Carl tried hard to adapt to this new body. It must be said that although he succeeded, walking on the ground still had a sense of beauty of just learning to walk.

Carl stretched out his paw to test it lightly. It didn't take long for him to fully master the limbs. Next, Carl planned to see what animal he had become. Although it was a bit painful just now, he saw a black and white shadow in a daze.

With four long tails, Carl thought while checking his features. He raised his paw and saw a thick plum-shaped pad. It seemed to be a cat, and it was slightly larger than an ordinary cat.

Could it be Maine? Carl scratched his head with his paw, pretending to think. While thinking, Carl suddenly realized that something was wrong. His keen observation interrupted his thinking immediately.

There seemed to be another person in the room and he was right behind him. Carl could feel that although he was not breathing, the movement was a little loud. It might be the benefit of becoming an animal.

But this made Carl's back shiver. This was the Shrieking Shack, and he couldn't get in from outside. Could he have come in from the Whomping Willow? Was it a student? Or something else?

Carl felt the noise behind him getting louder and louder, and his animal mind made him think of only simple and crude solutions.

Capture the enemy first? Carl made a quick decision and pounced on the unknown thing behind him, but the thing was very flexible and Carl could hardly see its shadow, but a gray thing still flew over.

This made him more certain that an unknown stranger had come in. I must catch you, Carl began to chase the enemy in the room.

Remus held Nanako in his place, and he tried his best to ignore the surrounding sounds. It sounded like it must be painful to become an Animagus, probably the same as becoming a werewolf...

They didn't have to do this.

Remus felt a little guilty when he thought of this. He sighed and stroked Nanako again and again, trying to relieve his nervous mood.

He looked at Nanako, whose head was lowering, and sighed in his heart that he was a spiritual little guy.

"Oh, Nanako, you are also worried about Carl and the others, right? You are such a good kid." Remus stopped what he was doing and talked to Nanako.

Nanako shook her head, then turned her head to Remus, with clear stupidity in her eyes, not even a little worried. She even pecked Remus' hand angrily, signaling him to continue to give her a massage.

What's going on? This guy, there is no danger, why does he make an expression that they are going to die here today? Nanako thought dissatisfiedly.

"Oh, okay...", Remus was a little embarrassed after misunderstanding Nanako's meaning, but not much, he planned to put his hand on it again and continue to stroke Nanako.

But at this moment, bursts of noise came from the room in Carl's direction, accompanied by crackling sounds, which sounded like a fight.

Remus raised his head sharply. This sound was not justifiable even if he turned into an Animagus. He was not a werewolf. Did he need to fight and struggle?

Did Carl have an accident? Remus had a bad feeling in his heart. He immediately took Nanako to find out what happened and hurried to where Carl was.

He was a little out of breath. He panted and wanted to see what happened to Carl. "Carl, are you okay?" Remus' voice sounded a little nervous.

And the one who responded to him was.

A cat was fighting a hearty duel with a tail that was similar to its own! ! !

The big white cat was running and chasing its tail, looking very excited.

He had white fur, which looked unusually clean and soft. There were many black spots on his body. His ears kept shaking on his head, and his blue animal eyes were full of vigilance.

The heavy tail swung in all directions, sweeping up some things from time to time, and then fell to the ground, making a sound similar to fighting...


After Remus shouted, he did not interrupt the big cat's determination to chase his tail. He seemed to be immersed in this interesting activity, running in circles.

"Well...ah...this...", three words were divided into three sentences, which fully explained Remus's current tangled mood, but Carl was fine, which should be a good thing.

Come on, do you want to interrupt Carl? This big cat should be Carl, right? But why is Carl catching his own tail...

And Carl, who was immersed in the joy of catching the enemy, did not notice that someone was coming. He was wholeheartedly chasing the prey in front of him.

Almost in an instant, CarlAdapting to the qualitative change of his body from quantitative accumulation, he learned to control his body more and more skillfully, and his body became more and more agile.

After his body was almost in tune, he jumped up, then twisted his body and quickly bit the black shadow flying in front of him.

He successfully caught the prey that had been entangled with him for so long, great! I finally caught it! I can catch prey by myself!

Carl's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment for the first time hunting. The thoughts in his mind just now were completely dispersed. He was completely immersed in the fun of hunting and even forgot the purpose of his hunting.

The first prey caught, hehe, let me see your face, Carl opened his squinting eyes and moved his sight to the thing in his mouth.

Then he found that he was holding a large tail with stripes that was similar in color to the one on his legs.

????????????????!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!

How about such a big prey like me? Carl's head was filled with question marks and exclamation marks, and his enthusiasm was instantly extinguished by cold water.

Then he realized, oh no, he actually mistook his tail for prey, how could this happen! Why? It wasn't really prey, I failed to hunt!

This is really a humiliating thing...

Carl slowly put his tail down, feeling a little disappointed, but the next second he began to feel lucky that no one saw him fail to hunt, it was great, no need to worry about being embarrassed, think about if someone saw...

Carl thought optimistically while looking up, when he finally comforted himself and looked up to find someone, he saw Remus with a little embarrassment in his eyes...

"Hi Carl, how are you?" Remus was still worried at first, but watching Carl stop a little awkwardly, and then watching him stiffen after seeing him.

He felt even more embarrassed!

Oh no... He was so stiff that he even raised his hand slowly after greeting, and shook it a little. Although he was sure, there was still a hint of inquiry in his tone, "It's Carl, right?"

