"Are you serious?" Carl's eyes suddenly lit up. In any case, with Professor Baburin's connections, he would never take Carl to see a half-bottled vegetable bun.

Any alchemist who was free was enough to make Carl excited. Not to mention the professor, just watching from the side and leaking some knowledge to Carl would be invaluable to Carl now.

"Of course, it's a deal. I never lie." Professor Baburin nodded, "But you have other classes later, right? Pack up your things and go to class." Professor Baburin was very satisfied with Carl's eagerness to learn. Instead of forcing Carl to run on the runes, it would be better to hang a carrot in front of Carl and let him run on his own initiative.

Besides, the carrots can really be eaten after running, and Professor Baburin didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Although the holiday time was short, he believed in Carl's ability. As long as he wanted, it should be nothing to do it before the holiday, and taking a student to see an old friend was also a very convenient thing.

"Yes, but the subject is potions, which I hate very much." Carl scratched his head in annoyance, and the pigtails he had just tied were messed up by him.

"That won't work. Alchemy or magic array is a subject with a high comprehensive coefficient. In fact, to brag, my knowledge reserve is enough to become an alchemist master..." Professor Baburin said mysteriously.

"Yes, yes, because you failed the potion exam and missed alchemy when you took the elective in the sixth grade, you never picked it up again." Carl said the next words of Professor Baburin very skillfully.

Don't look at his mysterious appearance, but in fact he has repeated this truth to himself at least more than ten times.

It is to prevent Carl from losing many choices because of his shortcomings in potions.

After getting to know each other, Professor Baburin lost that layer of arrogance. Instead of being blindly tolerant, he became nagging and strict. Carl knew that this was probably a manifestation of his recognition.

"Okay, professor, I'm leaving now." Carl nodded. Although he looked perfunctory and didn't listen, Carl must have taken it to heart.

Especially when he rescued the unicorn last time, Hagrid accidentally dissed him about his medication method.

Well, I should learn more...

After Professor Baburin watched Carl pack up and leave, he also began to organize the documents he needed.

Learning this kind of thing is endless. The more you understand, the more you understand your insignificance.


"Sever!", Carl sneaked into the potion classroom quietly, came behind Sever without a sound, and then suddenly barked behind him, trying to scare him.

Sever, who was calmly grinding herbs, just glanced at Carl and didn't say anything else. But after a while, he seemed to feel that this dullness would make Carl lose some fun, so he pulled Carl's clothes again, "Carl, I just..."

"Maybe I was scared."

Carl, who didn't care at first, felt that his IQ seemed to be insulted. What does it mean to be scared? He didn't care much at first, but now that Sever mentioned it, didn't he mean he wasn't scared at all?

"Sever, aren't you a little too much? It's not very hurtful but very insulting. You are very good at chatting. Don't chat next time..." Carl also picked up the stone mortar and started to do some preparations before class, because it was almost the end of the semester, and the professor had almost taught everyone all the knowledge he could teach.

Now everyone was almost reviewing their homework, and practicing in advance the potion questions that might be tested. By the way, Carl's review for the final exam was pretty good, at least Professor Slughorn would no longer look at him and shake his head with regret.

That expression was hard to describe, as if to say, why can such a good person be so bad at making potions.

Carl was also worried about Professor Slughorn. After all, he often teamed up with Sev and let the future potion master save him. So when Professor Slughorn looked at Sev and him, his expression became more complicated. The relief in the last second would turn into a mask of pain in the next second.

Just like Lily and James teamed up in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Hogwarts had its own Crouching Dragon and Phoenix.

After a class of practice, Carl felt that his potion experience value had increased a lot.

At least practice makes perfect. In terms of potion preparatory work, it is not easy to make mistakes after muscle memory training.

At least he can already prepare a good one by himself.

Professor Slughorn collected the potions that had just been made one by one. In addition to letting the children practice by themselves, he also needed to comment on their advantages and disadvantages.

"Let's take a look at this one. The quality is very good..." Professor Slughorn picked up a bottle of potion that looked pretty good and began to comment. He first praised the advantages of the potion and pointed out the possible errors that might occur during the brewing or collecting of potions.

After making some comments, he quickly started to take out the next bottle. Because it was collected according to the seats, Carl and Sever were in the back row, so it was estimated that he would not start to talk about it until the end.

Professor Slughorn picked a few more bottles and explained them. Among them, the potion made by Alice was praised by him, and he added three points to Ravenclaw.

Carl was used to it. Although Alice was not a talented player, she was indeed a little hexagonal warrior. Diligence can make up for her shortcomings. She had full Os in various subjects, except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, which were slightly lacking.

He wanted to hear the professor's evaluation of him. After all, he thought that he had worked hard to learn potions in the past few days. Even if he didn't get a good review, he should at least be encouraged in a proper manner.

Sever, who was standing next to him, looked at Carl, who was a little excited, and couldn't bear to hit him, but Professor Slughorn was not sure. If Carl's potion was an article, it would probably be selected for the Best Contradictory Literature Award.

Sure enough, Professor Slughorn's brows began to frown just by picking up Carl's potion. He didn't even need to ask who made this potion.

"Mr. Coster, there is no one else except you. This potion must be your work, right?" Professor Slughorn shook his head, his tone was regretful and confused, and it sounded particularly complicated.

