Carl's CPU started to burn.

Carl entered the fugue mode.

Professor Baburin saw Carl's confusion and patted Carl's head, allowing Carl to temporarily run out of the fugue mode.

"Okay, Carl, stop looking. This is my friend, the alchemist you want to meet. Say hello." Baburin pushed Carl forward, and Carl sorted out the relationship between the characters almost instantly.

Oh damn, I actually urged the old lady to find other old men to dance in front of the old man, my life is over, "Good afternoon, sir, I am Carlos Coster."

Although the little thoughts in my heart were turning wildly, the etiquette on the surface was still impeccable.

"Don't do this, you will scare the child. How old are you this year? There is no reason to care about the child." The old lady rubbed Carl's head, but the force was very gentle.

Carl looked at his hand with some worry. He was afraid that the old lady's hand would be broken. Although it was wrapped in clothes, it looked so fragile.

Although it is normal for the elderly to have brittle bones, I have never seen one so brittle.

Carl's absent-minded look lasted only for a while, but he quickly reacted. After all, this was a bit rude, so he immediately moved his gaze back.

But Carl's inquiring eyes were still caught by the old man. He took small steps, and his walking looked a little awkward, and there was a bit of weird liveliness. The old man walked in and asked Baburin to bring Carl in.

"Your observation is very sharp." The old man said as he walked, and Carl was finally able to go in and take a look inside the house.

"Not only observation, but this is only incidental. If you have read his thesis, you will know that his genius is probably five times my younger self." Baburin did not hesitate to praise Carl, and the proud and satisfied tone still overflowed.

"Such a high evaluation?" The old man walked to the sofa and asked Baburin to sit down with Carl.

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have brought him to visit you, of course, with some intention of showing off."

Carl was not as confident about these compliments as he usually was about fighting, and he was a little guilty.

After all, this genius is a bit watery. If there is no 0025 to assist, and the language translation, let alone five Professor Baburin, it would be very good to catch up with 0.5.

After sitting down, Carl began to observe the surroundings again. Compared with the ordinary outside of the house, the inside of the house is a different world.

This house will be in line with Carl's idea of ​​a house where wizards will live. The house is divided into several rooms, and Carl is now in the living room.

This living room is very large, and the overall tone is dark. In addition to the sofa, there are not too many furniture. There are many books. Although the bookcase is already full, there is still no room for books. Carl saw that there are still many books that have not been put away next to it.

There are traces of folding, and it looks like it has been opened not long ago, and the owner is reading it.

As for the catalog of books, some of the books that Carl has seen and some that Carl has not seen.

The surroundings look very much in line with traditional mysticism. If there are some tarot cards in front of the crystal ball and a big pot next to the sofa, it can be made into a secret room with magic as the main body.

Oh, maybe there should be a black cat.

Just as Carl was thinking, a cat's cry suddenly came from the bookcase. A cat with yellow eyes and black fur, sleek and smooth, jumped down from the bookcase lightly and made a meowing sound.

Wow, it's even more amazing.

The cat came to rub against Carl without any hesitation. This intimacy shocked Carl a little. According to reason, cats are generally timid...

If it is a cat raised by a social person, it may be a little naughty with the owner's personality, but the cats raised by the two elderly people are so unstressed and even so enthusiastic.

"Can I touch it?" Carl pointed at the cat. If you want to touch a small animal, you still need to get the owner's permission.

"Of course." The old woman agreed to Carl's request. She waved her wand and brought a few cups of hot tea, sugar cubes, and a bottle of milk. It looked like the milk was prepared for Carl.

Carl picked up the cat. Even though the black cat was picked up, it still didn't show any signs of getting angry. Instead, it lay on Carl's legs naturally, and then began to turn over its belly affectionately, as if inviting Carl to touch its belly.

Carl got started naturally, and the cat didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and began to purr comfortably.

Carl saw a very familiar magic circle pattern between the cat's collar.

Isn't that familiar? It was really familiar, because this pattern was exactly the lucky ring that he carved and refined at the beginning.The lines are just the first version.

That is, Carl followed the magic lines to refine, and then he improvised the version. Later, when he compared the magic circuit carved by Siver, he found that his memory was slightly different, so there were some deviations in the carving.

And it just happened that only that one line was deviated, and the other circuits were correct.

My luck is really good as always. Among dozens of complicated circuits, I only chose the only one that I remembered wrong.

What a genius!

And the next stroke, after I completed it according to the existing circuit, was inexplicably successful. Although the function was only +1 health, Carl was already very satisfied.

Now this circuit actually appeared on the cat's collar. Why does the cat need this plus one health?

Carl looked carefully again. Although this cat is very friendly and behaves very docile, its eyes are slightly scattered...

Add this collar that seems to be a product of alchemy.

"Can alchemical products be so advanced?" Carl exclaimed, it's amazing...

"Oh, did you see it? I didn't expect you to see it. Several visitors didn't realize that this little guy was not a real cat." The old lady greeted the black cat, and the black cat meowed, jumped off Carl, came to the old lady, and began to rub her trouser legs.

"Good boy." The old lady touched the cat's head, "I also want to raise a real cat, but it's too dangerous for me. Cats are running all the time." She looked a little regretful, and it can be seen that she probably likes small animals very much.

"Isn't this cat also very cute? And it's very precious. The old man made it specially for you, right? If it is something made by your lover with heart, it must be the most precious thing in the world for you." Carl looked at the cat. Although it was not a real cat, except that it was a little more docile than a real cat, its movements and even various micro-expressions were completely like a real cat.

