Regulus followed Carl's footsteps and reached the bottom of the secret room safely. He followed Carl's advice and closed his eyes almost immediately.

You know, the basilisk is no joke. Even now, many parents like to use the ferocious basilisk to scare their children who are not asleep.

"Don't worry, Regulus. I will ask him to stay away from us later, or turn his back to us. I will take you out safely." Carl comforted Regulus, seeing Regulus's nervousness.

"It's okay, senior, I'm not very nervous." In fact, it was a lie to show off. Regulus knew his fear of snakes better than anyone else. After that banquet, he almost subconsciously rejected all snakes, and even regarded a rope that was as thick as a snake as a venomous snake, which scared him.

His mother never criticized him for this. After all, there were horizontal stripes on the sofa at home, and Regulus always refused to do it after that day, which made Mrs. Black very puzzled and puzzled, and even thought that Regulus was deliberately against him.

"Are you lying? Sirius told me that the giant snake was so close to you at that time. You would be afraid of snakes. That's normal."

While talking, Regulus was very keenly aware that something seemed to be approaching.

It was a snake, and the sound of the approaching snake naturally awakened Regulus's PTSD. His mind almost went back to that afternoon, which inevitably made him pale.

"Oh, Carl!" Although the sound of the basilisk was a little scary in Regulus' ears, it was obvious that Carl would not feel it at all.

After all, he could understand the words of the basilisk. Although it was indeed strange at the beginning, after a long time, this language seemed to be integrated into his bones.

He didn't realize how strange his tone was now.

"Carl, you finally came to see me. You haven't come to see me for a long, long time. I miss you so much." The basilisk slowly rubbed in front of Carl. He seemed to want to get close to him but also took Carl's mood into consideration.

He knew that no matter which heir or Slytherin himself, they didn't like his coquettish offensive, and Tom hated it even more.

"Do you miss me or food?" Carl didn't express much about the closeness of the basilisk, because in fact, he would stay in this place every day for alchemy in the past few days, and the basilisk would occasionally get some small rewards after Carl succeeded in alchemy, such as a small piece of insect meat.

After all, he just came in to decorate the secret room, and they almost met as soon as they met, although he didn't get him anything to eat.

But it was definitely not a long time since we last met.

Carl had reason to believe that the basilisk was just greedy for his meat.

"Of course I miss your food." The basilisk said bluntly, but at least he was telling the truth. Carl was not angry, but just a little speechless.

"But it doesn't matter if you didn't bring food, Carl..." The basilisk glanced at the person following behind and said violently, "Even if the food you brought is not delicious meat, this stale person can barely do it."

He thought Carl must have failed in hunting, otherwise why would he bring this person down to show off to him?

"I won't dislike the great heir of Slytherin." The basilisk's tone was very sincere, and Carl had a stomachache.

"Enough, of course he is not food, idiot." Carl blamed him lightly. This is what the basilisk likes most about Carl. His spirit is very stable. Even if he is angry, he will not punish himself casually.

Unlike Tom, he often thinks that he can't do something well and throws a few evil curses at himself, although he has thick skin and flesh, and his scales can rebound any curse.

But the rules set by Slytherin made him never disobey the snake talker, so he could only give up the resistance, there was nothing he could do about it.

He was used to it, but Carl, who was mentally stable and liked to feed him, showed him another way out, that is, he didn't have to be beaten or work hard, and he could just act as a mascot and eat and drink for free.

That is to pretend for five minutes and enjoy wealth for a hundred years.

As long as he did this and that and obeyed when Carl came to the Chamber of Secrets, he could get endless food and countless praises.

It's a pity that humans like Carl can only live for a hundred years at most. I hope he can have a mentally stable child so that he can continue to pretend.

"I'm sorry, Carl, but what else could he be if not food?" The basilisk thought and began to admit his mistake very obediently. His snake tail gently pointed at the few people in front of him.People were somewhat puzzled.

"It's my..." Before Carl could even finish his words, the basilisk took the lead in answering.

"Oh, I see. He must be a fool who was fooled by you. Carl is as good as Tom. He can fool people. Tom once told me that the people around him are no different from you." The basilisk's tone sounded reasonable, but almost none of these three adjectives were positive.

"Where are you thinking about this? How could it be these?" Carl pursed his lips, but after thinking about it carefully, he knew that he must have learned it from Voldemort. It is estimated that the young Voldemort used these words to refer to the group of guys who followed him in private.

Even the basilisk learned it. He probably said something to the basilisk unscrupulously because he thought there would be no more heirs to Slytherin.

In Regulus's ears, the cold and strange snake language echoed in his ears. Although he knew it was Carl's voice, he felt weird no matter how he listened to it.

Especially, after experiencing the giant snake swallowing a living person.

"Okay, you retreat now and go to the inner room. We are on the periphery, so we can prevent you from killing Regulus." Carl said.

"Also, don't think about doing bad things. If you expose your eyes and have a little accident, even if it's just petrification and can be restored, it is unforgivable." Carl rarely said such heavy words to the basilisk.

His blue eyes revealed a dangerous aura, and he didn't seem to be joking at all. He was just short of slapping his favorite popular sword on the ground to coerce.

"Of course I know, I won't do such a thing." Although the basilisk was not very smart, it could tell the difference between the important and the unimportant. Seeing that Carl was talking to him seriously, he nodded immediately, without the frivolous and indifferent look he had just joked with, and crawled to the deepest part of the secret room. But before leaving, he did not forget to turn around and ask, "Then the food you promised to give me..."

