However, Carl would not be able to let Regulus and Fuleli meet, because Fuleli's work would be a little dangerous. For Regulus, it would be better not to let them meet for the time being.

Carl said goodbye to Fuleli with this thought in mind, and planned to find Regulus. The place where he and Regulus agreed to meet was the normal Diagon Alley.

Carl did not take off the ring, or even the cloak. Regulus knew what he was doing, and he had seen Carl's adult body several times.

"Senior Carlos?" Regulus came over when he saw Carl coming from a distance.

"Regulus, good afternoon." Carl and Regulus greeted each other briefly. They came to talk about Mr. and Mrs. Black, that is, their parents.

"Is it going well?" Regulus said nervously. After all, this is about the future of his second half of life, and his expression can be seen.

"It's going well. It will probably be completed in a few months. Then we can move on to the next step.", which refers to throwing out the alchemical products that can be used for treatment.

"But it will be very hard for you to do it alone. You need me...", Regulus is indeed a considerate and good child. He wants to do something within his ability, or even something beyond his ability. He will want to try it.

"I have developed a downline, it should be no problem. You just need to stabilize your parents.", Carl said.

"No problem, I will. At least my parents will not send me to see Voldemort before this time next year.", Regulus said.

"How did you do it?", Carl asked curiously. It was really strange that during the summer vacation, they were very active in wanting to pull Regulus.

"Because Sirius...", Regulus said.

"In fact, since the summer vacation, my brother has become 'normal' in my mother's eyes. He even went to a pure-blood family dinner yesterday with great courtesy and performed well."

"Mom is hesitating. Even though Sirius is a Gryffindor, the energy he spent from childhood to the age of eleven is much more than what I have spent from the age of eleven to now, and much more." There is an illusion that the sunk cost is to be recovered.

Of course they will start to hesitate. In fact, Sirius's talent for spells and transfiguration is much higher than Regulus.

For them, Regulus may be more suitable.

If he can turn back from his mistakes...

"So that's it..."

Carl talked a lot more with Regulus, and probably explained everything.

But at this moment...

"Wow, this despicable man dared to abduct my innocent brother. I will kill him!!! Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!" Sirius twisted darkly in the corner.

He felt something was wrong when Regulus sneaked out of the house in the morning, so he immediately picked up James and followed him stealthily.

As a result, he saw Regulus secretly talking to a man in black.

The wand in Sirius's hand was glowing red, and just when he was impulsive and wanted to A, he saw that no one was stopping him.

"Wait, no one is stopping me? Strange...", he realized at this time that Carl, who should have stopped him, was not here. That's right, Carl is probably at home now, and they didn't call him.

"Brother, I support you, let's go up and beat him together!" James was ready to fight.

Sirius, who was not stopped by anyone, got a little bit of reason. No, no, no, this guy in black robe is an adult, and his strength is unknown.

If he goes up rashly, it will bring danger to everyone.

And Regulus...

"Forget it, we will follow quietly. If Regulus is okay, we won't go out." These days, he has been forbearing to do things he doesn't like.

He also became more rational and did not let himself go too much.

He should discuss this matter with everyone in private.

"Is that so? I thought we could fight..." James was obviously very dissatisfied with Sirius's decision, but he did not object to Sirius. The two followed Regulus all the way, mainly to ensure Regulus' safety.

After Carl arranged the work in Knockturn Alley, he could go home. The Christmas holiday passed very quickly. After all, there were only a few days, and he left enough alchemical products for Furrley.

However, when he returned to school, he had a chance to sneak out, even during school. He had used Apparition once in a crisis. As long as he went from the Shrieking Shack to Hogsmeade during school, he could solve the problem perfectly.

However... Carl still felt that he should do alchemical research well., he was looking at different types of manuscripts in a trance while eating, as if immersed in it.

This was also a helpless solution. Fuerli was too inexperienced. If Carl's alchemical products could not keep up, it would be easy to cause the plan to fail halfway.

Occasionally, he would sneak out of the dormitory in the middle of the night to the secret room with the disillusionment spell to develop. With thick panda eyes, he didn't know what he got after spending money and working hard. Was it happiness?

But this was of course a joke. Carl knew that this was all for himself, so he could only cheer up with a drowsy look and conduct experiments.

But this was of course very tiring. Obviously, accidents always happen suddenly at this time.

For example, after the ancient runes get out of class today, Carl relied on potions to recover his energy. Although his spirit was a little erratic, he still had some physical strength.

He answered Professor Baburin's questions perfectly, and was used as a model to play with on a daily basis. There was probably nothing to do.

When Carl was about to leave the classroom for the next class, Professor Baburin suddenly called him, "Carl?"

"What's wrong, Professor Baburin." Carl turned around. He planned to go back to the dormitory and have a good sleep after learning the spells in the next class.

"Oh, the next class is Filius's spells class, right?" Professor Baburin said. Yes, it is indeed Professor Flitwick's spells class, but why did Professor Baburin ask this?

"Nothing, but I remember you know all the spells in the next class, right? So I negotiated with Professor Flitwick. The next class is the ancient runes for the third grade. I think you can assist me from the side." Professor Baburin said.

But can't you do it yourself? Teaching the third grade should not be a difficult task. Even if you can force yourself to teach, for Professor Baburin.

