"Penny..." Carl led everyone to the living room and went into the kitchen alone, intending to talk to Penny. As a result, the two said at the same time. "Don't be sad."

Carl and Penny were stunned at the same time. Carl waved his hands and asked Penny, "Wait, wait, wait, what do you think I am sad about?"

Penny looked confused and said, "Oh, because you are going to be a wizard, so I think you must be very sad, because the studies of wizards plus the studies of ordinary people."

"I think Carl, you must not have the opportunity to get in touch with cooking more." Penny came over, and the blonde girl in the kitchen patted the black-haired boy on the shoulder with a slightly regretful tone.

"But you still have to go to Hogwarts. You are a wizard after all. If you don't study wizard studies well, it will be bad for you." Penny saw Carl who was stunned and thought he was too sad. She comforted him quickly, "If you want, I will teach you the cooking skills bit by bit when you come back during the holidays."

I want to be a biscuit master. How come I don't know that poor little Carl was played around by Mr. Cece [Tom's attitude]. He finally knew why Penny dragged him to the dessert house as an apprentice every day.

It felt like this was what his hateful old father said to Penny two years ago. Seeing that Carl was stunned, of course Carl was brainstorming at this time, and Penny didn't know, so she continued to explain.

"I see you are always in a daze these days." That's because I'm going through the plot.

"And sometimes I feel a little melancholy." That's because I thought of the death of Lily and Sever.

"And sigh from time to time." That's me thinking about how to reverse the plot!

This is a beautiful misunderstanding, but if Penny's focus is here, he won't refute it.

Although he didn't refute anything, Carl still asked slightly, "Don't you want to go to Hogwarts? I thought you retreated in melancholy because you couldn't go to Hogwarts."

Penny was confused. Although she was jealous of Lily's special abilities when she was a child, she was a little alienated from her sister. However, after Carl's company and Cece's enlightenment, as well as the teaching of Grandma Dale on baking, her extracurricular life has been completely occupied by baking classes and studies. Magic? Excuse me for being frank. The small flames generated by magic are not as stable as ovens.

You see, there is nothing I can't compare to Lily. Lily has magic, which is just an ability. I just don't have it. You see, Lily doesn't have superb baking skills, right? The cookies she makes are always not as good as mine. Thinking of this, Penny puffed up her chest.

"Why should I go to Hogwarts? I'm not a wizard. If I were, what would I do if I really went to Grandma Dale?"

Carl looked at him, "Why did you leave so sadly just now?"

"I'm worried that you can't devote yourself to the ocean of baking. Your skills are not very good now. If you don't practice often..."

Penny stretched out a finger and shook it, "As for why you left, Carl, please make way for me, okay? My cookies are baked, and there are three seconds left."




As expected, the oven made a ding sound after Penny finished speaking. Penny walked past Carl, took the cloth heat-insulating gloves, opened the oven, sniffed the fragrance of the cookies, and visually estimated the degree of baking. "Oh, just right, I'm really good."

"Are you really not concerned? Penny." Although Carl believed most of it, he was still worried about Penny.

"Of course not..." Penny was about to say something but suddenly stopped, then changed the subject and said, "Oh, I am a little sad, but if Carl can bring me desserts from the magic world..."

"Of course!" Carl knew that Penny was joking, and happily agreed. The cookies had cooled down by then. Carl washed his hands and helped Penny put the cookies into plates and small cloth bags. They could be eaten after dinner, and some should be brought to Penny and Lily's parents.

Four children and four adults, but the atmosphere now is much better than three years ago. Just after they finished eating and cleaned up, there was a knock on the door.

Cece went to open the door, and an elderly lady wearing a green wizard hat stood behind the door. "Hello, Mr. Coster, I am a professor from Hogwarts, my name is Minerva McGonagall."

Carl jumped off the table immediately after hearing the voice, followed by Lily and Leah, and Sever and Penny were calm and not surprised, and walked behind.

"Oh, hello, Professor McGonagall!" Carl immediately greeted Professor McGonagall happily. He liked this professor who looked serious but occasionally revealed her interesting nature. At least before he knew Snape's identity as a double agent, she was his favorite professor.

"Hello, Mr. Coster." McGonagall nodded and looked at Lily and Sever behind him. "You are all here. I am here to take you.Going to Diagon Alley to buy the necessary items, I hope I didn't disturb you?"

"Of course not, Professor McGonagall!" Lily was also very active. She couldn't wait to go to Diagon Alley. Buy a wand of her own? Great! "Lily, this is your future teacher. Calm down and be polite." Penny pulled Lily's sleeve. Mr. and Mrs. Evans looked at the interaction of their two daughters kindly. In recent years, Penny and Lily have a better relationship.

"Then let's go? "McGonagall nodded and wanted to take the group to Diagon Alley. The adults opened their wallets. Well... I heard that pounds can be exchanged for the currency of the wizarding world. Cece took more because she didn't know the exchange rate.

There were too many people, and half of them were young wizards, plus a Muggle cub, Petunia, so McGonagall didn't use Apparition, but asked the two families to drive together, one for Mr. Evans and one for Cece, which was just enough to take everyone.

Of course, the Evans family sat together, plus three suitcases for things. Professor McGonagall sat in the car of Carl's family, plus a little Sever. The car started, and Carl looked at the scenery that flashed by, and his thoughts returned to the time when he first arrived at this place.

"Carl...Carl..." Sever saw that Carl was in a daze again and immediately pulled him. Carl realized his loss of composure and immediately made a joke to make up for it, "Sever? Oh, are you lonely because I didn't talk to you?"

"Don't come on, what are you worried about? "Severus could see that every time Carl was in a daze, his eyes would slowly fall into a kind of panic and panic that he couldn't get rid of, giving people the illusion that if he didn't wake him up, he would sink into the deep sea.

"Nothing..." Carl laughed. Severus didn't want to force him to say it, but just said, "No matter what you are thinking, you are still a child now, aren't you? It's a bit too early."

Severus' hair was slightly floating because of the wind blowing through the car window. He is now very different from Severus Snape. Yes, I changed the young Severus, didn't I? It's too early to worry.

"Thank you..." Carl's voice was so low that Severus didn't hear it, but Severus heard the next sentence completely, "But Sever, you are also a child, hahahaha."

"Shut up!"

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