirius, two boys with good physical strength, rushed straight to the mother, and began to lick her mother's face sadly.

The adult unicorn also seemed to have some physical strength as if it was a last gasp. She forgot to glance at the four children around her, carefully distinguished and thought about their actions just now, and she understood that they were not poachers, but probably just students from a nearby school.

She knew she was going to die, but the child was here, and he had no ability to protect himself, so...

She pushed the little unicorn towards Carl and the others, as if she was trying to express something.

"What should I do..." Alice grabbed the corner of her clothes. Even if she went to the professor now, it would be useless. Alice could see that in about three or four minutes, the unicorn would completely lose its life, and there was no time at all...

"You guys watch here, James and I will go to the professor now. Even if the big one can't be saved, at least we can get a small one, so that the whole nest won't die." Sirius said, now it's just a matter of saving one.

Sirius didn't mean to be discouraging. The unicorn was in such a state, bleeding, exhausted, and with countless wounds, it must be treated immediately, so let's go to the professor first.

If they had thought of encountering this kind of situation, they would definitely prepare medicine for the wound, but unfortunately, man proposes, God disposes...

Everyone was in a very low mood, and a sensitive animal like the unicorn naturally felt it, but it didn't matter, at least the child survived, and she could die peacefully.

Who could inexplicably think of what happened today, and not bother to carry a pot of medicine with them...

Who would carry medicine with them?

Karl would.

"Don't say discouraging words, I still have a bottle of medicine here, give it to her first!", Carl took out a plastic bottle with an unfamiliar label, and everyone looked at Carl. Even the unicorn, who had closed his eyes, raised his head and looked at Carl.

There was a red cap on the white bottle, which looked like a very special packaging. There was also a big E on it. Overall, it didn't look like Carl's thing...

It should be said that the taste is a bit rustic, and Carl likes minimalist style in daily life.

But now is not the time to entangle this matter. Although we don't know why the external injuries are not applied externally but taken internally, everyone still hurriedly pressed the unicorn's mouth and fed it to the unicorn.

Almost the moment after feeding, Alice carefully discovered, "The bleeding seems to have stopped, and the wound is a little smaller."

Looking at the unicorn, the spirit is indeed better, at least it is hanging on to life, but it is definitely not completely recovered, just from dying to still breathing.

"That's probably enough time. You guys hurry up and find the professor. Um... No, it's too far. Alice, go find Hagrid who lives in the Forbidden Forest. He's the tall guy. He likes animals and is very familiar with them."

"James Sirius, you guys hurry back to find the professor. I'll look for some difficile here. First stabilize her injury. Hurry up and go! Go! Go!" Carl pushed the shoulders of the three of them. After the tasks were assigned, everyone did their job and quickly went to do other things.

"0025, search for difficile nearby and send it to me. You can deduct the money yourself." Carl's current amount of money is really overflowing and can't be spent. Compared with the initial pity for small money, he now adheres to the will that things that can be done with money are not a big deal.

[Understand the host, eight o'clock direction, take eight steps, the one under your feet is it. 】

Carl relied on 0025's accurate identification to find the difficile hidden nearby, and then crushed it and applied it to the unicorn's wound.

The little unicorn now understood everything. Carl and his friends were good people, so he didn't dare to call out to disturb Carl's actions. He just stayed beside his mother and watched her worriedly. He licked her face from time to time to keep her awake and prevent her from falling asleep.

"Baixian... Baixian... That's it." Carl carefully applied the herbs evenly and waited quietly. He couldn't do anything else. In fact, taking a few bottles of vitality tonic from the box should be able to pull the unicorn to a completely healthy state, but doing so would be too suspicious.

Carl decided to keep the unicorn alive. Anyway, the professor would definitely find a way when he came. "Fortunately, you are lucky. You were injured when we were on a night tour. Otherwise, you and your cub would be in big trouble~"

After brushing, Carl touched the little unicorn's head. Well... the touch was quite good...

The little unicorn also rubbed Carl back, but he didn't look very happy. He just barely responded to the touch of the kind-hearted person.

"Oh, I'm being disliked...", Carl muttered, and waited for about a quarter of an hour. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the woods. Carl was a little alert.

He picked up his wand and looked around, because if Alice brought Hagrid, they should have lights or something. Now it was so dark, and there was a rustling sound. Carl had reason to suspect that it was something unclean. It wouldn't be a beast, but if it was a poacher, it would be a bit tricky...

