"No... no problem." As the saying goes, a man who knows the times is a hero. Obviously, the stall owner in front of him is also a hero.

He slowly raised his hand without too much resistance.

In fact, he knew that he had miscalculated as soon as the man on the opposite side made a move. This kind of reaction speed and magic without a stick are not what an ordinary young master should have.

And it is not what most wizards should have.

Especially the sword he held against his neck. The stall owner could see that even most wizards disdain to use physical weapons.

But the stall owner could still see that this was a very top-grade sword, and it was a sword that had at least touched many lives, but the young man's hand was indeed inconsistent with the temperament and the sword in his hand.

Holding a sword and a stick for a long time should have thin calluses, at least it should not be so delicate and smooth.

This is a strange person, but there are many strange people like this in the black market. The stall owner has no intention of exploring other people's secrets. The most important thing is that his life now seems to be in the hands of the other party.

But the other party does not seem to want to kill him.

He now hoped that this man would not go all out and directly rob his wand.

After all, he knew that the junk on his stall was just some simple leftovers, relying on tricking novices to occasionally get a big one.

The only decent one besides the one in the man's hand was the one he held.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to buy things, how could I do such an immoral thing as robbing someone's things?" The young man seemed to be aware of his thoughts, his voice was jumpy, and there was an unknown tone.

It might sound funny just by listening, but his sword was still standing beside his throat at this time, "Of course, of course, you can tell at a glance that the gentleman is a person of noble character."

"For your noble character, I will give you this wand, you just pretend you have never seen me, how about it?" The stall owner still didn't dare to move, and Carl looked at his expression and didn't insist on paying.

"That's great, stall owner, you are such a good person, but next time you blackmail someone, you'd better look carefully at the target." Carl slowly put away the Galaxy Sword, and finally he immediately put the Galaxy Sword into the space. In the stall owner's perspective, the sword that the young man originally carried in his hand disappeared the moment he let go.

"Is this still an alchemical product?" The stall owner's original cautious look suddenly disappeared when he saw the Galaxy Sword disappear. He even looked at the place where the Galaxy Sword disappeared with some excitement.

"It's nothing, just a convenient weapon that I found occasionally." Well, in the mine, I fought against more than a dozen bats and flying snakes, took more than a dozen bottles of medicine, and finally "occasionally" found a "convenient" weapon.

Carl's tone of voice was unusually Versailles. In fact, he also knew that he was in Versailles. Even if the popular sword did not have the characteristic of being able to be stored in space, it was still a rare divine weapon.

Carl had tested it, and he could even penetrate the scales of the basilisk. Of course, he didn't really poke the basilisk. Carl took off his shed scales for the test.

It is worthy of being the only magic weapon I got in exchange for the five-colored fragment. The dozen bottles of medicine were worth it.

The light in the stall owner's eyes did not go out after Carl spoke, but became even brighter.

"Don't say that. Can you show me the sword again? Even if it's just a glance, I didn't look at it carefully just now. If you promise me, I can give you the remaining bundle of magic wands!"

His tone can almost be regarded as fanatical. Carl can see that emotion in his eyes. He has always been good at distinguishing other people's emotions.

Is it a love for weapons? No... You can tell at a glance that the Galaxy Sword is not an ordinary sword. This person became fanatical because he found that the Galaxy Sword is a product of alchemy.

It's alchemy...

But Carl still didn't plan to take out the Galaxy Sword. He didn't know where this man came from, and he looked a little gloomy. Carl instinctively didn't want to have too much communication with such a person. "Come on, Mr. Stall Owner, your bundle of magic wands is almost half broken, and the remaining half is almost all failures and the inner core of the magic wand is exposed. What's the use of your magic wand? Go back to chop wood and make tea?"

"In that case, I'll take my leave." After confirming that he was going to leave, Carl slowly moved the foot that had just stepped on the magic wand.

He planned to leave. Since he got the magic wand, he would start to investigate the operation mode of the nearby black market. He needed to sell some alchemical products quietly to attract attention, but he must not reveal his identity.