"I will give you more after sending him away, don't worry about that." Carl replied. Hearing this, the basilisk immediately left quickly with satisfaction, fearing that he would be a step slower and Carl would withdraw the reward in a bad mood.

"Okay, open your eyes." Carl saw the basilisk walking away and said to Regulus next to him. He was careful and naturally noticed that Regulus's nerves had been very tense just now. He switched to ordinary language and looked at Regulus, a little worried about whether Regulus could put his little heart at ease.

Don't scare the child.

Otherwise, he would have a hard time explaining to Sirius. With Sirius' current emphasis on Regulus, if he knew that his brother was frightened by him, he would probably come to settle accounts with him.

"Okay." Regulus slowly opened his eyes. It was Card who thought more. His psychological quality was really not that bad.

"This is the legendary Slytherin's secret room. As a Slytherin, you should know it, right?" Carl waved his hand in front of Regulus.

It was like a cat showing off that it had caught a mouse, and it was a little proud. In fact, it was indeed worthy of pride. Any Slytherin who knew that he had Slytherin blood would probably be so excited that he couldn't sleep.

But Senior Carlos was obviously just a Ravenclaw, and a Ravenclaw from a Muggle family. I had never heard of his tortuous and bizarre family background. What was going on?

But he didn't need to think so much. Since Senior Carlos could speak Parseltongue, he must be the descendant of Slytherin. This was set in stone.

And he wanted to help himself, otherwise there was no reason for him to tell him that he could speak Parseltongue.

He felt an unprecedented excitement. If he could solve the other two problems, he could fight on his own. He could get rid of the fate brought to him by his family and try to take a path that he thought was right.

However... the other two, money and things that support the operation of the family, Regulus frowned, and the excitement just now was almost soaked by cold water.

But it doesn't matter. The most difficult step has been solved. He can also solve the remaining two, right? Just when he was thinking about it, Carl suddenly started to call him.

"Regulus?" Carl looked at Regulus, who was in a frenzy of brain operation, in confusion. He was a little worried. Wouldn't he really scare the child?

Regulus slowly opened his mouth and was about to say something, but before he started, he was interrupted by Carl, "Oh, stop talking, let's sort out the legacy that Slytherin left in the Chamber of Secrets. I don't know if it's enough to run a family, but..."

Regulus was very surprised. He looked atCarl blinked in disbelief. Carl solved the second question immediately. How much would Slytherin's inheritance be?

But it would not be less after all. But when Carl led Regulus to the gold pile.

Regulus was still confused. He was still conservative. It was not only not less, but it was rich enough to rival a country.

It was worthy of being the secret room of Slytherin. It was actually...

Looking at the piles of gold, various metals and gems in front of him, Regulus' eyes sparkled. He knew that if there were these, he was learning to operate. With the gimmick of another Slytherin heir, his parents would definitely be shaken.

Finally, there was his brother. His parents spent much more effort on Sirius than themselves. They almost used all their resources to make him a qualified heir.

If his brother was not particularly rebellious, hated the Death Eaters, joined Gryffindor and broke with the family, his parents would definitely not be willing to give up such a high sunk cost.

Now tell them that these silent costs may be recovered, which is enough to make them excited.

Although Voldemort's chips are rich enough, their chips are not less than Voldemort's.

But there is another point, Voldemort's talent is indeed strong enough, although Carlos's spells and combat abilities can also be called geniuses among geniuses...

After solving the most important thing, Regulus began to think about how to build a prototype of an organization that can rival the Death Eaters.

"Regulus?" Regulus's brain was running wildly, and naturally ignored the call of Carl next to him. When Regulus reacted, Carl's face was already very close.

He stepped back in surprise.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Carl said very gently. Unlike Voldemort's eyes that seemed gentle but carried a murderous blade, Carl's blue pupils were both transparent and gentle. He held sunglasses in his hand and asked him with some doubts.

"I'm thinking, do you really want to help me? This may be very dangerous." When encountering the Dark Lord, it is doubtful whether Carl is a wizard from a Muggle family, after all, Carl really knows snake language.

But at least now he is a wizard from a Muggle family, and there is no need to take this risk with himself, just relying on the usual teacher-student relationship and the friendship with his brother. If that's the case, then they owe the senior too much.

"And, Senior Carlos, please don't expose the fact that you can speak snake language again, it's too dangerous, if you tell others carelessly like today...", the second thing is about snake language, he dare not think about what crazy things that damn madman would do if he knew that there was another person in the world who could speak snake language like him.

Voldemort will definitely hunt down another snake speaker until one of them dies, then it will end.

"Don't think too much, Regulus. As you said, I can speak Parseltongue. If it is exposed, it will be quite dangerous. I cannot guarantee that I will not be exposed for the rest of my life. The Dark Lord is like a knife hanging over my head. And Sev is a very talented potion genius. He will be targeted sooner or later. Not to mention James. God knows how these pro-Muggle families will be settled by Voldemort if he succeeds."

"Everyone is completely within the range. Instead of worrying about these, it is better to prepare in advance. Although he is really powerful..."

Carl opened the book cover he carried with him, and then flipped through it casually. A steady stream of manuscripts scattered from the book cover, "But there is a saying that my sword is not bad."

The third item was also perfectly solved by Carl at this moment. These alchemical manuscripts can fully support the operation of a pure-blood family.

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