Regulus listened to his voice and slowly raised his head. He was still a child, no matter how mature he was, he was still a child. Although he already knew it, was this the person he must follow in the future?

Regulus tried to suppress his fear and disgust, slowly raised his head, and raised his trembling hand a little bit to raise the wine glass, as if he wanted to respond to the Dark Lord's toast.

Mrs. Black next to him looked at Regulus's actions and nodded with satisfaction. Compared with Sirius, Regulus was a normal and lovely child.

He was sensible enough.

But... Regulus's hand was raised a little bit, his eyes were somewhat empty facing the scarlet eyes of the person in front of him, and the piercing red broke Regulus's empty brain.

The scene where blood splashed on his face just now appeared again as if it was a scene reappeared.

The blood-red pupils approached a little bit, and Regulus' heart was raised a little bit. At the moment when the two cups were about to touch, the blood-red color once again awakened his fear and disgust just now, as well as the little bit of rebellion in his heart.

His hand suddenly loosened, and the wine glass hit the ground at the moment of intersection. Regulus's glass fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the grape juice poured on the ground, while the Dark Lord's glass naturally hit the ground.

The banquet that had not been silent for the dead suddenly became dead silent because of Regulus's "mistake".

It was almost like the pause button was pressed, and even the Dark Lord's hand stopped in mid-air, but he quickly reacted. He raised his head, his face was normal, and he slowly raised the wine glass, as if it was not him who was humiliated on the spot.

But how could he not see the fear and disgust emanating from Regulus' eyes at that moment?

It doesn't matter if the child is ignorant.

Because he has a sensible mother.

"Mrs. Black, your son seems to be scared. This is not okay. Go home and comfort him." He slowly turned over, without embarrassment or saying anything else, and turned to negotiate with others.

"Regulus, Regulus!" Mrs. Black was a little anxious when she saw the Dark Lord walking away. She was still in the banquet hall and did not explode on the spot.

But her face was not very good, and her angry and disappointed eyes almost overflowed.

"Sorry, Mom, my hand just slipped." Regulus sighed, he barely calmed down, and realized what he did in the moment.

In fact... it's nothing, isn't it? According to the education he received, maybe this is nothing, Black has also executed those so-called "traitors" with impure blood.

It's just that he has not been exposed to them. He will be exposed to these in the future. After all, he is the future head of the family...

However... Regulus felt that his heart seemed to be missing a piece, and something special was missed by him. At this time, a noble lady next to him seemed to be frightened by something, and she screamed loudly.

"Hey, when did this dirty thing fall under my feet!" The noblewoman's feet moved slightly, and the thing under her feet suddenly flew out. It was stained with the venom and saliva of the venomous snake. It was the notebook that Nagini had just spit out.

The notebook was kicked away and appeared to be open. The first page was opened, revealing the beautiful handwriting. Regulus had good eyesight, but it was useless because the venom had soaked it and it was already riddled with holes.

The handwriting on it was completely unclear, but it seemed to be a name. Regulus saw Carlo behind him and a small smiling face, but that was all. The name was no longer clear.

Oh, by the way, Regulus suddenly remembered that she had not told him her name yet. He thought that there would be no chance in the future...

After the banquet, he carefully put away the notebook. He didn't know why he did that.


With his mind blank, Regulus returned to the present, his emotions gradually stabilized, even though the smell of blood on his hands was still stinging his brain.

Ignoring his mother's nagging, because he couldn't listen to anything now, Mrs. Black seemed to have noticed Regulus's absent-mindedness. She squatted down and grabbed Regulus's shoulders, "Rael, you are the only hope of the Black family. Are you going to embarrass me like your brother?"

"Rael, make the most correct decision!" Mrs. Black used what she was best at in the past, using her family and her mother's identity to suppress other thoughts that Regulus had.

Obviously, he succeeded, and Regulus almostHe was stunned, and he was immediately restrained by these words.

Regulus half-supported his head, and his head seemed to hurt more.

Sirius looked at the interaction between his mother and his brother, punched his fist, and subconsciously wanted to rush up to quarrel with his mother, but in the end he didn't, because his mother couldn't communicate.

"Enough, mom, I will think about it carefully, I want to go to bed now, okay?" Regulus slowly put down his hand supporting his head.

Mrs. Black felt that her "persuasion" was probably effective. She smiled and rubbed Regulus's head, "Okay, Regulus, go to bed, just think it through."

Mrs. Black returned to normal.

Regulus left his room and walked up the stairs to his room upstairs. Just as Regulus opened the door and was about to enter, Sirius' voice suddenly came from behind him, "Regulus? How about we talk? What on earth did you go to do?"

"Sirius, weren't you taken back to the room by Kreacher?" Regulus looked at his brother standing behind him with a puzzled look on his face.

"A mere Kreacher can stop me. Are you kidding me? I knocked him out." Sirius looked around and made sure his mother was not there before he patted Regulus' shoulder and went into the room with him.

"Is Kreacher okay?" Regulus asked subconsciously.

"It's okay. He fainted for a while at most. Who told him to lock me up in the room?" Sirius said nonchalantly.

"Then you can't..."

"Stop, let's talk later. What we are going to discuss now is your problem."

If it were in the past, he would probably question Regulus and his mother relentlessly the moment he smelled the blood, but didn't Carl say that? Let's talk about it first. If the talk doesn't go well, it's not too late to start questioning.

"You come to me to talk..." Regulus was a little self-destructive. He had just been questioned by his mother, and now he had to deal with his brother. According to the usual practice...