"Hey, wait, wait, sir, are you really not going to show me that sword? Even if you don't like that pile of scrap copper and iron, I have other things to show you."I can give it to you!" The stall owner stood up and stopped Carl's way without caring about the wand he had just treasured.

"Is this your first day at the black market?" The stall owner had no weapon in his hand, but Carl still stroked the wand he had just received vigilantly.

"Hey... don't rush to refute, I can help you..." As if he noticed Carl's vigilance, the stall owner slowly said, "In fact, it is very easy to distinguish, because even if people have only been to Knockturn Alley three or four times, in most cases they will not come to me to buy wands."

"Most of the kickbacks I take are fat sheep who come here for the first time, and your temperament..."

"Of course you are not a lamb that can be manipulated." The stall owner took back the inappropriate words just now almost the next second, and in fact, what he said was really sincere.

"After all, you are very skilled and your wandless magic is superb, but you really don't look like a tourist who often visits Knockturn Alley. ", the stall owner waved his hand, indicating that he had no weapon in his hand and was a very harmless person.

"But you must have come here for something. If you are willing to let me see your accessories, I will be happy to be your tour guide. ", the stall owner smiled and promoted himself to Carl. He eloquently said many unwritten rules of the black market and described the general layout of Knockturn Alley.

I knew he was an old hand at first. In the end, the stall owner said to keep half and half, looking at Carl with expectant eyes. Carl knew what he wanted to see.

In fact, if it's just for observation, there's nothing wrong, and he really needs a tour guide.

Carl waved his hand and took out the Galaxy Sword again. After Carl took the Galaxy Sword out of his backpack with his mind, the dark purple sword appeared in his hand.

"Okay, you're right, I do need a tour guide. If it's just for observation, go ahead, but then...", Carl took the Galaxy Sword in his hand, but didn't hand it to the stall owner.

Just for observation, then there's no need to hand it over.

"That's natural, I know everything. ", the stall owner didn't care whether Carl handed him the Galaxy Sword. Even if he didn't touch it and just looked at it, the part of his soul that loved alchemy was burning.

Whose work is this? It's amazing! Hundreds of intertwined magic arrays complement each other. Although the material of the sword body is unknown, it is obviously an excellent material. He can even channel magic power and let the magic power run in the sword body.

If he can make this sword today, he is willing to die tomorrow.

The stall owner fumbled with the sword body obsessively, and then he was cut by the sharp blade of the Galaxy Sword, but he seemed to feel no pain.

Wow, why does this person feel so strange? What's strange? Carl looked at the expression of the man in front of him. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he had goose bumps in his heart.

"Have you seen enough?" Carl drew back the sword. He always felt that showing the Galaxy Sword to this man for another second would be disrespectful to the sword.

"Ah..." The stall owner who was forcibly interrupted showed a bit of regret on his face, "It's okay even if I can look at it for a while longer, right?"

The stall owner's eyes were still only glued to the Galaxy Sword. This was the first time he regretted not being able to study the lethal spells properly and wasting all his energy on alchemy. Otherwise, maybe he could kill and rob today...

"Are you thinking about something dangerous? I want to make it clear that even if you find a few more people, you still can't beat me. ", this is Carl's confidence in himself. He can fight two dinosaurs in the mine and chop a few flying snakes. Even fighting with people is no problem.

However, when Carl said this, he did not continue to threaten the stall owner with the Galaxy Sword, but just slowly pointed at him with the wand he just got.

This is a very dangerous person, the stall owner thought again in his heart. Even without the blood-stained sword, his magic spells can be seen alone. It is extremely skilled and powerful.

This one fell to the ground, probably breaking three of his ribs.

"Nothing, of course it's nothing. ", the stall owner waved his hand, trying to express his harmlessness. At the same time, he also knew that he could not beat this man with just the skilled wandless disarmament.

A vendor at the bottom of Knockturn Alley like himself could not know a few big men with superior skills. Even if he found them, he would not get any benefit by colluding with them to rob.