Carl planned to use the simplest method to judge. He looked back at the emotions of the two unicorns. It was simple. If the people who came were people who hurt the unicorns, they should show very nervous or fearful stress.

Fortunately, the unicorns looked normal, and Carl was a little relieved.

What could be coming...

The rustling sound of the grass increased, and suddenly, a huge figure peeled away the grass and ran over in a hurry. With the help of the fluorescent light, Carl saw Alice, who was almost held in the crook of Hagrid's arms, and a medicine box in Alice's hand.

It can be seen that the two people came in a hurry. Their hair was messier than each other. Alice usually combed her hair into small wool curls, but now it became a Plus max enhanced version of James's hairstyle.

"Oh, Kar... Karl, please stand back a little... let me... let me see the unicorn's... injuries." Hagrid said almost out of breath. Carl quickly stepped aside. Compared with his mediocre herbology and potions, Carl thought it was better for an expert like Hagrid who loved animals and had certain professional knowledge.

The little unicorn seemed to know Hagrid. He was veryrubbed against Hagrid's trouser leg intimately. Although Hagrid was already moving forward, he still dragged and bit his trouser leg to make him move forward quickly.

This is probably double standards. How can you be so close to me so reluctantly, but so friendly to Hagrid? This is not right. Who is framing me!

Hagrid looked at the herbs applied by Carl and nodded slightly. At least Carl quickly found the diffusa. He did not hesitate to praise Carl. He took out the potion and other herbs from the small medicine box carried by Alice and praised Carl.

"You did a good job. You found the diffusa accurately, which shows that you are very good at herbology. Thank you for saving the life of this unicorn, so that she would not die before I came."

These compliments made Carl a little embarrassed. He felt guilty. After all, the herbs were judged by the ability to open money. If he was asked to find them, he might not even be able to touch a hair of diffusa.

Fortunately, there is 0025. It's great that things like this can be handed over to him. Hehehe, Carl thought thankfully.

Then the next second, Carl couldn't feel thankful anymore.

Hagrid continued to mutter strangely, "I just don't know why the method of applying and pounding the medicine is so sloppy. It's almost a complete negative example..."

Hagrid was careless and unintentional, but these words were like a hammer that hit Carl's heart. Eighty! Eighty! Eighty!

But the next second Hagrid realized that there was something wrong with his words. He immediately laughed and made up for Carl, "But it doesn't matter, little Carl. I think it must be because it's too dark, and the things around are very simple. You can't see clearly. I know, this is normal!"

At this point, Hagrid seemed to have gotten the truth. After laughing a few times, he didn't say anything, and then continued to treat the wound on the unicorn.

The Forbidden Forest was silent, and Carl's heart was silent...

Well, because it has been shattered, are my potions and herbology really that bad? !

This is terrible. I originally thought that my method was fine. Hagrid thought that Carl was just taking a stopgap measure, but Carl thought that he had done a perfect plan...

It was really thin gauze!

Carl felt that the wind in the Forbidden Forest was so cool...

"Okay, the things here are a little simple and can't do a better job of treatment, but Alice said that your other friends went to find the professor, and they should bring better potions." After that, Hagrid sat down with Carl and Alice. The three of them sat together. After all, the temperature in the morning in autumn and winter is still very cold.

"Why did you little fur come to the Forbidden Forest?" Hagrid asked kindly.

Alice was a little shy. This was one of the few times she violated school rules, and the first time she was caught.

Although they came to collect morning dew, it didn't take that long to collect morning dew.

In the final analysis, James Sirius wanted to take the risk, and he also had some hope in his heart. Carl fanned the flames, and the four of them decided to go against their ancestors' decision and play together for a while. Unexpectedly, they ran into this.

"We planned to go to the Forbidden Forest for an adventure in the morning, but we happened to run into this. I don't know if it's lucky or not. No one knew that it violated the school rules, but now even the principal probably knows." Carl continued Hagrid's words, and his expression looked a little tangled.

Hagrid patted Carl's shoulder enthusiastically, which made Carl feel a little buzzing in his head. Hagrid's strength was really extraordinary.

Then he said, "Of course it's lucky, little Carl, although you violated the school rules, you saved a life, and everyone is proud of you!"

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