And Carl...

He was about to become a world-famous painting-screaming, Oh no! Why did Remus happen to see me doing something stupid? It's really too bad!!!

With this thought circling in his head, he felt embarrassed and couldn't even relieve his embarrassment by digging a castle with his toes after becoming an animal. Carl looked around, looked at Remus and looked at everything around him.

In the end, he picked up the tail he had just put down, intending to use it to slightly cover up his stiffness and embarrassment.

Oh, you can also take a bite. The soft tail looks very relaxing. Biting it really reduces your embarrassment a lot. Thinking of this, Carl bit his tail as if no one else was there, and gradually became intoxicated. That's right.

As long as I'm not embarrassed, others are embarrassed!

"Okay, Carl, stop biting your tail. It's nothing. You can't control yourself when you first become an Animagus. It's not your fault. Didn't Alice say that?" Based on some subconscious habits, Remus was almost sure that it was Carl. When Carl was particularly embarrassed, he would divert the embarrassment by changing the subject.

He looked at Carl's escaping from reality, walked over slowly, and tried to pull Carl up and go with him to where he had just been.

That way they could better meet other people.

However, although Carl looked like a cat, his body was much larger than a cat. He should be more like a leopard, but Remus had never seen a leopard like this. Not only was his body white, but his tail looked thick and long, almost as long as his body. It looked like it would hurt if he hit him.

You know, no matter what kind of cat, the tail is almost thin. Even if it is long, it should not be the same as the body.

Remus tried to lift Carl up and succeeded easily. This is probably the only advantage of becoming an animal. His body size has become much smaller and he can be carried.

But of course Carl would not let Remus pull him over. After his awkward daze was interrupted, Carl shook his head and stepped forward to follow Remus to wait for the others who were still transforming.

Oh, by the way, the most important thing is the wand. Should I be thankful that I am a big cat? At least I can hold such a long wand...

"Carl, I have never seen the animal you turned into. It looks like a leopard, but its fur is actually white." Remus said. Carl wanted to answer him, but he could not make any sound after turning into an animal.

He could only think in his mind, and then bark a few times to pretend that he had recovered. Although holding the wand in his mouth was notIt's convenient, but you can also hum a little bit.

But the white leopard, is it albinos? I don't have albinos, so it shouldn't be... Or did I find some hidden version? Carl went through the animal encyclopedia in his mind, a white leopard with a long tail...

Snow leopard? It seems that there is only this kind?

But is it a cat? As it should be, long live the cat religion. Carl has no aversion to turning into a cat. To be honest, he still likes cats very much.

What is it? I'll find a lakeside to take a look later? Or I can turn into a human and make a jar of water and then turn into an animal. This seems to be feasible.

Carl thought.

"Should I say it, your transformation looks really handsome, and it looks quite mysterious. If I didn't know in advance that there was no precedent for Animagus turning into a magical animal, I would have thought it was a magical animal." It seems that Remus has a high opinion of Carl's transformation.

After hearing this, Carl immediately straightened up and even walked a little lighter. Who doesn't like to be praised?

"And Nanako seems to like you too. You see, he has been staring at you since the beginning, hahaha." When they came to the place at the beginning, other directions sounded very quiet. Remus' way of relieving stress changed from rubbing Nanako to chatting with Carl.

And Nanako, who was held by Remus: Oh no! You stupid groundhog! Why did you send me to a carnivore! I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying!

The fear of carnivores made Nanako even forget her sense of smell for the time being. If she felt it herself, she would think that the carnivore opposite was her old father.

That was natural, Carl thought, why would a rebellious son not like his old father who raised him up? He rubbed over and wanted to lick Nanako a little. After becoming an animal, he naturally had some animal characteristics. It was natural for him to rub over and want to be intimate with Nanako.

But I don't know if it was because he just turned into an animal and consumed a lot of energy. He is so hungry now...

Is there anything he can eat? Carl yawned, licking Nanako's feathers while thinking, smell carefully, there is something smelly nearby...

Nanako: Nanako, I'm going to get a rat...

Carl rubbed Nanako intimately while carefully distinguishing the smells around him, but he was overthinking it. How could there be food nearby? Although there were villages all around, it was really too far away from the Screaming Shack.

Hmm, why does it smell better and better the more I lick it? The food feels right next to his mouth? No way?

Carl looked closely and saw that Nanako, who was licked wet, was completely furry, but seemed to be stunned. She didn't resist or make any movements, just kept a stunned posture.

Oh... I said why it smelled better and better the more I licked it, it turned out to be you.

But I was really more and more curious about what I looked like now. I really wanted to find a mirror. Carl began to get irritated, and he remembered the tail he had just put behind him.

I'm afraid of biting Nanako to death, so I'd better use this thing to relieve stress...

Hmm, the tail is really easy to bite, fun and playful.

"Well, Carl, are you curious about what you look like now? There is a small mirror over there with James, but it was not broken because I have never been there. How about we go and see it when James comes out?" Remus comforted Carl, as if he could see Carl's anxiety.

Hmm? Carl was much more energetic when he heard this. He poked his head and carefully distinguished the direction of James. He wanted to go and see it now. Oh, it is certain that James will turn into a deer, but this does not prevent Carl from being curious. After all, he has never been in close contact with a deer, and after careful thinking...

Somehow his genes told him that James should be very fragrant now...

Hmm... Now I am more looking forward to James coming out immediately.

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