But if he could maintain a good relationship with the man in front of him, maybe he could look at the sword for a little longer.

"Then sir, let me introduce you to the most basic layout of Knockturn Alley. I don't need to say much about the few stores introduced. They are the few relatively good ones in Knockturn Alley.It's a formal place, but the goods are very ordinary. If you want to get some good goods, you have to go to those individual dealers privately..."

The stall owner naturally regarded Carl as a customer who wanted to find good goods. After all, even if he couldn't see the clothes under his black robe clearly, just by looking at the shiny and expensive cloth outside, he knew that Carl was basically rich or noble, otherwise he wouldn't think of blackmailing him.

"What are you looking for? Although I don't have much contact with those vendors, I know a little bit about who has what good things." The stall owner rubbed his fingers and approached Carl with some flattering intentions.

"No, I didn't come here to buy things. ", Carl replied.

The vendor pondered for a moment, then immediately reacted, "Selling things? That's fine, you can also let me sell..."

This is his professional counterpart, whether it is reselling or cheating, he is very good at it, but Carl on the opposite side looked at the stall owner and didn't buy it.

"Come on, the things I want to sell are still precious, you can hardly keep them. ", Carl smiled and planned to leave.

He had just learned the general layout of Knockturn Alley from the stall owner, and asked him to check it out first.

As for the stall owner, it was not that Carl looked down on him, but he was caught off guard by his weapon and didn't even have a chance to resist...

Let alone Carl just met him, and was even mistaken for a fat sheep to be slaughtered. Even if Carl knew him, he would not be at ease selling his things.


However, even if Carl knew a little about the layout of Knockturn Alley and its relationship with wizards, his way to check it out was still a bit difficult. After leaving the stall owner's stall, he came to several small stalls in the corner. As a result, without exception, they were all treated as young masters who went out for fun. Eight out of ten families blackmailed him, and even robbed him of money and sex.

Although eleven out of the ten families were beaten up by him , but what Carl is doing today is obviously not to use force to open the door to the new world.

If this continues, the first thing that will spread among the dark wizards will not be the appearance of a young and mysterious alchemist in Knockturn Alley recently.

But the appearance of a young master of magic assassins in Knockturn Alley...

It's really unlucky. Should I buy a pair of gloves to cover myself more tightly? I just don't know if I will be blackmailed or molested by the store owner again on the way to buy gloves.

Thinking of this, Carl decided to buy some more protective gear, but just as he walked through the alley and planned to take a shortcut to the store, he was suddenly attracted by a burst of noise next to him.

A group of people surrounded a man, and the leader, who looked ferocious, grabbed the man's collar and said viciously, "You damn guy, I finally caught you. "

Carl couldn't see the face of the man being grabbed, but he didn't want to bother with such trivial matters. After all, there were too many money and goods in the black market. Carl was in no mood to be a judge. He just wanted to quickly complete the purpose of his trip, check the location and sell some alchemical products safely.

But obviously, things didn't go as he wished. The man being grabbed suddenly saw Carl, and he immediately shouted excitedly, "Hey, sir, are you here? Come and save me!"

The man's voice was very familiar. Carl turned around. Oh my god, wasn't that the unlucky shop owner who had just tried to blackmail him but failed?

The fierce man who grabbed the shop owner was distracted by the stall owner's scream. With this panic, the stall owner quickly got rid of the man's control and almost flew to Carl.

"Sir, I'm doing things for you, you can't just leave me alone!!! ", the stall owner's accusation made men silent and women cry. If the person being accused was not himself, he would definitely applaud for this wonderful performance.

Obviously, this damn profiteer wanted to divert the blame.

"Do I know you?" Carl's tone was a little smiling, but he was not the sunny and cheerful big boy he usually was. Instead, he sounded a bit like a cold and poisonous snake that could bite people at any time.

The stall owner listened to Carl's coercion but did not restrain himself. Instead, he continued to perform more and more vigorously, "That can't be done. The money I defrauded them is all on you! You must save me!"

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