"Well, did you go to that Voldemort banquet? Mom just told you? Why is there a smell of blood?" Sirius asked tentatively. He must want to find out what his brother did and what was the smell of blood on his body, otherwise he would not be able to sleep tonight.

"He went because someone died, a half-blood girl, and I was very close to her and splashed." Regulus did not hide it. He tried to say this sentence in a normal voice and tried his best to cover up the trembling in his voice.

Of course, in addition to fear and disgust, he also had some hidden emotions. He hoped that his mother and brother would find out...


"Is someone really dead? It started again. The usual method of pure-blood families to cleanse their bloodline. In order to keep their bloodline pure, they really can do anything..." Sirius' eyes were filled with anger in an instant, and his fists clenched, as if he was going to smash them on the ground in the next second.

"Ah..." Regulus sighed silently, then hummed with an unclear emotion, and then seemed to be relieved.

"Okay..." You can blame me, why did I go to the Dark Lord's banquet, why did someone die, why did I obey my mother, why was I so cowardly...

"Okay, what's okay? It's not okay at all? What did you say?" Sirius admitted that when Regulus said expressionlessly that someone died without any emotion, his first reaction was to jump up.

But he suppressed his thoughts left and right, especially Regulus's trembling voice pulled his reason back.

Regulus was a man who was gentle even to the house elves.

He remembered Carl's words.

"There's nothing to say anymore. After all, the person is dead. Nothing can be changed. An innocent person died. Brother, you should be very angry and sad, right?" Regulus seemed to be talking to Sirius, but in fact, he was talking to himself.

He was extremely conflicted now. The burden of the family, the wishes of his mother, his own soul, he had to do the most correct thing, make the most correct choice...

Thinking of this, he felt that he couldn't breathe.

Regulus gasped for air like a dying fish, but even so he was still stuffy. The suffocation of the soul could not be relieved by the body.

Fear, anger, disgust and sadness almost occupied his soul, but no one seemed to care.

"Regulus? Regulus?" Sirius looked at Regulus who suddenly became excited and was at a loss.

In fact, he didn't know how to get along with his brother, because of sex.Because of their different personalities, they hardly play and fight together like normal brothers.

They don't even have a normal conversation, which makes him wonder what he should do now.

What should a brother do now?

Carl is right.

He is not a qualified brother. He wants to have a normal conversation for the first time, but he has no idea what to do.

As the elder one, he should lead the topic, but now he is at a loss.

"Regulus!" Sirius shouted. He didn't know what to do now, but at least he should pull his brother out of this helpless state.

Sirius pulled Regulus's hand and squeezed his wrist tightly.

He looked at Regulus who was in negative emotions and realized it in an instant.

This is his younger brother. When his younger brother witnessed someone die in front of him, his first reaction as a brother was not to analyze the pros and cons.


"Don't be afraid. Are you scared? Your voice has been shaking since just now."

Comfort him first not to be afraid.

"Brother..." Regulus looked at Sirius in disbelief with his eyes open. His breathing gradually became stable. His family finally discovered some of his secret thoughts.

Yes, he was still a child. He was afraid. He had hope when his mother rushed over. He hoped that his mother would rush over to stop him from seeing...

But what his mother cared about was that the blood would splash on her body, so she had to maintain her appearance...

"Brother, I'm scared, I'm so scared..." Regulus' tears fell like beads with broken strings. He seemed to have suddenly lost his strength and collapsed.

His lips trembled as he began to speak, "The blood was so close to me, I was scared, I was so scared, why didn't you ever ask me, you and mom never cared about this!"

Regulus' voice was close to hysteria, which was completely different from his usual cold and indifferent appearance, "That person was so close to me, but I couldn't save her, I was clearly, I was talking to her the last second..."

"She told me with her mouth that she would tell you her name later, and then she would never come back."

"I hate this, I hate that man! I also hate you and mom, you never care about me!" Regulus expressed his emotions wantonly, and Sirius felt that this was much better than the suppression just now.

"I tried very hard to catch up with you and become a qualified head of the family. I study hard every day. The responsibility makes me breathless..."

"Everything in this family seems to be wrong, but my mother desperately wants me to do the right thing..."

"In everything wrong, doing the 'right' thing can only make everything more wrong. I don't know what to do..."

"Leil, Leil, calm down!" Sirius patted Regulus' back slowly. Regulus said a lot of complaints. He usually didn't talk much, but Sirius's words "Don't be afraid" broke his psychological defense.

Sirius also picked up the nickname he used for his younger brother many years ago because of worry.

"Don't be afraid, brother is here, it doesn't matter if you hate me. Anyway, I'm not a good brother, and it seems that it's right to be hated by my younger brother." Looking at Regulus, whose mental state was so wrong, Sirius fell into deep self-blame.

He didn't know it at all before, and didn't care. He relied on his own guesses to arrange everything as he thought it was reasonable.

Thus, he ignored his brother's inner torment. He didn't like the family, he didn't like black magic, he rejected the pure blood theory, he was the same as himself.

He was suffering from everything, but he ignored this pain with a clear conscience, and judged his brother based on his own imagination.

"Regulus, you hate this place too, right? Then do you want to consider..."

"I won't leave here like you. My last name is Black, and I have my responsibilities..." Regulus buried himself in his brother's shoulder, even if he cried until he was exhausted, he still maintained his due rationality.

If he is the same as his brother, what will happen to the Black family, what will happen to his mother, and the responsibility left by his brother should be handed over to...

"Leave it to my brother!"

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