"Just a few dozen minutes, you can leave early for the rest of the time. You should have reached a bottleneck in your studies recently, right? But even so, you should have a good rest." Yes, Professor Pablo was just trying to buy Carl a reasonable amount of time to slack off. He could see that the kid seemed a little nervous recently, although he didn't know how much hardship he had encountered. But now, he needs a rest. "Really? Wow, there is such a good thing! Professor Baburin, you are my real professor." Of course, Carl saw what Professor Baburin meant. It was so happy to have an extra hour of lunch break for no reason. "The next class is about to start. Just help me look at the students' questions. Simple translation is easy for you." Professor Baburin estimated that the time was almost up, and exchanged a wave of information for Carl. About five minutes later, students appeared in the classroom one after another. Because ancient runes were too niche, they were not divided into two colleges. After all, the number of people studying each time could be counted on two hands. Carl counted them briefly, there were about three or four Slytherins, five or six Ravenclaws, one Hufflepuff, Gryffindor...

Wow, there is not one!

How amazing!

Well, in fact, it is more or less normal for Gryffindor to choose this subject. After all, it is a slow process and it takes a long time to produce results. Gryffindor is not naturally suitable for this kind of thing.

Of course, Regulus is also among them. He didn't want to choose him at first, but Carl is very good at this. It is more or less a waste if he doesn't go to class when he has a one-on-one free private tutor.

Carl can also teach runes while teaching spells. Regulus is an extremely smart and spiritual child, so it is very convenient.

However, due to the presence of other Slytherins, Carl did not go up to greet Regulus too intimately. After all, these Slytherins are very difficult to deal with, and they will definitely talk about Regulus's closeness to Muggle-born wizards.

Even if they didn't dare to discuss it in front of him, it would have a bad impact on Regulus. You know, they went to tutor privately and avoided people because some Slytherin guys were too abstract.

"Well... there's nothing wrong with this place, it's done well, Black." Although he usually called Regulus, it would be more appropriate to call him by his last name now.

As expected of the child he taught, he was so smart. Although he knew that this matter was not entirely his credit, Carl was still a little happy.

There was nothing else. After all, his basic skills were quite solid, and he could handle this simple guidance easily.

"Senior Koster, please help me take a look at this", suddenly a girl's voice interrupted Carl's thoughts, he heard the voice, and immediately walked over.

A cute little witch with chestnut hair and brown eyes was holding kraft paper, her figure was a little thin, although she was wearing brand new clothes, but she didn't know why, her cheeks didn't have the curve that a girl should have, or baby fat or something.

Although not sick, but definitely didn't eat well and have enough.

Just after the festival, why did this child look listless? Carl felt a little distressed, but the girl's face seemed a little familiar, he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

But at first glance, he couldn't remember it at all.

But this is not what Carl should think about now, maybe they met once in Diagon Alley?

Thinking of this, Carl gave up the idea and began to say seriously, "What's wrong? What's the problem, junior?"

She seemed a little embarrassed and pointed to one of the questions for Carl to see.

"Here, it's very strange, I can't translate it, it should be like this, right?" The girl pointed to a place and Carl looked over.

Oh, a very basic and very niche question, the word is wrong, this character has a double meaning, and people often confuse it.

"This, this is confused, this word does not mean numerous, but increase." Carl looked at the word a little strange.

"But Professor Baburin should not have mentioned this other usage. You probably have to learn all the basic vocabulary before you can learn this more niche usage, right? ", this is a bit like Fuerli. Carl knew that he liked alchemy, so he gave him some guidance.

It can only be said that this guy really loves it, but that's all, because his foundation is very fragmented, especially since he dropped out of school midway, and he didn't learn the usage of many words at all.

He often uses words incorrectly.

Just like now, Carl looked at the girl's brown paper, ignored the basic logic for some reason, and then tried to use the unconventional one.

Well, wait a minute?

This familiar operational error, this familiar value is wrong.

Carl glanced at the girl again, as if he could see why he felt familiar with her. At this glance, this little girl looks like Fuerli, with different hair and eye colors, but the contours of the face, nose and eyes are very similar.

Carl thought and answered the girl's question. In the end, he couldn't help but ask, "What's your name?"

As if she didn't expect Carl to ask him, the girl was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she quickly answered, "Emmeline Vance. "

"Who told you how to use this word? The professor didn't tell you." Carl asked with a little doubt.

"Is there any problem?" The girl almost panicked immediately.

"No, it's great. Although it's wrong, it's a way to expand your knowledge. And the usage is very unconventional. The person who taught you should have a certain foundation, right?" Carl smiled.

The girl was infected by Carl's smiling expression and gradually became less nervous. Her eyes seemed to think of something, and then lit up, "Yes, it's my brother. I like him very much! He is super awesome!"

A feeling of being so sure filled Carl's brain, but he didn't say anything else, just nodded, and then left.

It took about 20 to 30 minutes, and Professor Baburin felt that the time was almost up, so he planned to let Carl leave.

But just as Carl was about to leave, Baburin stopped him again, "Carl, there is one more thing."

"What? ", Carl looked over in confusion.

Professor Baburin looked at Carl with a curious and gratified expression, "Why did you ask Miss Vance's name just now?"

Just ask, why? Carl rubbed his head in confusion, because the lack of rest made his brain work a little slower.

"Nothing, but Carl, you are not the type who likes to have too much contact with strangers.", it is true. After all, although Carl treats his friends very well, he has almost no impulse to expand his circle of friends.

So Professor Baburin thinks there is something wrong.

"Do you like that girl?"

"It's okay...", can it be considered like or not? If he didn't seem to know Fuerli, he wouldn't ask, just simply asking, after all, Fuerli is his only offline now.

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