Why is this? Potions can almost project the personality of the alchemist, whether it is in the process of making the potion or the state of the potion.

"Why can you always make the potion at the bottom line?" In a sense, Carl is pretty good. If there is a slight deviation, the potion will fail, so of course its quality is not good, or even bad.

But if you say Carl failed, he didn't fail, he did succeed. But he hit the bottom line again. If his level is only here, Professor Slughorn will be a little comforted.

But look at his other results...

Professor Slughorn has reason to suspect that Carl did it on purpose...

"Next time you make the potion, you can be a little more rigorous, or ask for help from Severus next to you." Professor Slughorn didn't want to comment, but if he really started, he could give a negative example theme class for Carl's potion.

"Oh..." Carl lowered his head a little depressed, and began to review the possible omissions when he made the potion in his mind. Just when Carl was trying to review, Severus suddenly moved a notebook in front of Carl.

"You made a mistake when you were refining the potion just now. If I remind you, you will definitely get away with it again, so I wrote some notes for you." Sever handed over the notes, and Carl took a grateful look at them, then put them away and planned to look at them again after class.

Looking at Carl's grateful eyes, Sever slightly covered his face with his hands and coughed a little unnaturally, "In fact, I also wrote down the previous potion subjects. If you want to see..." Sever's voice was very low, but it was enough for Carl to understand.

To be honest, although Sever didn't need to take too many notes for the potions in the lower grades, he couldn't help but write a little more every time he saw Carl's face struggling with potions. Maybe Carl would ask him for these things in the future?

This is to repay the favor, right? Carl's family is so friendly to him, this is what he thought at the time.


It is reasonable to tutor your lover for not studying well, and he certainly can't let Carl learn potions poorly.

"Okay, next is the last one." Carl was chatting with Sev just now, and he didn't realize why Sev's potion was automatically skipped after Carl's potion.

But in the end, when Professor Slughorn took out Sev's potion, Carl instantly understood that the best things should be saved for the end.

Professor Slughorn showed it to everyone very proudly. The quality of the potion looked good, and the flowing pearls flowed in the liquid, which looked very dazzling.

And Professor Slughorn also gave the highest evaluation to this potion, "I dare say that even if it is me, I will never do better."

Professor Slughorn evenHe walked around the students holding the potion and showed the quality of the potion to each student.

"It's even better than Lily Evans from Gryffindor next door. Severus, I can tell at a glance that this potion is your work." He could tell at a glance who was the author, but compared to Calnanping's evaluation, Professor Slughorn's evaluation of Severus was obviously one dimension higher.

And this evaluation also made the Slytherins who were originally a little listless around him excited. After all, the keyword was Gryffindor. As long as they could beat Gryffindor, no matter who it was, they would be happy to support them.

This was the consensus of the Slytherins.

"You are the best potion maker among the students I have taught. From collecting herbs to refining, I believe you have made the best choice at every step. It deserves at least five points for me to give Severus." Professors never hesitate to praise good students.

"I am looking forward to your future achievements." Professor Slughorn said at last. Although he had said this to Sev many times, he always said it happily.

Sev was the last person, so after he finished speaking, Professor Slughorn gently said that the get out of class could be dismissed.

After class, Carl began to pack up and prepare to rush from the classroom to Professor Babbling's office. If there were no classes, Carl would go to Professor Babbling's office more often than the library.

There are even some relatively obscure documents about ancient runes. Although the library has many books, the real good things, like the unique potion, are often in the hands of a few people.

And Professor Babbling did not hide it from Carl, and almost tried his best to inject knowledge into Carl.

"Sev, then I'm leaving. You must eat well at noon. You can't refuse to eat when I'm not around and dive into your potion!" Carl said in a serious tone, as if he was instructing some particularly important task.

"Right, future potion master?" Carl called him teasingly. This title seemed normal, but it sounded ambiguous when Carl said it.

"I know. You should do your best too." Sever was slightly choked by this, but he quickly adjusted himself and didn't let Carl see that he was actually choked.

Because if that happened, Carl would definitely take advantage of the situation to tease him again.

Sever calmed down and slowly began to pack up his textbooks. At this time, a small group that Sever knew a little about gathered together and seemed to be talking about something. Sever took a quick look and turned his eyes back to himself.

These people were probably doing some boring activities again, including but not limited to bullying classmates, insulting teachers, and robbing and stealing things. Sever didn't want to have anything to do with them.

And in the first and second grades, several of them even robbed and stole his black magic research notes, so that later, Carl accidentally discovered that he was studying black magic.

Although the result was good, Carl comforted him and even gave him some suggestions on his spells, but Carl didn't care, which didn't prevent Severus from beginning to hate these people.

But man proposes, God disposes. Just when Severus was about to pack up and leave quickly, several people in front of him actually came to him.

"Snape? You are studying black magic, right?" They surrounded Severus with great interest, their eyes full of excitement and exploration.

Although they were not sure, they accidentally glanced at Severus's notebook a few days ago, and the content on it could be confirmed at a glance.

Severus almost saw their serious excitement at a glance. If you imagine that now Severus would almost immediately get excited as if he had found a companion, and discuss some things about black magic with them.

But now he...

"What? What did you say? Black magic, I don't know, isn't it forbidden in school?" Sever calmly began to lie and act crazy.

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