I don't know what Ceci said to Penny. Anyway, after Penny finished baking the cookies, her attitude towards Sever softened a little. Although it was not very harmonious, at best it was the kind of stranger, but it was already a big improvement. Sever himself did not like to expose his emotions outside, so he did not show his aggression towards Penny.

The birthday party passed without any danger. After everyone was sent away, Carl was finally able to ask his father face to face what pit he had dug for him.

"Dad!" Ceci saw Carl coming aggressively, and quickly turned around and pulled Leah away. "Oh, Carl baby, it's late today, how about we go to bed? I think you are definitely sleepy!"

"Don't change the subject. It's only afternoon now. And! What did you say to Penny! Why is she looking at me so strangely!" Ceci waved her hand, made an innocent face, and was about to cry. Leah... Leah watched the father and son fight and laughed happily.

"Karl, how could you do this to your father? I finally helped you solve the crisis between friends, but what about you? You actually doubted your dear, innocent, pure, kind, loving, selfless, great and good father, and suspected that I said bad things about you behind your back. Oh my god, Carl, how could you do this!"

Karl had learned this skill 100%, but Cece was more skilled and used it more skillfully. Look at this long list of adjectives. Look, his eyes are about to burst into tears. Look, he didn't even have the intention of breathing heavily after reading so many words. If I wasn't this man's son, I would definitely be completely deceived by him.

"I won't be deceived by you..." Carl not only wouldn't be deceived, but also had many goose bumps on his back.

"If you don't tell me, then I'll ask mom, mom-what did dad say to Penny." Carl held Leah's fingers and acted like a spoiled child. Cece was not to be outdone and held his wife's other arm with one hand. "Oh my dear wife, you must prove your husband's innocence. You are my only support."



Liya was fair and selfless. She did not say what Ceci said, nor did she explain for him. Facing two faces that were completely in line with her aesthetics, she raised her hand neatly and walked quickly to the bedroom. "Gentlemen, please solve these problems by yourselves. Ms. Leah, I'm going to have a beauty sleep."

After Leah left, the father and son looked at each other. Ceci was more casual and had no emotions. He just looked at Carl with his black eyes, and Carl obviously did not practice to his father's level. He found a small corner and shrank in.

Just when Carl was sulking, a palm fell from the sky and repeatedly rubbed Carl's head.

"But it has probably been solved smoothly. I think Carl, you won't be too embarrassed." Ceci's voice came into Carl's ears. Well... Ceci's father is still very reliable in some aspects.

"Thank you, father." For example, he moved immediately, always stood by him, helped him to resolve conflicts among his friends, and he would say...

"Ahem, since you have already said thank you, Carl, don't delve into what I said to Penny about you..."

I was moved a little early. Thank you, father, for letting me taste the first social evil after coming to this world.

"So you really did say something to Penny, right!"

"So I told you not to delve into it."

After "arguing" with his father for a while, Carl returned to his bedroom. Hmm... I seemed to have forgotten something, 0025!

Carl remembered it instantly and called 0025 immediately because every year on his birthday, 0025 would wake up for a while to report the current situation.

Carl's mind moved, and 0025 immediately spoke [Host, good afternoon. ]

"Ah 0025, I thought you were not here?"

[Because the host did not call 0025, it was determined that the host did not need 0025's help at the moment. ]

"You won't report some boring things when you wake up this time, will you?" Carl was not teasing 0025. It was true that the things 0025 reported were not that important. At most, he scanned his own and his parents' bodies to tell him how they were, and also told him if there was any abnormality in Carl's magic. These things can be completely handled by physical examinations, and Carl's magic is almost stable, so there is no need for them.

[0025 is here to inform the host that in the next two years, 0025 will go to the headquarters for a comprehensive system upgrade. ]

"... Upgrade."

[Yes, it is mainly the game system. In the past few years, the host did not communicate with other people in the town.Several main characters have intersected, but now the host is involved in too many "main lines of the world". With the host's own strength, it is likely that he will die in the storm of the main line. ]

Thank you 0025. Although I am very happy that you are going to upgrade the system, at least don't say such heartbreaking words... [0025 will only tell the truth]

"Do you have the ability to read minds!" Carl saw 0025 talking, and he was a little angry.

[0025 has the ability to read minds, but the host has asked 0025 to turn off the function, but the host's facial expression is too strong, so it is easy to know these things. ]

Are you praising my face for being very lively...

"Thank you, even if you say that, I won't be very happy." Carl slightly despised himself in his heart. What on earth was he talking to the artificial intelligence? He seemed like the idiot who scolded a dog on the street.

[But the host needs to live alone in this world for two years, and there will be no system to provide protection. Some game systems can run, but the calculation data used by the favorability system is relatively large. Without the support of 0025, it will be temporarily closed. Although the world of ordinary people is not dangerous, it is not 100% risk-free. ]

"Well, in fact, I have been here for nine years and nothing has happened..." 0025 added before he finished speaking.

[Some hosts almost died because of the magic explosion eight years and four months ago. If you have a bad memory, 0025 can be accurate to the second for you. ]

"Not necessary..." If 0025 is not AI, Carl will definitely think that 0025 is laughing at himself.

[So 0025 comes to seek the host's wishes, whether the host agrees that 0025 will return to the headquarters. ]

"Have a good trip, remember to set the system master code a little gentler, and don't say such sad words again."

[Yes, host, 0025 will follow the mission. ]0025After saying this, the voice completely disappeared. No matter how Carl called, there was no response.

It seemed that he had indeed left. Carl stretched out his hand to open the game system and looked at the ripe strawberries inside. He harvested them one by one. The previous waves of strawberries had been exchanged for potions. He planned to sell this wave to exchange for seeds for the next quarter. Once 80 strawberries were sold, he could break the 10,000 mark. It was great. In addition to having some liver, his life was getting more and more promising.

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