"And even without this meaning, it is really valuable." After the sensationalism, it is more realistic. How much does this thing cost? It is the ultimate enhanced krypton gold version of electronic pets.

Is it half AI? It feels very smart. Are science and magic really connected?

"That's right. I am very grateful to my husband for doing this for me." The old lady smiled and stroked the cat again.

"Hmm..." The old man nodded thoughtfully. Just now, he was considered to have good observation skills. Now he can be called sharp, and his intuition is very good.

Although alchemy requires years of experience and knowledge, it also requires a little intuition, because simply repeating the predecessors is mostly meaningless.

To innovate, accurate intuition is also a good ability. Although it is mysterious, you have to say that magic itself is mysterious.

"You seemed to be observing the magic circuit on the collar just now. Did you understand it?" I don't know if Carl had just withdrawn his remarks about instigating the old lady to dance with other old men, and boasted about the old man's beloved wife, which made the old man change his mind about Carl.

The old man still took the initiative to ask Carl questions.

"I understand a little bit, but only a little bit. What is this main circuit used for, old man? Can you tell me?" Carl nodded curiously, but shook his head, and then thought about it and wondered if he was a little rude.

"Oh, don't worry, you can ask casually, there is no reason for me not to answer your questions, don't worry." The old man took a sip of the red teacup.

"But before answering, I want to ask you, what do you think it should represent?" The old man asked Carl.

"Is it used to provide 'life'?" Carl raised his chin and looked at the circle on the collar.

"The whole rune is almost a melody praising life, but the magic circuit that was supposed to represent recovery has been changed to another style..." Carl recalled the things that happened when he changed the magic circuit while talking about his inspiration at that time.

"In fact, this part can be changed. After all, recovery and life are somewhat similar. Just change a little bit, and it will be fine..." Carl said more and more. Just when he was about to start, he suddenly realized where he was. He immediately put his outstretched hand on his head naturally and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Well, yes, 'life', you are right. I used a lot of magic materials for energy injection, and finally used unicorn blood, plus some morning dew bathed in the essence of the sun, which is also the most symbolic of life."

"In fact, many magic circuits are adapted to unicorn blood., but they are too rare. Although I have a good deposit, this thing is hard to come by. ", the old man said slowly, and there was a little more appreciation in his eyes when he looked at Carl.

Carl silently compared the details in his heart, and well, it matched.

I used unicorn blood at the beginning, and I succeeded in trying the material at once.

Adding the essence of the sun, it is almost a perfect replica, and providing life and adding a little blood volume also proves this point.

After all, it is not a recovery but an increase in the upper limit, but you can think about it and know that the semi-finished product I made is very different from the old man's cat.

I am just a commander without troops, and there is no comparison with this complete army of alchemy + magic array.

Carl is While thinking, he nodded as if he understood, and wrote down the circuit of the collar on the old man's cat's neck.

This can be processed and reproduced by himself, so he tried to remember it by himself, and then asked 0025 to scan it again as a backup later.

Drawing it by yourself often makes memory more profound.

However, such advanced things will have to be discussed later, after all, with his current half-bottle level...

Bablin looked at Carl's seemingly confused eyes, approached Carl and silently comforted him, "It's okay, Carl, you are still young, it's normal that you can't understand this kind of magic circuit, and you will understand it sooner or later after reading more literature. "

He was afraid that Carl's self-confidence would be frustrated.

But his worry was obviously over-concerned. Carl's eyes were not confused, but in a state of empty thinking. Carl quickly reacted, "It's okay, professor, I'm not sad at all, I'm just thinking..."

"Just thinking about how to improve your alchemy works when you go back, right?" The old man raised his hand, thought about it, and finally pointed it out, "Maybe not so fast, but you should draw magic circuits or write basic magic arrays by yourself, after all, you are only thirteen or fourteen this year." He smiled, as if he saw through everything.

"Wade, you still don't seem to understand your students, but it's hard to say. I remember Albus said that you were obedient when you were in school, so it's no wonder. ", the old man shook his head, took another sip of black tea and looked leisurely.

But it's right that the old man is leisurely.

Poor Carl felt as if he was thrown into a frying pan. After sizzling on one side, the old man flipped it over carelessly and fried it until both sides were golden and crispy.

"Carl...", Professor Baburin looked at Carl with disapproval. Carl turned his head and pretended to be stupid with a normal face. Although he knew it was probably useless, he still wanted to struggle, "I am a good boy, how could I do such a dangerous thing?"

Looking innocent and cute, there is no problem.

"Maybe you think too much?", Baburin still defended Carl for a while in the belief of believing in students.

"Oh, you don't understand this. If a genius doesn't do something, he is not a genius. "

"The so-called genius is a person standing in the middle, holding talent on the left and madness on the right. People maintain balance. How much talent matches how much madness.

As people get older, they become good at disguising themselves. They will reduce their madness or even seem to have none. But the strange thing is that even if the madness seems so little, the scale is still balanced.

I won’t talk about when I was young, after all, it was a long, long time ago. ", the old man still looked lazy and leisurely, but Carl was completely furious. Although it was not a wrong or bad thing, it was very dangerous anyway.

"But think about Albus, what is he doing at his age?" The old man knew better than anyone that a talented person could not really keep his talent.

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